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That is an interesting abuse of that particular understanding.

If you could only see yourself through more mature eyes, but the young usually think that they have a fresh perspective.
We’ve been there, and grown beyond it.
These principles came from older gentlemen the younger guys would never understand this nor would they want to
I looked this up too whoremongers and fornication translate to the same thing if I'm aware
The purpose of sex is to have children, and raise them up for our Master - Yahushua. Which means teaching them the Word through faith in the Messiah. How would you be accomplishing that by sleeping around? Prostitutes or one night stands - same thing. Yahushua said there are prostitutes entering the Kingdom, because they repented. You seem not to want them to repent, but use them for sex.

If you're not ready for marriage - continue to work on yourself until you're ready.

There’s plenty of men that we know are in the Kingdom, and they are the examples of faith we need to imitate.
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The purpose of sex is to have children, and raise them up for our Master - Yahushua. Which means teaching them the Word through faith in the Messiah. How would you be accomplishing that by sleeping around? Prostitutes or one night stands - same thing. Yahushua said there are prostitutes entering the Kingdom, because they repented. You seem not to want them to repent, but use them for sex.

If you're not ready for marriage - continue to work on yourself until you're ready.

There’s plenty of men that we know are in the Kingdom, and they are the examples of faith we need to imitate.
2:24 shows that the purpose of sex is morre than children. Yeah your right I'm not ready for marriage. Though I never said anything about one night stands never said anything about me banging prostitutes. So
What about 1 Corinthians chapter 6? Do you not see that passage as clearly labeling whoremongering as fornication? If you’ve already answered this, let me know and I will look for your post.
Let me be clear - we are not to use prostitutes, and scripture is absolutely clear on that. That is God's instruction for our lives. Don't use prostitutes.

However, when it comes to the laws of a country, in the national laws given in the Bible (through Moses) there was no punishment for prostitution. Therefore it was not a crime, it was not something to be enforced by the secular government. Which is why two prostitutes could go to Solomon and get fair judgement for their dispute rather than just being stoned.

So prostitution should be legal, by which I mean the government shouldn't be tasked with stopping people doing it. It shouldn't be a crime with a punishment. But we still shouldn't do it, and it is the job of the Church to stop it through education and compassionate charity.
Let me be clear - we are not to use prostitutes, and scripture is absolutely clear on that. That is God's instruction for our lives. Don't use prostitutes.

However, when it comes to the laws of a country, in the national laws given in the Bible (through Moses) there was no punishment for prostitution. Therefore it was not a crime, it was not something to be enforced by the secular government. Which is why two prostitutes could go to Solomon and get fair judgement for their dispute rather than just being stoned.

So prostitution should be legal, by which I mean the government shouldn't be tasked with stopping people doing it. It shouldn't be a crime with a punishment. But we still shouldn't do it, and it is the job of the Church to stop it through education and compassionate charity.
Oh ok, I think I see what you are saying. You are sort of categorizing it similarly to coveting, definitely a sin, but not something the government should enforce? I could see that. I’ll have to ponder on that.

From a moral standpoint Scripture is clear that it is sin.
Let's be real for a second when we die nobody will remember us. After a generation or two were or less we're lost to history. Yes God gave us life to enjoy but I'm wise enough to know it's all vanity like saul says at the end of the day. This is why I always say without God life would have zero meaning. Since it's the only way anything we do will actually count.
This is the first time I've ever seen a coherent Christian nihilism expressed. Well done!
The thing is relationships really shouldn't be hard. Plus women are more attracted to men who have other women already
Little column A little column B

I don't disagree with any of the broad strokes.
We do have the practical aspects of cultural indoctrination which have been going since Roman times.
Hell's bells...look at when the big fight was going on while the initial push for gay marriage was being pushed. All the evangelical types who were pushing back in large part were beating the "marriage is one man and one woman".
What? How in the hell are the plygs getting thrown under the gay bus?

For at least a couple hundred years now woman have had the notion of the romantic ideal of love and marriage...which I think is great as I married for love with both my wives but it was not the norm in the past...the idea of all being special princesses and now more recently we have radical feminism where not only do women not need men, they can bounce from one to the other and Never consider the advantages of sharing....sharing? Eeeew...that is like probably like fare rigjt wing racist cis'normative like fascism or like whatever

The only sharing I see now or being attracted to guys who have partner is wanting to be a side chick or not being interested in any guys but the top upper 5-10% who are bunching from woman to woman

Unpopular opinion but I see the polygyny question (depending on one's motivation) as a good proxy for IQ in the current times.
Hmm you may think that but the woman's job is to serve the man. The woman was made for the man not the man for the woman but nowadays we have this backwards. I implore you to read the story of the skittles man where the only thing he gave his woman is a bag of skittles and she still loved him even though she did everything for him. When a child is being insubordinate do you set there and try to negotiate with them? Of course not you punish them or send them to their room.
Me being somewhat more full of whimsy than most, I find myself wondering how many based Bettys I could attract with steaks rather than silly bags of candy
Hell's bells...look at when the big fight was going on while the initial push for gay marriage was being pushed. All the evangelical types who were pushing back in large part were beating the "marriage is one man and one woman".
What? How in the hell are the plygs getting thrown under the gay bus?
You kinda hit the 'Hot Button' with this one - even though it's a bit "OT" (so is most of the thread by now... ;) )

ONE 'marriage' is "one man and one woman." It's just that a man may have more than one.

Yet - that is EXACTLY the kind of subtlety that is completely lost on those who can't read at 6th grade level for comprehension (Uh Oh! I just described at about half of the USSC! And ALL of the Whore House that is still painted white.)

And the Constitution was written so the average American at the time could understand every bit. See where Dumbing Down eventually leads? Even senility is no excuse any more...

But, hey - I think all of that ends up being related right back to the main point of: Prostitution!!!! The kind I have the biggest problem with, personally, are the Whores who take money to kill people and destroy the Rule of Law.
You kinda hit the 'Hot Button' with this one - even though it's a bit "OT" (so is most of the thread by now... ;) )

ONE 'marriage' is "one man and one woman." It's just that a man may have more than one.

Yet - that is EXACTLY the kind of subtlety that is completely lost on those who can't read at 6th grade level for comprehension (Uh Oh! I just described at about half of the USSC! And ALL of the Whore House that is still painted white.)

And the Constitution was written so the average American at the time could understand every bit. See where Dumbing Down eventually leads? Even senility is no excuse any more...

But, hey - I think all of that ends up being related right back to the main point of: Prostitution!!!! The kind I have the biggest problem with, personally, are the Whores who take money to kill people and destroy the Rule of Law.
Shouldn't you have put the reply over in based memes?
Just wait 'till they haven't eaten anything but Bill's Bugs for a month or two.
About that..

I should go back to my new ranked criteria post and add something like Wanted-devoted plig wife. Must love kids and the idea of raising our own beef.

No bug paste allowed.