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Random Comments

It appears that Elon is messing with accounts which disagree with him - which certainly goes against the free speech mantra.
If true, quite disappointing.
Could be, still means win for American nation lovers, freedom lovers etc....

Basically, Vice Presidents has posted America is nation (and not economic zone) which implies taking side of populus.

Vibes are that Right Populus has beaten Musk and Viven over H1B migration. Incoming Indians are verboten.
It appears that Elon is messing with accounts which disagree with him - which certainly goes against the free speech mantra.
If true, quite disappointing.
Not surprising one bit. “By their fruit you shall know them.” The apostle Paul warns followers that the adversary and his followers “disguise” themselves as angels of light. Recent tweet by Trump alludes to Bill Gates coming to his New Year’s party. Two sides of the same coin - all part of the club - and all doing their part to steamroll the world into the new world order. Kill millions of us, and then have the top 2% rule the rest.

That outfit is called “Devil’s Champion.” Is one of the richest men in the world showing who his true allegiance is to? His mother is also a Freemason, and Musk pushes for the new world order. This type of stuff the Christian alt media doesn’t like to talk about, which leads me to believe they are controlled opposition.

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I have posted bunch of links to nitter.net. Well, they haven't worked for some time.

They can be fixed by replacing nitter.net in URL with x.com.
That was The Revolting Mans point. The 2 world wars skew the numbers, and make it statistically an anomaly.
Exactly! So many families were wiped out in those horror shows. We forget how horrific both of those wars were, the worst in history and fought all through densely populated civilian areas.
At same time, this forum has highest concentration of "unable to change my mind" people.

IMHO this forum has the highest concentration of people who are accustomed to defending their lifestyle choices and beliefs on a near daily basis. Such people are not easily swayed by the arguments of those who do not demonstrate the same standards of sacrifice, values, and fortitude as is required to live this life.
Guys, how do you function well at all at retreats?

I mean, they keep happening, so they must be good.

At same time, this forum has highest concentration of "unable to change my mind" people.
There generally isn’t time for debates around tertiary issues at the retreat. We major on the majors.

So called “meat space” is a very different environment than cyber space. It’s much harder to get insulted when you can hear someone’s tone and see the smile in their eyes. Very few people actually have ill will.
IMHO this forum has the highest concentration of people who are accustomed to defending their lifestyle choices and beliefs on a near daily basis. Such people are not easily swayed by the arguments of those who do not demonstrate the same standards of sacrifice, values, and fortitude as is required to live this life.

Over here flexing with my mashup of low agreeability, highly evolved sense of self, surety of topic knowledge and experience grounding and pounding in debates since Christ was a corporal.
Trying to imagine the idea of not hand waving away the opinion of chuckle-headed bumpkins who wish to question my family structure.
Don't imagine that this is a particularly unusual position for men who choose polygamy based on pure motives
Thread was rolled back, to where it was actually Random Comments, not personal attacks. Guys, if your comments are not useful to people trying to learn more about patriarchy and plural marriage, then they may be removed, if they are down right detrimental to the purpose, then maybe you shouldn't participate here, nobody is making you stay.