• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

From Staff Real People

Us’ns that have been around for a while before the tags could figure out how long it took before we had them, and when someone pipes up we can say something like “Look, young feller” (or lady), it took me 9 years to get my tag, what’s your hurry?”
I was here over ten years before "Real Person" labels were introduced.

I agree with many comments... the labels might bring home to new visitors that we are real people (even if the sweet lady that is my sw still seems too good to be true) and yes, this is very real for many of us.....though it may seem unimaginable to newbies.

Welcome to the revolution! We are going back to traditional living!

Here's a patriarchy meme idea...

Got a tribe? Marry into one! =
Here you go! One day I wish to be a real boy!

I did it! I'm a real boy(man-person) now!
I met michealtreeguy on the Men's Chat a couple weeks ago. Does that count? It would kinda be hard to create a bot to mimic him.
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