• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Rent a wife in Thailand.

Because I care about you and would like to see you actually manage to find one wife, which is why I'm actually the one encouraging you to be open to new ideas!

A hyper-focus on finding a polygamy-minded woman is liable to leave you single - you're searching for a unicorn. Most of us married monogamy-minded women, some of whom have grown in their faith to accept polygamy. I don't care if you find her in a church or a bar or at work. I don't care if you are all traditional about how you go about marrying her ("purity culture" as you put it), or if you just decide the two of you are committed and take her to bed. And I honestly don't care if you end up with one wife or five. I'm just sure that God has someone out there for you, and since your present attitude and actions aren't working to find her, I'm encouraging you to think outside the box. It's possible that she might be just outside your current field of vision, or it's possible that it's you who aren't ready for her and God wants you to change in some way before he reveals her.

So don't just listen to people who you think agree with you - it's enjoyable, but you don't learn much that way. Pay closer attention to those who disagree with you, as that's where you're likely to get new ideas.
Thanks on advice and care.

It's be way more relevant if I was actually searching for wife. My life is currently too big mess for such activity.
I currently don't have anything specific. It's your good altitude.
Lol...well cheers for that.

Attention ladies, I am counting that as an endorsement.
Good attitudes available here. Get them while they are hot.

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I often use altitude, because your attitude determines the altitude at which you live life.
A little off the specific topic, but I'm the op so I am exercising my right to derail my thread.

"Thailand’s House of Representatives voted to legalize same-sex marriage, bringing the Southeast Asian nation a step closer to becoming the third territory in Asia to guarantee equal marital rights. The lower house of parliament passed the bill following a third and final reading, with 400 representatives voting in favor."

Asia is going down the same dirt track western countries have gone.
Lots of thoughts and commentary to give...it is a big topic.

As I am recently off of coffee however, you are all spared and I will simply say in a derisive tone LAME
Pretty much all my brain wishes to stretch to currently
Yet, you avoid all the downsides of a real relationship like jealousy, unreasonable demands, drama and so on. If you’re been married before, you know what I’m talking about.
Sounds like plain ole prostitution to me.
I see many downsides to this as opposed to marriage. One being that the young ladies are in extremely vulnerable positions. Having multiple partners is not healthy for the female body or psyche. It also can't do much for the male brain to underutilize his social skills by essentially paying women to play house with him.
Sounds like plain ole prostitution to me.
I see many downsides to this as opposed to marriage. One being that the young ladies are in extremely vulnerable positions. Having multiple partners is not healthy for the female body or psyche. It also can't do much for the male brain to underutilize his social skills by essentially paying women to play house with him.
If it’s exclusive, it fits the qualifications for concubine.
Prostitution renamed to make it respectable. Same as every other corruption; e.g. renaming homosexuality/sodomy and calling it "gay"!
Degenerate swingers coming up with polyamory to insinuate that it is about love and commitment.
*normie voice echoing in his head 'Polygamy is a kind of marriage right? So since they sound kind of alike, it must be more or less the same stuff but maybe without religion or whatever'

Hate that term
I don't think it's safe to consider something you "rent" as exclusive but that's just me lol
Rentals are generally considered exclusive use for the period of the rental. Ie: a house, a car, tools, etc.
Rental is considered temporary ownership, which is a concept in the Jewish understanding of concubines.
Degenerate swingers coming up with polyamory to insinuate that it is about love and commitment.
*normie voice echoing in his head 'Polygamy is a kind of marriage right? So since they sound kind of alike, it must be more or less the same stuff but maybe without religion or whatever'

Hate that term
Actually, I prefer that they use the term polyamory because it identifies them as not really being polygamous in the common understanding of normie christians.
Rentals are generally considered exclusive use for the period of the rental. Ie: a house, a car, tools, etc.
Rental is considered temporary ownership, which is a concept in the Jewish understanding of concubines.
I see a big hole in the notion and it is a cultural perspective issue

They are not viewing things from the same point of view at all.

Maybe they come to the same conclusions and maybe they don't. Maybe it is in a contract?

Apparently what used to be called a mistress ie side girl who one provides for financially and who is exclusively in a relationship with a married man has morphed into "sugar babies"...gross.
From what I am given to understand, these sugar babies will perhaps have one client at a time or they may be juggling nearly a dozen. They are going to be closer to your perspective culturally but definitely different conclusion. So I have to assume that in Thailand the rent a wife may well come with some significant caveats be they spoken or not

I swear this topic full on icks me out but
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Actually, I prefer that they use the term polyamory because it identifies them as not really being polygamous in the common understanding of normie christians.
I think you are giving other people outside of the loop entirely too much credit.
Perhaps it is my lack of the same level of generosity but I would be willing to bet that a significant proportion of jo and jane normie in the neighborhood hear polyxxxx and they start asking about plastic flamingos and pineapple orientation.

I know that sounds silly but I had one of those norms neighbor couples fill me in on the fact that those are poly people signals. After I had it explained and unfurrowed my brow, I pointed out that it certainly was not a thing in the older style poly community ie polygamy community. I was asked if it wasn't really just the same thing in the long run.

All that said...now I want visual signals to put out there and I am more than a little miffed that flamingos are taken. I have an aloha shirt with flamingos and for thst matter I really like fun rum drinks that involve pineapples.

Suggestions? Should be fun symbols that help with branding but don't overtly say hey look at this silhouette of one man with two or more woman. Fun but not overt.
I see a big hole in the notion and it is a cultural perspective issue

They are not viewing things from the same point of view at all.

Maybe they come to the same conclusions and maybe they don't. Maybe it is in a contract?

Apparently what used to be called a mistress ie side girl who one provides for financially and who is exclusively in a relationship with a married man has morphed into "sugar babies"...gross.
From what I am given to understand, these sugar babies will perhaps have one client at a time or they may be juggling nearly a dozen. They are going to be closer to your perspective culturally but definitely different conclusion. So I have to assume that in Thailand the rent a wife may well come with some significant caveats be they spoken or not

I swear this topic full on icks me out but
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If she is living in your house and being paid as housekeeper and comfort provider, chances are that she is hoping for a forever relationship. All that we are doing is assuming.

This happened a lot in WWII and in Vietnam, but only a few servicemen accepted responsibility for their wives and children when it was time to leave.
I think you are giving other people outside of the loop entirely too much credit.
Perhaps it is my lack of the same level of generosity but I would be willing to bet that a significant proportion of jo and jane normie in the neighborhood hear polyxxxx and they start asking about plastic flamingos and pineapple orientation.

I know that sounds silly but I had one of those norms neighbor couples fill me in on the fact that those are poly people signals. After I had it explained and unfurrowed my brow, I pointed out that it certainly was not a thing in the older style poly community ie polygamy community. I was asked if it wasn't really just the same thing in the long run.

All that said...now I want visual signals to put out there and I am more than a little miffed that flamingos are taken. I have an aloha shirt with flamingos and for thst matter I really like fun rum drinks that involve pineapples.

Suggestions? Should be fun symbols that help with branding but don't overtly say hey look at this silhouette of one man with two or more woman. Fun but not overt.
Ducks have already been appropriated by the Jeep community, so that’s out.