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Some Einstein sh..tuff, science discussion

You might also be interested in some of the alternate theories to Einstein's assertions as well.
There have been thousands of alternate theories to Einstein, however so far none have passed muster.

You might look into debunkings of time dilation.

How can something be debunked that we can measure and effects us?

GPS satellites lose ~0.02 seconds per year duo to the earth warping space and time, which is enough to cause inaccuracies, and it needs to be compensated.

The clock kernels on modern space probes compensate for relativistic effects. Oh, it is not enough to cause navigational issues, even though they are the fastest objects built by humans, they are still relatively pedestrian in the grand scale of things, no it is scientific experiments like measuring gravity waves that require high precision in time keeping.

One depressing aspect of this that people point out, is that it could make travelling at speeds of a high percentage of C, or even faster then C problematic from a civilizational point of view. However our theoretical understanding of how an alcubierre drive would hypothetically work, does give. According to the math the acceleration and velocity inside the bubble of an alcubierre drive would be zero. That should avoid any relativistic effects.
There have been thousands of alternate theories to Einstein, however so far none have passed muster.
A more correct claim would be that you are not aware of any that pass muster. What do you know about Stochastic Electrodynamics? Have you heard of Raymond Fleming? He has a set of great videos that I highly encourage you to watch. Here is one:
Tesla was higly critical of Einstein with good reason.

How can something be debunked that we can measure and effects us?

GPS satellites lose ~0.02 seconds per year duo to the earth warping space and time, which is enough to cause inaccuracies, and it needs to be compensated.
I caution you against assuming a cause when there could be other causes to consider.
The clock kernels on modern space probes compensate for relativistic effects. Oh, it is not enough to cause navigational issues, even though they are the fastest objects built by humans, they are still relatively pedestrian in the grand scale of things, no it is scientific experiments like measuring gravity waves that require high precision in time keeping.

One depressing aspect of this that people point out, is that it could make travelling at speeds of a high percentage of C, or even faster then C problematic from a civilizational point of view. However our theoretical understanding of how an alcubierre drive would hypothetically work, does give. According to the math the acceleration and velocity inside the bubble of an alcubierre drive would be zero. That should avoid any relativistic effects.

OK, I am highly skeptical of this alcubierre drive concept. Wikipedia states that it is speculative, and the mechanism would employed would be based on Einstein's concepts of warping of space, which I completely reject. In addition, if we could travel faster than the speed of light, we would face an immeasurable challenge of how to not run into objects that do not give off light. I enjoy watching Star Wars, but I recognize it as complete science fiction and nothing more. Same goes for Star Trek, which I became completely disenchanted with after watching the God movie monstrosity that the Trek enterprise put out. I believe there is a thread out there where I listed a number of Sci-fi things that will always reamin fiction and nothing more. One of them is the concept of a teleporter and another is the time machine.

One day, Christ will return, and we shall meet Him in the air. My focus is to be ready for that day when He comes.
A more correct claim would be that you are not aware of any that pass muster. What do you know about Stochastic Electrodynamics? Have you heard of Raymond Fleming? He has a set of great videos that I highly encourage you to watch. Here is one:
Tesla was higly critical of Einstein with good reason.

The problem with that video starts in the title. "Einsteins Lies." Sorry, but no credible scientist uses such language in publications, it is unprofessional. If I used that in school I would get scolded. Also YouTube is not a publishing source, there are no checks. Searching that guy the 1st links are the Youtube videos, and his website where he sells his book, that is not good sign.

The problem with Einstein's work is comparability with quantum mechanics, but so far no one had come up with a unifying theory.
OK, I am highly skeptical of this alcubierre drive concept. Wikipedia states that it is speculative, and the mechanism would employed would be based on Einstein's concepts of warping of space, which I completely reject.I
We use stars curvature of space and time every day in astronomy, since curved spacetime works like a camera lens, we can "zoom" in. We can also see objects behind a star since the light gets warped around it. Curved space time is not anything that is really in dispute, just precise definition, and how it curves.
Furthermore, the formulas for general relativity work for redshifting.
In addition, if we could travel faster than the speed of light, we would face an immeasurable challenge of how to not run into objects that do not give off light.
Not if you warp reality around the ship, which an alcubierre drive as theorized would do.
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The problem with that video starts in the title. "Einsteins Lies." Sorry, but no credible scientist uses such language in publications, it is unprofessional. If I used that in school I would get scolded. Also YouTube is not a publishing source, there are no checks. Searching that guy the 1st links are the Youtube videos, and his website where he sells his book, that is not good sign.
I like to refer people to videos, because most people that I interact with, are on a time crunch. I literally discovered who Fleming is through a white paper that he wrote on the ZPE and the strong force. The ZPE is well established in the scientifi community. I worked for Applied Rigaku Technologies, and when I mentioned him to my boss, he responded that he knew Fleming, and that Fleming had worked for him, and that he was quite brilliant.

The problem with Einstein's work is comparability with quantum mechanics, but so far no one had come up with a unifying theory.
Well, not no one (double negative intended). Just no one that you have been previously made aware of. The main issue with Einstein, is that he denied the existence of an ether, which today we now know of as the sea of virtual particles that is all around us. Paul wrote in Colossians 1:17 "And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Without this sea of virtual particles, everything flies apart. It also perfectly explains gravity. No need for curvature of space to try to explain that. I have seen the ilustrations with a bowling ball on a bedsheet, and that illustration is absolutely absurd! Science has always advanced by proposing new theories that are mocked at first, but gradually accepted over time.

We use stars curvature of space and time every day in astronomy, since curved spacetime works like a camera lens, we can "zoom" in. We can also see objects behind a star since the light gets warped around it. Curved space time is not anything that is really in dispute, just precise definition, and how it curves.
Furthermore, the formulas for general relativity work for redshifting.
The sea of virtual particles is the best explanation of the mechanism that makes this work.

Not if you warp reality around the ship, which an alcubierre drive as theorized would do.
Reality is reality. Theories are ideas we work on until we either accept them as factual, or discard them in light of the evidence and newer better theories that ultimately replace them. Einstein was a patent clerk and a plagiarist who set the scientific community back 100 years. Only when people are willing to challenge what has been accepted as popular, can we advance our knowledge of the universe.
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Well, not no one (double negative intended). Just no one that you have been previously made aware of. The main issue with Einstein, is that he denied the existence of an ether, which today we now know of as the sea of virtual particles that is all around us. Paul wrote in Colossians 1:17 "And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Without this sea of virtual particles, everything flies apart. It also perfectly explains gravity. No need for curvature of space to try to explain that. I have seen the ilustrations with a bowling ball on a bedsheet, and that illustration is absolutely absurd! Science has always advanced by proposing new theories that are mocked at first, but gradually accepted over time.
Again, we see the effect of space and time being warped by stars, and use the phenomenon to our advantage.

All this talk of Antarctica and none of y'all can be bothered to bring up the secret base under the ice filled with genetically modified nazis and aliens waiting for the opportunity to take over the world
Tsk tsk
Many such cases
Stargate. Stargate.
Again, we see the effect of space and time being warped by stars, and use the phenomenon to our advantage.
Be careful not to confuse cause and effect. Space, in the strictest sense of the word, is nothing more than a 3 dimensional geometrical vector. Time is a unidirectional 1 dimension vector. Science fiction will have you believe that these can be warped and manipulated. I contend that this is completely midguided.

Stargate. Stargate.
I was thinking more along the lines of Kong vs. Godzilla.
Again, we see the effect of space and time being warped by stars, and use the phenomenon to our advantage.

Stargate. Stargate.

Was just watching that the other day
A straight line bent into a circle by becoming trapped in the gravitational pull of a singularity.
I think we need another thread. I do not agree with the notion of a Singularity. That again employs Einstein arguments.
You might also be interested in some of the alternate theories to Einstein's assertions as well. You might look into debunkings of time dilation. Look into what the ZPE is all about, and how the Kasimir effect could very well be a legitimate scientificc explanation for gravity and the strong force. Ray Fleming has a lot of good videos about that, and he wrote a paper about how there is no need for muons and gluons, and he agrees with this notion that the effect of gravity is the result of the ZPE. Einstien's theory on gravity is pure bunk, and has set the scientific community backward 100 years. Barry Setterfield has some great videos on the C-Decay theory.
Interesting. I'm familiar with Setterfield, and the (evidently late) L. Dolphin, and followed (with some who were IBM co-workers) research in LENR in the years immediately following Pons and Fleischmann, and folks like Eugene Mallove.

But the days of weekly "excess heat" news are long-gone.

Now it seems like what is left (on LENR) is hype-heavy, and relegated to the realm of Wiki-censorship.

Do you have any better recent sources on what is real?
Interesting. I'm familiar with Setterfield, and the (evidently late) L. Dolphin, and followed (with some who were IBM co-workers) research in LENR in the years immediately following Pons and Fleischmann, and folks like Eugene Mallove.

But the days of weekly "excess heat" news are long-gone.

Now it seems like what is left (on LENR) is hype-heavy, and relegated to the realm of Wiki-censorship.

Do you have any better recent sources on what is real?
Well, I have watched a few Setterfield videos, and he talks about how he believes the ZPE is responsible for the spped of light and the Bohr radius. He also appeared with the late Chuck Missler, who told him that Dr. Ross tried to convince him that Setterfield was off. When I challeged Dr. Ross on the disparaging remarks he made concerning C-Decay, he brought up the fact that Setterfield does not even have a Bachelor's degree. I guess we have to now dismiss anybody who doesn't have some sort of validation from accredited Universities. How did those people ever accomplish so much?
I'm curious, moreso, about whether or not you've seen any "non-vapor-ware" LENR (palladium fuel cell, other tech) that approaches actual "reduction to practice".

THAT is the breakthrough that would literally revolutionize the planet. Especially for decentralized, off-grid, options. (And would make any New Magic Battery pale in significance, not to mention other 'green' energy BS.)
Again, we see the effect of space and time being warped by stars, and use the phenomenon to our advantage.
They are not being warped by the stars per se. Rather than try to explain it myself, I will share another Fleming lecture:

By the way, he has published his work. You can see for yourself some of his papers:

I recommend this one here:
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I'm curious, moreso, about whether or not you've seen any "non-vapor-ware" LENR (palladium fuel cell, other tech) that approaches actual "reduction to practice".

THAT is the breakthrough that would literally revolutionize the planet. Especially for decentralized, off-grid, options. (And would make any New Magic Battery pale in significance, not to mention other 'green' energy BS.)
Not something that I have looked into. I have always been curious though what has taken the scientific community so long to come to a breakthrough when it comes to fusion hydrogen power generation.
Maia said:
A straight line bent into a circle by becoming trapped in the gravitational pull of a singularity.
So I said that I disagree with the notion of a singularity. A singularity is supposedly caused by gravity. What causes gravity? How would that cause work, if all matter were contained the way this supposed singularity purports? I'll let you think about that.