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Some Einstein sh..tuff, science discussion

Well how does it affect your belief that God inspired the text of Genesis

God did inspire the text of Genesis. And that inspiration was filtered by the mind and understanding of nomadic shepherds, semi-literate nobles, and scientifically ignorant men of two to five millennia ago.

The only literal Word of God is the Ten Commandments and even that has been reinterpreted by men over the ages. I mean God Himself wrote this and douchebag men decided to rewrite it to suit themselves? The nerve. :rolleyes:

Do you remember the TV show Touched by an Angel?

There was a line that resonated with me: Our understanding is but a grain of sand on the beach of God's wisdom.

It's true. God knows and we don't.

It is an assumption to presume that Walter Brown assumed that the Noahic Flood occurred exactly as described in Genesis.

Yet he does which is why he calls himself a Young Earth Creationist and one who is a proponent of flood geology or creation geology.

Do you fully embrace Tectonic plates?

No. My arms are not big enough. :)

Answering the question I think you tried to ask here is that the evidence I've seen would support the theory of plate tectonics.

I used to live near the San Andreas Fault and I've seen evidence of its movement in recorded human history. I remember the 2004 Thailand quake and the 2011 quake in Japan.

Do continental plates move? Yes, they do and we can observe this happening. It's happened in my lifetime. It's happening still.

I also live in Wyoming and I've seen plenty of evidence of the last ice age. It was a very real thing and we can see evidence of it in many places on the planet. Yet the Bible never mentions it.

Genesis 1:16 refers to the moon as a source of light. Isaiah 60:19 does too. Lots of passages in the Bible do. Is this true? Or does the moon merely reflect light from the Sun?

The moon itself is not a source of light but to the mind and understanding of nomadic shepherds, semi-literate nobles, and scientifically ignorant men of two to five millennia ago it was.

They were inspired by God but limited by their understanding.

Just as we are today.

But of course you could go construct a theory that the moon somehow radiates light and that even if the sun were to be snuffed out the moon would still shine just as bright all on its own because the Bible declares it to be a source of light.

Or you could follow the evidence and use the mind that God gave you to come to your own conclusion. It doesn't mean you're right but at least you're following the evidence and not torturing it to conform to a predetermined conclusion.