• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Edward the Elder

Mar 30, 2008
Alberta, Canada
Zip Code
I suggested that the administrators of this fine forum put up a suggestion box up on the board index. I am suggesting this again. This could provide a means whereby all members might contribute suggestions and actively participate in this "online community" even more. I am not suggesting that all the suggestions in the suggestion box be followed and I respect the wishes of the administration, but this is one suggestion that I think the said community could benefit from immensely - not with exclusion of administration who are obviously eager to be of service to our brothers and sisters. So by gathering data in the form of suggestions it is possible to determine what the viewers are seeking and how, as Christians, we might better serve this online community of thought.

GOD bless!



Staff member
Real Person
Jan 17, 2008
Absolutely Edward, fine idea! And since your post is labeled SUGGESTION BOX, let's make this thread it.

If you have a suggestion for Biblical Families, and how we can serve you and your family, feel free to post it here. Or, if you'd rather send it privately, do so via email to:

Let it be noted here also: We have a pile of ideas ourselves for things we'd like to do, but families and full-time jobs fill a lot of our time and make some things take much longer that we would like. Funds are a factor too. So, if you have a great idea (or you see someone else's) please ask God if He would have you participate with your skills, time, donations. There is a lot more we'd like to do on the site, given someone that has more time and ability for website work and can run with something given some direction - pray for God to send some help!

Edward the Elder

Mar 30, 2008
Alberta, Canada
Zip Code
Nathan7 said:
Absolutely Edward, fine idea! And since your post is labeled SUGGESTION BOX, let's make this thread it.

If you have a suggestion for Biblical Families, and how we can serve you and your family, feel free to post it here. Or, if you'd rather send it privately, do so via email to:

Let it be noted here also: We have a pile of ideas ourselves for things we'd like to do, but families and full-time jobs fill a lot of our time and make some things take much longer that we would like. Funds are a factor too. So, if you have a great idea (or you see someone else's) please ask God if He would have you participate with your skills, time, donations. There is a lot more we'd like to do on the site, given someone that has more time and ability for website work and can run with something given some direction - pray for God to send some help!

Yes, I suspected this might be the case. Funds are always a factor and I wish sometimes I were in more of a personal position to contribute in this regard. Still, we can always start with suggestions and ideas whereby we might generate the much needed funds and also better organize our cause. Nathan, this particular forum has a good and practical format and a user-friendly layout. I've practically "seen 'em all" and, as an administrator of over a dozen such forums myself, for all intents and purposes, I suggest that you keep it the way it is: No frills, harder to hack than most because of the archaic format, and practical. This is where "archaic" is to your benefit and to the benefit of the members here. Newer isn't always better.

For medical reasons I currently have more time on the internet than the average person and I have used my gifts for writing to set forth the message to the churches and to the general public that plural marriage by nature is not only NOT a sin, but is blessed of GOD, endorsed of GOD, regulated by GOD, and GODLY. I have been putting forth this message now for six years and only now I'm beginning to witness some of the fruits of my labour. Few on the internet are challenging me any longer, knowing that they cannot refute the truth before their very eyes. Something beautiful is on the horizon and I am very optimistic concerning the future of those who support plural marriage.

Prayers are being answered after all and I would encourage our brothers and sisters in support of plural marriage to press on faithfully. I am convinced that GOD is making a way for us and that we are on the threshold of an historical time in the Western world. We are among the pioneers of that time... But I digress. Thankyou so much for establishing this leaderboard. I think over time it will prove to be a worthy move on your part. Feedback is important because with feedback it is possible to affect change. Well, that is it for the moment. I have a few ideas for helping this forum as far as information is concerned, but money a.t.m. is in short supply on the homefront. One thing I noticed is that there are some very high profile and intelligent members in this group and I am very honoured to be part of this having suffered so many half-wits, bigots, and gainsayers on several other forums. I rejoice to find myself among such articulate and interesting company.




Real Person
Feb 4, 2008
I suggest short posts (except for myself). Scripture references with abbreviated quotes. Bowling and board games at retreats.


Real Person
Jan 18, 2008
Zip Code
welltan said:
I suggest short posts (except for myself). Scripture references with abbreviated quotes. Bowling and board games at retreats.

Since donation were brought up... If everyone here could only give $5 or $10 a month, it would help out with the bigger goals. If others could support what we are doing with more, than praise God. If some cant afford anything, well, you are still more than welcome. We just need to recognize that every cause takes finances. This is the reality.


New Member
Mar 25, 2008
Zip Code
What are the bigger goals and projects that you guys want to achieve with

It's great to have plans and ideas but if folks don't know what they are it's hard to get enthusiastic about them. You need to whet the appetite ;)

What sort of web site plans are you thinking of? I own the site and lead the team behind we have a lot of surplus server space along with a lot of nifty html know-how. If i can help in any way i would be happy to do so.

Edward the Elder

Mar 30, 2008
Alberta, Canada
Zip Code
Melanie said:
What are the bigger goals and projects that you guys want to achieve with

It's great to have plans and ideas but if folks don't know what they are it's hard to get enthusiastic about them. You need to whet the appetite ;)

What sort of web site plans are you thinking of? I own the site and lead the team behind we have a lot of surplus server space along with a lot of nifty html know-how. If i can help in any way i would be happy to do so.

Perhaps we could start a spam campaign :::chuckles:::




YOIKS!!! This is getting sarey! :(


Real Person
Jan 18, 2008
Zip Code
Melanie said:
What are the bigger goals and projects that you guys want to achieve with

It's great to have plans and ideas but if folks don't know what they are it's hard to get enthusiastic about them. You need to whet the appetite ;)

What sort of web site plans are you thinking of? I own the site and lead the team behind we have a lot of surplus server space along with a lot of nifty html know-how. If i can help in any way i would be happy to do so.

We have discussed many goals. The foremost one is to be able to have these retreats in many locations, such as Australia. Each retreat costs, yet, they have been free to those who go (except participants need to usually pay for their own room and board). All other costs are underwritten.

Edward the Elder

Mar 30, 2008
Alberta, Canada
Zip Code
Well one of the things I noticed is that there are alot of doctrinal views being shared among the members and I think that is a good thing. Perhaps we could have a separate board for this sort of thing. I was sort of hoping we could set up a board called PREACHER'S CORNER. A place where revelations and doctrines could be shared, and yes, even preached in love. This would help me immensely because then I would not feel that I was getting too "preachy" on anyone. I am especially enjoying Doc Burkhart's work on Azuza street. The power of GOD is indeed a phenomenal thing. I don't know if Doc shares the same persuasions of those described in his work but I know that I can testify in truth that I will never forget the day the Holy Ghost fell on me and I spoke in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance. I feel now that nothing can separate me from my love of GOD and I believe that GOD is helping me to better understand why He blesses plural marriage much to the chagrin of my peers in the Body of Christ.

How about it mods? Can we have a separate board for this?


Sep 18, 2008
Zip Code
Whats this about Azuza street? I've studied it well but even among Apostolics the name isnt knowen by this generation. I am more than a little surprised to see the place mentioned here. What is the connection Edward and Doc Burkhart have to that blessed place?

Edward the Elder

Mar 30, 2008
Alberta, Canada
Zip Code
Tlaloc said:
Whats this about Azuza street? I've studied it well but even among Apostolics the name isnt knowen by this generation. I am more than a little surprised to see the place mentioned here. What is the connection Edward and Doc Burkhart have to that blessed place?

Well I'm not even sure Doc Burkhart and I have even shared words yet much less make a "connection". Nonetheless I've been reading some of his book and it looks very informative. Yeah, I suppose most know I'm Apostolic in my doctrinal views by now so I imagine there will be those who have already cast me aside as some stark-raving toungue-talking basket case, but I'd rather go to heaven a mad man, totally insane on Jesus than a sane loser in hell (not that I'm certain anyone could stay sane there very long either). I wasn't joking when I stated that I had a witness from the Lord that it is not a sin for a man to have more than one wife. There is also reason why the APO GROUPS tossed me out their door to begin with: They didn't like me fraternizing with LDS people or preaching the plain truth about marriage. They are not the only ones who don't like to hear the plain truth about what GOD called marriage. Although I never said I was LDS I don't need to be told who to freely associate with. I'm simply Full Bible Truth and if the Pentecostals don't like it let them repent at their own cost - they're not hurting for want of money. Even Paul had to eventually leave his "own". People have problems with self-rightness and they need to work it out with GOD. If it's in the Holy Bible I'm going to receive it in faith. I suspect this is also the reason for all the hate-mail, the profane phone calls, attacks on my character, and likely the reason for the vandalism done to my property, a telephone that only works half of the time and on and on it goes. . . My Witness just reminded me that the world loves its own and I believe Him. PRAISE GOD! HALLELUJAH!
(Lifting up holy hands here.)

ANYWAZE... This ole "cowboy" did take a shine to Doc's book and also looked into Doc Ray's book as well. There are some interesting references in both books. My, my, all these doctors with all these degrees and here I am, just a self-educated redneck who can type :::blushes::: AZUZA STREET certainly caught fire in its day but that was well before the first world war if I'm not mistaken and alot of stuff came out of that event that wasn't necessarily good either. Seems to me some things never change. Alot of gnosticism came out from among the first church also. The warnings about the tares are pretty much classics by now. I don't think all that happened on AZUZA street was a bad thing either; but the roots of the Apostolic faith run much deeper and further back than the days of AZUZA street. In U.S.A. they had a foothold on Plymouth Rock and they also existed throughout Europe. Many fleeing not only the persecution of the papacy but but also the popery of the Puritans boarded ships to escape Europe lest the Puritans burned them at the stake for speaking in tongues and doing other nasties such as the laying on of hands. Quakers also spoke in tongues and practiced many of the acts of the Apostles. No place was truly safe for such a simple people of faith. Malcom X sure had no good reason to call Quakers "white devils". They played a big role in the underground railroad.

Denominationalism has always spelled trouble for me. Despite the fact that I live in a very isolated part of my country and up here I find the Holy Bible serves me well. If I happened to stroll into any of the churches up here with all my family there would be trouble in the church for sure. It would only be a matter of time. I like to think that there is a difference between sharing the gospel and stepping into a church with a "kick me" sign on my back. That's the amazing thing about the wonderful world of the internet. . . No matter how hard they kick they just can't do that much damage. Violent they are, these so-called Christians. Methinks they would do well to read their Bibles a little more closely.

GOD bless :mrgreen:



Real Person
Feb 12, 2008
Zip Code

Well, well....thank you Edward for the free plug! :D Yes, the first book I wrote several years ago was a work on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the 20th century called "The Azusa Papers". I have it available as a FREEEEEEEEE download at the

Everyone from the site is welcome to download it and read it.

Edward the Elder

Mar 30, 2008
Alberta, Canada
Zip Code

docburkhart said:
Well, well....thank you Edward for the free plug! :D Yes, the first book I wrote several years ago was a work on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the 20th century called "The Azusa Papers". I have it available as a FREEEEEEEEE download at the

Everyone from the site is welcome to download it and read it.

Greetings, Doc

I don't believe we've been officially introduced. I'm Edward... Apostolic Pentecostal Oneness Bigamist, never divorced, but put away more times than I can count on my fingers and toes. Do we have a connection? Some time ago, near the end of the 20th. century, an amazing thing happened to me in a prayer meeting while we were praying that GOD would keep us from the dangers of Y2K and modern technology. The Holy Ghost fell on me and I spoke in tongues without ceasing for what seemed like hours. This had never happened to me in a church or in a prayer meet or any sort of gathering before and the people at the prayer meet were about as surprised as I was (although now when I look back I understand that the Spirit of the Lord had been striving with me since the days of my early youth). Since I left the big city with my family in 1994 I have pretty much operated in faith, loving JESUS, reading my Bible daily, praying and praising GOD without the encumberances of denominationalism. I feel that I have grown in the LORD more in choosing this path than in choosing to stay on a path where the pastor only cursed me at the altar, preached against inter-racial marriage, and a long-haired, bearded Jesus while my children in the church basement sunday school coloured pictures of the same provided compliments of the UPC. There's just something about that sort of hypocrisy that doesn't sit well with me. It was time for me to take my place in grace and be on my way.

I'll be honest. I'm not actively seeking any extra wives but should the good Lord decide to send one my way I think I would have little trouble knowing if she came from Him. I've already had a few false alarms and my Lord wastes no time clearing up any confusion once I ask His blessing. I'm nearly half a century old now so I think that puts me about a decade beyond the age of official "elderdom". I am a strong supporter of biblical bigamy (or whatever people are calling it these days) and I'm prepared to walk my talk. I just don't see a whole lot of ladies here in Canada prepared to do the same. My new bride of five years came from Louisiana and the wife of my youth is native Canadian. I'm not part of any charismatic movement because I'm not into the charismatic thing. Somebody once labeled me "JESUS ONLY" and to be honest, I can't really take offence to that knowing that the Christ came to us in the name of the Father. No, I'm not trinitarian and I don't see how anyone can serve a GOD with MPD. I have a lil acerage up here, in Northern Alberta (22.8) acres that I'm hoping to convert into a compound. The reason I call it a compound is because it would seem that biblical bigamists are not permitted to call it anything else. Now if I was a Baptist I might get away with calling it a retreat; or, if I were a Catholic I might be permitted to even resort to the word "sanctuary"; OR, if I were in the employ of the Salvation Army I might even be allowed to call it a Soup Kitchen or an Emergency Shelter. . . But no, I'm a BIGAMIST so I guess I'll just have to settle for using the word COMPOUND. One must be politically correct. Hey, I'm doing my best to appease the masses.

I don't know what your personal views on AZUZA street are because you seem to have resorted to writing your papers from a non-judgemental and objective P.O.V. (Not that I'm saying this as though it were a bad thing.) Anyway, I believe that even today the Holy Spirit can fall upon anyone with a sincere heart before GOD if they are truly desirous to pray on through to the other side. After that, there's no denying the unction of GOD. I readily confess that my new bride is approximately half my age and did not cut her teeth on the pews of any of the southern Pentecostal churches. She was raised Southern Baptist and daddy was the deacon of the local church. She knew something was missing in her relationship with GOD and I had the good fortune of catching her in my arms as she fell from grace. Alas, this was nothing that I personally planned. She just happened to enjoy the way I preached about JESUS. So here I am, six years later, having two wives (near as I can tell) and only three children. I live every day by faith. I'm not donning any halo and I'm not selling any serpent seed snake oil either. I simply believe that GOD is One in every way and that there is no way wherein He is not One. I hope we get along and I look forward to corresponding with you in the future. Anyway, it's late. . .Or early in the wild, north-west and I need my beauty rest or I'll never get my book published. I'm really excited about the email I received from Mr. Blackmore today. The man is certainly not without a sense of humor. I'm definately going to have to find a way to fit it into my draft. It would seem that Winston is busy working on a book of his own. I can hardly wait to read it.

GOD bless you and your house... In JESUS' name



Sep 18, 2008
Zip Code
Well, that poor uneducated country boy with a typewritter seems to get it where my four year Apostolic Bible school educated cousin does not. He said to me once 'the holy spirit was silent for 1900 years, and all of a sudden at Azuza street it came back.' and Ill I could say is how could you spend that much time studying and think that. Mind he is in the upper percentile of those I know just given he was even aware of the Azuza street mission. Any way about it you said it, the roots run much deeper.

Its funny but it seemed like the real downhill turn for the ACOP is when it BECAME The ACOP, about 45 years after Azuza street. Once it incorperated it was only a mater of generations untill it became the puffed up self righious Church with oft strange ideals. I didnt know you came form Apostolic roots, I do too, and work with a camp that is assocated with ACOP (Actually it was founded in 1928, before the ACOP or the Penticostals incorperated, so it has a pure and good link to the Azuza mission, it being founded by people sent from there). I attend an Independant Baptist Church since I moved to my city, Go where God leads right? And Independant Baptist is very independant a Church.

Doc Burkhart,

It looks like you have more compiled about Azuza street than I have yet studied, I appriciate you're work and will gradually study it. Is there any way to order it paperback? Probably not, and I couldnt any time soon anyway, but it is a paperworthy work.

Edward the Elder

Mar 30, 2008
Alberta, Canada
Zip Code
Ayeeup. I first heard about AZUZA STREET about twenty years ago when this feller from down east made the same claim about how the Pentecostal movement in North America began on AZUZA STREET. I recall thiniking to myself, "If this is from GOD He sure isn't a very loving Father to let people live in ignorance for centuries and deny them the Pentecostal experience of the infilling of the Holy Spirit" and decided to do a little research on my own. Naturally I discovered that this was not the case. Of course, back in the 1800's not many openly discussed it for fear of being burned at the stake but there were even a few groups in Canada (ie/Mennonites) that were not opposed to speaking in tongues. Admittedly twenty years ago I was a little rusty on my Bible, having only studied Religion at Concordia College using the NIV. I came from a dirt farmer, Lutheran background. It was a Pentecostal Oneness Pastor from Red Deer that took the time to explain to me why the AKJV was really the best source and I am still of that persuasion today. "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call" makes a whole lot more sense to me than the watered down religion folks are calling Christianity today. I don't make any secret about it: I received the promise and it's hard for me to imagine life without it. Now this puts me in a bit of a conundrum...

I'm certainly Apostolic. I'm certainly not a trinitarian. I speak in tongues regularly and I still believe it is not a sin for a man to have more than one wife. I guess that must make me the Seventh Heretic since the Sixth has already been manifest among us. To the best of my knowledge there isn't an "Apostolic Pentecostal" church I know of that would let me stroll through their doors with a wife on each arm, but I have the witness of the Holy Spirit that it is not a sin for a man to have more than one wife just the same. For the past six years I've debated with the so-called "best of them" online and silenced each, one-by-one, to the extent that they pretty much all say that I have a devil because they cannot refute the truth! I have yet to lose a debate. Even my old pastor down in Edmonton refuses to discuss the matter with me; but at least he will let me attend his church... Without my wives. It seems such a shame that people don't receive FULL BIBLE TRUTH but I'm doing my best by the grace of GOD and I receive it in faith, every word, no matter how great or how sparse my faith may be. Welcome to my ministry:

:mrgreen: I'm everywhere! lol (This is only the half of it) So how about it, MODS??? MAY WE PLEASE HAVE A "PREACHER'S CORNER" BOARD?



Sep 18, 2008
Zip Code
Now lets all recite the Nitze creed, No?


Do you know much about Servetus? All I've read is heavily negative historical commentaries, but I wonder if you know any more about him. He was executed in the reformation era for being anti-trinitarian. He is branded a heretic of course, but I am yet to see anything that would really prove him either heretical or even wrong. Perhaps I am missing something in my very limited study of his works, but it is interesting none the less.

"“You make three Sons of God: the human nature is a son to you, the divine nature is a son, and the whole Christ is a son …. All such tritheistic notions are a three-headed illusion of the Dragon, which easily crept in among the sophists in the present reign of Antichrist. Or have you not read of the spirit of the dragon, the spirit of the beast, the spirit of the false prophets, three spirits? Those who acknowledge the trinity of the beast are possessed by three spirits of demons. These three spirits incite war against the immaculate Lamb, Jesus Christ (Rev_16:1-21). False are all the invisible gods of the Trinitarians, as false as the gods of the Babylonians. Farewell.”"

Was in one of his more audacious letters to Calvin. It is an interesting view I have not really looked into throughly. He was obviously being very aggressive in this exscript. I don't know why I ask so much about trinitarianism, as I'm not really party to any group on that mater.

The Authorized is very good, I use it, though it is not without error or better in some fine details of passages. I think I can safely say it is the best overall, and leagues better than many a very modern translation.

Well, you're in a funny middle ground, so am I, probably many here are like that. I sure hear that, ever debating, never losing, never convincing anyone anyway.

So the doors of all the churches you go through are too small, go in one by one and then have them on you're arm once you're all in the door. Or is door size not you're problem?