• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.


:lol: Ha ha ha ha

Jair, you sure have a way with words and a great sense of humor. As you know, one of the pastors in this neck of the woods and I already crossed swords over this. I also suspect it had something to do with my landlord evicting me from my original residence of fourteen years. I made the grievous error of reminding the board of directors of the Corporation that owned the house, in writing, that this was was Canada — not Auschwitz. Apparently this did not exactly go over too well with the board of directors at Heartless River Housing Inc. Of course, my notice did not read anything like "You are hereby evicted from the premesis for engaging in the act of Bigamy" or anything like that. Rarely is the "issue" ever the issue when a man is hauled before a magistrate, I'm finding. Admittedly, the building needed work and they didn't want to give me the standard one year eviction notice so they invented their own twisted reasons. My rejection of their reasons (which I knew would not fly in a court of law) culminated in my ignoring what I knew to be an unlawlful 30 day notice, which amounted to the same injustice with which I was initially threatened in the first place. I suffered at the hands of a nice, but rather incompetant judge who shared little mercy for the likes of me (and a little more mercy on the behalf of my daughter) regardless of any imagined breach of contract. Sadly, I had to pay the court costs and interestingly, one of the same people who served me my notice (not my landlord) lives there now. She's on the government payroll. It sort of reminds me of Mr. Wally Oppal and his crew... One hand washes the other, your tax dollars at work etc. Neo-feminist Misandry is alive and well in Alberta.

I sure miss the outskirts, there's just something about being nudged up alongside the forest that makes me feel secure even if I'm not. Nonetheless I'm still working on getting my soup kitchen built and the COMPOUND developed and I pulled a recent manuever they didn't anticipate so I understand their outrage but there is really little they can do about it now unless they want to BUY US OUT. A mere million will suffice. I'm not greedy. I just happen to know what the land is worth and so does my beautiful, first born daughter :::GRINS::: :mrgreen: I'm currently working on a whole new surprise for them. Meanwhile, there's this fellow from the same town (not my town) who keeps phoning me (about three to four times a day) telling me I'm living in sin and adultery but is completely incapable of showing me where it says so in the Bible. I have decided to let him leave his messages on my answering machine so that I can return them at my leisure. Thank GOD for voice mail! I can only imagine what Winston Blackmore must be going through. And you know what? The wife of my youth DOESN'T EVEN LIVE WITH ME ANYMORE!!! MAN, nothing satisfies these people. Perhaps after they have finished skinning me alive, rolling my sorry carcasse in salt, tarring and feathering me, and hanging me from the highest tree after setting my corpse on fire, they might feel that justice has finally been served. And for what? Taking a second woman to wife without divorcing the first? Until then, I will continue preaching the truth about what GOD called marriage. Persecution and truth go together like salt and pepper. Watch out for the pepper spray, men! Remember you are male and that's your fault!

On a more serious note... (supressing another chuckle) I honestly don't recall hearing of a Servetus but he sounds like my kind of guy. ISRAEL was right. GOD is ONE in every way and there is no way wherein GOD is not ONE. This does not mean by any means that I dismiss the deity of the MESSIAH. I know Who the Per-Son of GOD the Father is and I also know that self-same Spirit is the Father of the Christ. So much for the Roman Catholic trinity doctrine. I simply realize that GOD cannot die and that GOD cannot lie. I have no room for trinity doctrine in my life and this is likely another reason I am so well loved by Christians... lol Not!!! For all the said "errors" one might find in the symbolism of that imperfect text written in the vulgarity of the English slanguage that some would refer to as the HOLY BIBLE, I'm only too pleased to take my chances with the AKJV and let the world keep all its New Age per-versions. All those thees and thous never really bothered me all that much. I'd take stock in Tyndale before I would move beyond King James. Keep the word "NEW" out of it and you'll likely be a whole lot safer IMHO. Here is what I learned about "Door Size": The bigger the door, the broader the path that leads to it. In some ways I''m in pretty good shape for my age since I took up walking as my major mode of transportation years ago: not skinny and hardly obese; so a narrow door doesn't disturb me — it's those narrow-minds, I'm finding, that seem to share an affinity with atherosclerosis and the hardening of the heart. . . I could always be a gentleman and make the ladies walk ten paces behind me. . . That way if I hit a land mine or cross into some "friendly fire" they'd at least have a chance to flee for cover before Homeboy Security and Co. apprehended them for their "own good". You know how it can get in some of these isolated communities. . . Even your neighbor knows what's better for you than you do, right? To be fair, the local R.C.M.P.M.S. have been doing a swell job of ignoring things up here. . . Kind of like my vandalized property, for which I wholeheartedly commend them for ignoring. . . No sense calling after the deed is done. I mean, let's be realistic: The role of a police officer is to arrive at the scene of the crime to draw a nice, neat, white chalkline around the corpse after the crime is committed and to keep things calm in the collective. Let them be content with their wages. What more can we expect?

I have this paranoia about selling out my personal liberties and freedoms for the illusion of security. Amazingly, Canadians still have a few of those and so far our illustrious Prime Minister hasn't officially announced before the media that our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms isn't just a (to quote Mr. Bush) "g-d damned piece of paper". Hope springs eternal and her daughter needs to go back to sleep. Okay, MY daughter NEEDS to go back to sleep. OKAY... OUR daughter needs to go back to sleep. So much for "a father's JOY". ABIGAIL, GO TO SLEEP! :lol: TTYL


I'm really sorry you're so far away, Edward. Sounds to me like you'd make a wonderful neighbor. ;)

(Not that I can recommend the Colorado Police State any more, of course, or post-Constitutional Amerika. :evil: )

Mark, you are certainly one of the few. Thankyou for your kind words. Not many Statists will admit that they no longer have an active Constitution of these united States of America. For decades politicians, human rights activists, teachers, doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, you name it... Keep waving that thing around as though it were still alive, even after their President openly declared the death sentence of that particular document. Canada has a good deal to learn from her sister to the south. I think one of the first things Canadians need to realize is that they too, are Americans. Sometimes I find the ignorance of some people is beyond staggering. Although it is no secret that Canada rates among the top ten nations in the world having a high standard of education, it would seem Canada also has an overwhelming number of bigots who can't even read an atlas correctly. I can't say how many fellow Canadians I have had to point to an atlas and beg them to have a good look at those bold letters printed over that image of NORTH AMERICA. No, it isn't a typo. It reads correctly. As far as I am concerned, I am an American. When the World Atlas reads otherwise I'll reconsider my position. That said, I confess that I am not a Statist. I am not a citizen of those once united States and I tend to wonder if there is such a thing anymore. Perhaps they are all just civilians now on that side of the border. Go back to sleep. It's only a bad dream. There is no conspiracy. . . Everything is secure.

I suppose I had better qualify my words before someone gets upset. The first time I actually read the entire Constitution of these united States of America I wept. This document was written in such a way that it cuts straight to the heart and puts away any misgivings about Freedom and Liberty in a Nation under GOD. No matter how you slice it or dice it, this document is HONOURABLE. I remember telling the wife of my youth, "No wonder they have such an awesome Country, just read this Constitution!" I also recall saying to her that this is just the sort of thing Canada needs to pull itself together. Now I'm not making this up and I'm not being sarcastic. I don't hate my Country either. Canada is blessed to have a neighbour that at least once believed and fought for such glorious and godly principles. (Despite what Rockefeller said about it being written only for the elite.) I feel that the Constitution of these united States of America is one of the best documents produced by man that I've ever read in my life and I don't suppose that I'll be reading any other that tops it any time soon. Not even the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms compares to the celebration of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness as it is expressed in the spirit of the Constitution of those united States of America. I think Quebec would do well to heed the words of their cousins living in the deep south. Perhaps we all might benefit a little from the example of the Louisiana Purchase. Let's face it, Canada and the U.S.A. have some pretty strong family ties. It doesn't have to be a bad thing.

A fellow Canadian once asked me that if I thought that the American Constitution was so great then why didn't I move to the United States. Well, that's not the point. First of all, I was born here. I think Nations can learn from other Nations by example. For example: If all the decent people left the church what would be left of the assembly? Alas, what I did not reason in my youth so much then was that a great deal of time had passed since the writing of that splendid work and admittedly, my knowledge of Statist history and politics was next to nill. I fell in love with the document — not the history of the Nation. I was a young man back then, full of idealism and all manner of nonsensical ideas, passionate, very loving... And foolish! By the time I was a father of my second child my idealism had greatly subsided. I learned what happened under the watch of Woodrow Wilson and other leaders that sold America to the world like a pimp prostituting a two-bit whore. Even my regard for Ronald Reagan quickly began to diminish with knowledge of the puppet game. I so used to admire that man. (My dad still does.) It seemed to me like there was none to bring back the splendour and glory of a Nation that literally shone like no other prior to the first world war. Then again, at that point, the U.S.A. still had a fully active Constitution. It was Mr. Kennedy who was about to blow the whistle on what happened to the U.S.A. before he was asssasinated and that's all I can bring myself to share about that right now without getting overly-emotional.

I like to believe that the Constitution of We the People still lives in the hearts of many of those good residents south of the Canadian border. Right now, there is a man there who talks alot about the Unity of the People and the paper Constitution. He declared that America it isn't a Nation of blue states and red states, but united States. He jested that he would not give Mr. Bush ten percent for change. Well, this Canadian is wondering if that man will even keep ten percent of his campaign promises, let alone affect the sort of change that will bring the People of that Nation the sort of change they will actually need to resurrect their Constitution from the domain of the dead and the damned. Perhaps someone should ask him if he too, thinks it's just an accursed piece of paper; but what is that to me, a Canadian, some might ask. My short answer is this: Texas blood flows through the veins of my new wife and daughter and they were both born in the States. Canada cannot afford to alienate itself from a Nation so mighty regardless of how far they have fallen and I'm all for the prophecies of GOD unfolding. No matter how much dirt the world wants to throw at the idea of an N.A.U. I think it is inevitable. The United Nations of North America sounds a whole lot better to me than the U.S.S.R. (Please excuse my political bias.) In my Country most of Quebec doesn't even want to be called Canada anyway and it is my understanding that the southern States are still no more keener to sing Yankee Doodle Dandy than New York is partial whistlin' Dixie. So no matter how many feathers Mr. Obama sticks in his cap, the sooner all sides concerned wake up to a realistic concept of unity, respecting one another's differences and working together on the common ground, the better off we will all be... That includes Canada.

Yeah, I wonder just how much the new Prez really wants to see unity for America. Please forgive my skepticism. Does he really have the power to give the People what they want? People want Diversity in Unity, which can be dangerously close to an oxymoron; but people love their heritage and the whole world is changing fast. A good multi-tasker understands the principle of "BOTH" and a good and godly Nation is not nearly a Nation without a conscience. No more can "we" afford to adopt a goldfish bowl mentality toward the rest of the world so foreign policy is not optional. The responsible thing for both our Nations is to at least join in a spirit of compassion and respect for our neighbouring Nations by pulling ourselves together and establishing a realistic economy. I rather doubt that the foreign investors are prepared to declare a jubilee any time soon. Only the corporate heads of the auto industry are entitled to such things, it seems. No, I'm not saying we must relinquish our national sovereignties; but sticking our heads in the sand and pretending might makes right is no solution at all. I am merely saying in my elder daughter's words, "Why can't we all get along?" There is absolutely nothing wrong with being AMERICAN. To be honest, it's the oligarchy at the helm of the FEDERAL RESERVE from whom most of the North American leaders take their orders that I'm concerned about. The U.S.A. does not print their own money. A privately owned corporation sells money to the U.S.A. for usury and the Bank of Canada is a Crown Corporation. So the real question is, does the U.S.A. really have a President or just another charismatic Bimbo following orders and giving fine-feathered speeches compliments of world class bankers holding global citizenship and milking the cash cow for all it's worth. I guess I'm just a little ahead of my time. My advice to my friends is to be very careful and always remember what happened at Ruby Ridge. Randy ran but he could not hide. Security is only a State of mind and he who has the gold makes the rules... At least for now. As usual, greed appears to be the real culprit.

Pray always.

I could not agree more with your comments, EtE. It is instructive to observe that a self-declared national of other than one of the former Republics which comprised these united States has a far better grasp of both the history and the Law than those now being edukatid in the publik skools. No doubt, learning to read God's Word carries over into other disciplines as well. :)

Actually, Edward, perhaps the only thing I would add to your missive is my own feeling that the Declaration of Independence, upon which everything else is based, is the greatest document ever written originally in the English language. Have you ever noticed that, following the statement of principle that all men are "endowed by their Creator with...Rights", and that the singular Purpose of government is to "secure these Rights", there are exactly three references to God, and that they come directly from Isaiah 33:22? The basis for executive, legislative, and judicial branches is outlined there, in the same legal brief for which the principles of government under Him declares the "causes which impel" the separation.

Those same arguments are no less imperative today, but I question whether this nation can still understand the message of II Chronicles 7:14. I pray that "many" will, but have concluded that the only "change" that a nation which has evidently forsaken God will see is the velvet glove removed from the iron mail fist - by a man who has already indicated a disdain for both the that "piece of paper" and the Law itself.

I take heart, Edward, that a nation based, at least in theory, on "the consent of the governed" still has hope if people realize that when the Covenant is violated, such consent must be withdrawn. Indeed, Revelation 18:4 seems to say that those with "eyes to see" should refuse to participate in such sin, and -- if we are His -- "come out of her".


Well. Wisdom speaks again. The Declaration of Independence is indeed a noble writ and certainly worthy of what it sired. Perhaps I spoke precociously in my declaration of the Constitution being one of the best I've ever read. My wife reminds me that it was the Declaration of Independence that came first. Admittedly, I was a little reluctant to express my views concerning the American Dream. I sincerely desire to offend none here. It's not easy to be objective with respect to world politics and I understand that charity begins at home. More and more, it would appear that all of North America is getting what they deserve and the people have spoken after all. A good dose of honesty wouldn`t hurt any of us. It`s a little late to be screaming ``TREASON`` when it is clearly evident that the alleged `powers that be`have already failed We the People on all sides. . . Barak Obama surely has one thing right: It`s time for CHANGE. My fellow Canadians might well consider me a traitor for saying that an N.A.U. may not be such a bad idea but I would ask them to consider the alternative. Canada and the U.S.A. are not the only boys on the block and nobody loves a bully. If CHANGE of CONTINENTAL PROPORTION does not come soon it`s liable to get very UGLY in North America. We have already seen where indifference takes us and I suggest that the only alternative that BOTH CANADA and U.S.A. have before the UNITED NATIONS is to UNITE our own Nations in spite them. Otherwise our Nations will continue to be subjugated to orders from the U.N. while the rest of the world watches. Yup. That`s right... I`m not a big fan of the U.N. In fact, I think they`re largely responsible for the mess we`re in right now because the same people who pull the same puppet strings of the U.N. also pull the same old puppet strings on the I.M.F., the WORLD BANK, the TRI-LATERAL COMMISSION, and the C.F.R. There is a big difference between a CONSPIRACY THEORY and a CONSPIRACY. Anyone who does the math should also be able to determine that this exploitation of WE THE PEOPLE is not nearly imagined. It`s real and it`s also the reason why our sons are dying on foreign land right now. ECONOMICS is a major factor. To quote a man the U.S.A. and the rest of the world once greatly admired, "We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately." The United Nations of North America sounds good to me and methinks the U.N. could stand to use a little competition. It`s time to up the anti.


Hey Ed, I got into a big argument about trinitarianism on facebook thanks to you. He wanted me to debate on his forum, but it was down so I told him to come here. No idea if he'll be scared off by the logo though. If he comes it should be interesting, as I wouldn't mind hearing from Mark, DJ, and Ray for their views on the issue too, not a bad topic for other biblical issues.

He made a snide comment about people who weren't trinitarians the very day I was reading the last message you sent me. I just couldn't pass up being snaky back.

No doubt we're in trouble on a global political scale. We should take a lief out of the Mormon book and all move to a low populated area and have lots of kids. Skatch anyone?

Mark, no doubt sending kids to publick schools is about as safe and healthy as sending them to magick school. There is a problem up and down there. Promoting change is even harder with such a large Marxist school system.

Apparently tax hikes for employers are already happening, my parents in Arizona had to lay off half their staff, which is admittedly only two of four people. She laid off the staffers that voted for Obama and called it their Obamanomics lesson. Though, they where actually both very bad at their jobs anyway, the voting thing was just a coincidence (well, not really, but) Now he's already made protectionist moves against Canada that will only hurt both nations. Things are looking bad so we need more co-operation and unity, like you said Ed, and what we're seeing is more pulling into.
Hey Ed, I got into a big argument about trinitarianism on facebook thanks to you...I wouldn't mind hearing from Mark, DJ, and Ray for their views on the issue too, not a bad topic for other biblical issues.

I've always been a lot more inclined to debate about what we should DO as believers rather than how we internally picture certain abstract concepts. I do enjoy a lot of esoteric discussions (I'll have to complete the post I started and referenced a while ago about the "alef-tav" shortly, too ;) ) however, so here's my favorite example -- one of the few I use that I think I can claim as truly original: :lol:

What is "time"? Is it echad?

Yet we use THREE separate names to describe it - and comprehend them as separate concepts:
Past, Present, and Future.

We, I will note, can only directly perceive the Present. We remember the Past, and can generally only prophecy about, or "wait on", the Future.

I won't get too hung up on how another person perceives time a bit differently than I do, or whether they call Time "one" or "three".

I'm not a "Timetarian", in other words...

"I've always been a lot more inclined to debate about what we should DO as believers rather than how we internally picture certain abstract concepts."

Very well said. Its actually based on that I got into the argument is the first place. The person I was arguing about was bashing people over the abstract concepts, and it annoyed me, so I was sarcastic to him. That of course perpetuated a long argument. Throughout which my position was that Trinitarianism is good so far that it helps someone understand God, but bad when it becomes God or the only way to God. I am kind of hopeless though as he said several times in several ways that the trinity is true and the only way to understand god, and anyone who denies it is not saved. Around the second time he asserted that I gave up hope and began to withdraw myself from the conversation, so he asserted it again and so we get to where I explained last post.

For all intensive purposes I don't mind what method someone uses to try to understand and approach God, but when the method they use becomes THE WAY, thats gnostisism, and that bugs me.
I forgot to mention, Servetus was burned at the steak with his books by none other than John Calvin. He was classy enough to have predicted being killed for his convictions several years before it happened. No one would want to burn you at steak would they Ed?

And I do agree the AKJV is the best overall by quite a lot. My pastor twice pointed out times where it was inferior to other translations. I guarantee you you could pick out more than two problems with any other version, and the newest versions like 'The message' are, well, lets not speak of such things here.

Since you said that you would like my input on ‘trinitarianism’, I will post it here, though this thread is now off-point. My original intent of coming to this thread was to state that I would like to donate some money, if someone can help me do so from South Africa. I am not very knowledgeable about these things.

Anyway, many times Jair you come out with issues that I usually have to look up. Please remember that I went to medical school, not seminary. :D I did not know what you were referring to about ‘trinitarianism’ until read Mark’s response regarding time. Mark, well said. By the way, I am glad to finally see your face. I am still praying for you and your family. Hope things work out for you.

Back on point, I believe that the debate as to how God can be One and ‘several’ at the same time is simple. God is a family unit, (unit = one) just like we are. We are made in His image. Though we may see this thing dimly now, we will know (Him) then, just as (He) knows us now; when Perfection, (Jesus) has come. Then some of us will see Him face to Face. Until then, I agree with Mark and suggest that we set aside such needless debates and begin to come together in harmony, just as Ed’s daughter suggested. Perhaps we should all take her advice. I submit the following scripture in support of this viewpoint, as the early church obviously had similar issues, (I Timothy 1:3-11 from my favorite NKJV - By the way, I only truly understood Isaiah chapter 4 after studying the New Living Translation, what I like to call the 'Bible for Dummies').

3As I urged you when I went into Macedonia—remain in Ephesus that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine, 4nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith. 5Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, 6from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, 7desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm. 8But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, 9knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 10for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, 11according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust.

These silly debates only serve to stir up strife and contention and have no real meaning in the grand scheme of things. How one views God is of minuscule importance as compared to learning to walk in love. Someone who was a true Christian would not make an issue of such things, as it serves to divide and not unify. God will show Himself when He is good and ready, (just ask Moses). Until then, let us just obey the Word as we have it and get over ourselves. I teach that no one, (myself included) has the fullness of God’s Word, or we would not need each other. The cross has two components. The foundational vertical component represents our love for God. The dependent horizontal component represents our love for our fellow man. There is no support for the latter without the former. However, God will not allow only the former, as it is counter to His plan for mankind. Until we all come together in harmony and begin to obey the ‘new’ commandment that Jesus gave us, to love one another as He loves us, then He will not come back and neither will the world know that we are TRUE Christians.

Therefore, my SUGGESTION, (to keep in line with this thread) is that we put aside our differences, stop debating controversial issues and begin to show true, Godly love for one another, as Jesus commanded us. Jesus never carried on debates with the Pharisees when they asked Him about the deeper issues of God, which they obviously did not understand, He just asked them questions that they did not know the answers to. If anyone who has not read my materials can tell me what the key of David is, the importance of Jerusalem or why Jesus came when He did, then I too will debate the issue of the Trinity. Otherwise, just stop all this nonsense and deal with the real issues at hand. The church is out of order, sick and broke or in debt. Most do not know what time it is in relation to God’s overall plan, (really they do not even understand God's plan). These are the real issues that God has dealt with me on.

When I did not understand the ‘Trinity’, I recently went to God and asked Him. He explained it to me in a way that my puny, human mind could reasonably be expected to understand and that is good enough for me. It may not agree with everyone’s concept of the ‘Oneness’ of God, but it works for me. So, if some people do not like it, then I would say to them to 'build a bridge and get over it'. I am in South Africa because I heard from God to ‘get out of Babylon’ and I promptly obeyed. I am not sick and I have money in the bank and can give some of it in support of this web site, if God allows me to. I do not fear the upcoming military invasion of the United States of America, (a.k.a, Babylon) because I am in a place of relative safety for now. Obama becoming President of the United States is one of the most ominous signs that God could have given that country. They celebrated it, but God considered it an abomination. This is an example of what I mean that the church does not know the signs of the times. Obama is symbolic of Nimrod and the United States of Babylon will soon be overrun with disasters, foreign armies and will be near extinction before it begins to recover. Our first President, George Washington, saw it in an open vision and we are living in the days of the invasion that he foresaw. The issues of the economy and civil rights will be insignificant as compared to the tribulations that are on the horizon for North America and indeed the entire world. God has taken me out of harm’s way because I heard Him and quickly obeyed. He has given me many other awesome revelations, of which He has always confirmed with power. The revelation that He gave me about the character of His ‘family’ is no different. There are some here who have a different viewpoint about my revelation on the ‘Trinity’. My suggestion is that you is that you do as I did and go to the source. I told you what God told me and that is all I can do. I am just the messenger. If you have a problem with it, take it up with our ‘Dad’. In any case it is moot and not an important issue in these turbulent times. Rather, I suggest that we get on point and get ready for the soon coming great tribulation. By my estimates, only about 1 man in 25,000 will heed this call. So I ask you, who is with me?

Be blessed,

Mark C said:
Hey Ed, I got into a big argument about trinitarianism on facebook thanks to you...I wouldn't mind hearing from Mark, DJ, and Ray for their views on the issue too, not a bad topic for other biblical issues.

I've always been a lot more inclined to debate about what we should DO as believers rather than how we internally picture certain abstract concepts. I do enjoy a lot of esoteric discussions (I'll have to complete the post I started and referenced a while ago about the "alef-tav" shortly, too ;) ) however, so here's my favorite example -- one of the few I use that I think I can claim as truly original: :lol:

What is "time"? Is it echad?

Yet we use THREE separate names to describe it - and comprehend them as separate concepts:
Past, Present, and Future.

We, I will note, can only directly perceive the Present. We remember the Past, and can generally only prophecy about, or "wait on", the Future.

I won't get too hung up on how another person perceives time a bit differently than I do, or whether they call Time "one" or "three".

I'm not a "Timetarian", in other words...



If we are going to discuss the Godhead issue, then let us start another thread. In fact, I will do that...
DaPastor said:
Mark C said:
Hey Ed, I got into a big argument about trinitarianism on facebook thanks to you...I wouldn't mind hearing from Mark, DJ, and Ray for their views on the issue too, not a bad topic for other biblical issues.

I've always been a lot more inclined to debate about what we should DO as believers rather than how we internally picture certain abstract concepts. I do enjoy a lot of esoteric discussions (I'll have to complete the post I started and referenced a while ago about the "alef-tav" shortly, too ;) ) however, so here's my favorite example -- one of the few I use that I think I can claim as truly original: :lol:

What is "time"? Is it echad?

Yet we use THREE separate names to describe it - and comprehend them as separate concepts:
Past, Present, and Future.

We, I will note, can only directly perceive the Present. We remember the Past, and can generally only prophecy about, or "wait on", the Future.

I won't get too hung up on how another person perceives time a bit differently than I do, or whether they call Time "one" or "three".

I'm not a "Timetarian", in other words...



If we are going to discuss the Godhead issue, then let us start another thread. In fact, I will do that...

I briefly considered -- and I guess decided to go ahead :D -- putting a comment in the "SUGGESTION BOX" about how it would be nice to be able to spin off a thread directly into a new one, and cross-post the last item (i.e., the presumably off-topic intro) into it...
I realize it's not too hard - just quote it in a reply to the OLD thread, and do a copy (after select-all in here; that's what I did above.

The "Quote" button seems to work as well - but not always; it seems to depend on whether or not you already have a "reply" open.

So -- I will point out that we can also put an imbed in here, to point to the new thread:

I suggest much longer timeouts on the cookies for this website. I thought I was the only one that lost long posts because of the timeout, but it turns out I'm not. For the sake of us who are long winded, or those of us who like to write a little, go and do something else, then come back, please let us stay logged in longer while inactive.
I think they had already increased the timeout on writing posts earlier as I had said something about it earlier. If I get into a long post I usually select the whole thing and copy and paste to Microsoft Word or someplace and copy and paste it back to the forum after I finish. It is a little more work but better than losing those golden thoughts.
Hi, gang. Not much time here but I'm sure missin' ya'll. I was wondering if my SUGGESTION to start up a board called PREACHER's CORNER has been answered. The reason why I SUGGESTED this actually runs into the example of what is happening on this thread here. Like many others, I tend to get "preachy". (I don't mean to say that getting "PREACHY" is a bad thing, I simply agree that continuity is not "optional" in an effective forum.) The MODS could even establish some rules for PREACHER's CORNER like PREACHING ONLY... NO DEBATE... STAY ON TOPIC etc. The MODS could even put up a disclaimer stating that they don't necessarily endorse the subject material. I'm guessing that both quality and active discussion are desired here. Speaking of which...

:lol: PLEASE HELP me stay on topic. If my posts don't belong here, please feel free to move them to an appropriate area. I apologise for "jumping the rails" and I know just how annoying this can be when a quality forum is preferred to an open free for all. I agree that order is important. Another SUGGESTION... If it is a "HOT TOPIC" and evidently highly CONTROVERSIAL, I suggest MODS move it to a DEBATE BOARD where various threads on various subjects open to DEBATE can be established without interupting the general flow of CASUAL DISCUSSION. If I had the capability to do this I would but I don't so I won't. . . *hint-hint* :mrgreen: After all, that's how we got this SUGGESTION BOX. Biblical Families.org has lots of potential. It has many members and it could see a good deal of activity as the "world out there" continues to change. I will make more of an effort to stay on topic in the future. Thankyou.


Thats good Welltan. Yeah, I learned to copy to clipboard after a few lost posts, but new people may always become prey to the timeout.

Poor Ed, got his suggestion box but not his suggestion :lol:
Okay, well.. It was only a suggestion. :mrgreen: If someone might point me in the right direction where I might share my doctrinal views, I would be much obliged. I really want to stay on topic as much as possible. I think that this is important.
And President Obama to accept any Kenyan wife that wants to be second lady, or third, or fourth, or............ If that happen it would make all our jobs here easier. [/quote]

Yes it would ... lol :lol: