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Summer Retreat and Family Conference, Aug 29 - Sept 2nd, 2024, SouthWest Missouri

It was a wonderful retreat in a new venue! Thank you for all those who helped make it so. Thank you to everyone for their patience with meals as I got used to the new kitchen. A big thank you to Nita and Isabell for all they did to make meals happen and childcare happen all weekend. Thank you to all the parents and adults who gave of their time to watch kids, all those who helped with break down, set up and trash. Blessings to all your families!
It was a wonderful retreat in a new venue! Thank you for all those who helped make it so. Thank you to everyone for their patience with meals as I got used to the new kitchen. A big thank you to Nita and Isabell for all they did to make meals happen and childcare happen all weekend. Thank you to all the parents and adults who gave of their time to watch kids, all those who helped with break down, set up and trash. Blessings to all your families!
Both Nita and Isabell were amazing! They never stopped moving
This camp was my first time to meet anyone in person who shared the Christian acceptance of multiple wife families - and got to meet thirteen such families! I pray they are blessed as they seek God and are examples to this Romanised culture.
Very grateful for the Bender family, making everything run, and the Amelangs with their music - hope they can get some relaxation sometime! :)
So, a funny thing happened on the way to Sunday's worship set....

If I forget to unselect a song's slides after pasting them into the slide deck I'm putting together, when I come back with the next song's slides to paste them in they'll overwrite the previous song. I know this, and typically go over the whole deck once I'm finished to check for any errors. I remember Sunday morning thinking to myself something like, "I'm so glad I finally figured out how to do this so I don't make those silly mistakes like I used to". And I didn't go back over the deck to double-check the songs.

So I was pretty embarrassed when Nathan came up later and said, "By the way, one of those songs didn't have slides". Turns out it was Glorious Day, by Casting Crowns. I had noticed during that song a certain lack of participation, I just thought maybe it was unfamiliar or something. Shoulda looked over my shoulder for the lyrics....

Anyway, it's such a great song I'm posting it here with lyrics so you can see what you missed. Sorry about that!

So I was pretty embarrassed when Nathan came up later and said, "By the way, one of those songs didn't have slides".
This was my bad too, when I noticed, my brain immediately said: "Oh, you know how to find Andrew's lyrics in this app", but no... I was too lazy or afraid to fail (it's been over a year), to go looking, with the computer on the big screen, and risk having everyone pay attention to me searching! Sorry. Ah nuts, shoulda pulled the HDMI out and done it.
It was a wonderful retreat in a new venue! Thank you for all those who helped make it so. Thank you to everyone for their patience with meals as I got used to the new kitchen. A big thank you to Nita and Isabell for all they did to make meals happen and childcare happen all weekend. Thank you to all the parents and adults who gave of their time to watch kids, all those who helped with break down, set up and trash. Blessings to all your families!
You ladies did amazing. 🙂