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The still small voice

So He created humans so that He could demonstrate to them His love and mercy?
That is depressing.
No wonder you don’t think that He talks to anyone. We would be like a five year olds tea party with Him pouring the tea.

Seriously, Adam walked with Him in the evening. Who knows what they chatted about, but my guess is that they were improving paradise.
“What do you think about a happy little pine tree over by that waterfall?”
“I love it! I will put some stepping stones out in front.”
They were friends, they hung out together and communicated.
What changed?
Why wouldn’t He want that same relationship today?
Your god is too stiff and unfriendly and you are inadvertently requiring Him to stay that way.
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Ahhh-my heart burns with passion on this subject because there are sooooo many ways God can manifest Himself. I'm very weary of hearing, "God doesn't speak to His children today, you can't hear His voice, you are some sort of kook if you say you have heard Him speak to you--like what planet did you come from?"--sort of thing, etc. Each one of us has a very personal relationship with our Saviour, and He knows just exactly how best to communicate with us because He knows US! He created you. He knows how you relate, how you listen, how you read--do you comprehend or not comprehend when you read, do you struggle when you read, maybe you can't read, do you often not get it when someone tells you something, do you need to hear it 10x before it clicks--auditory processing issues, are you a hands on person--tactile by nature, do you get it best if you hear it read, are you stubborn and self-willed--He might have to hit you up side of the head to get your attention, or are you the exact opposite and only need a nudge from the Spirit to know what to do--whoever you are--GOD knows you, and since He desires more than anything to have a relationship with YOU, He knows better than anyone how to get your attention and speak to you. The written Word--Scriptures, the spoken Word--Holy Spirit, prayer, events, Godly people in our lives (and I'm not talking about those who try to play God!)

Saul very clearly heard the Lord speak to him, but those around him didn't hear the voice. God spoke at John's baptism of Jesus. Read the account of what He said and what some heard! A man from Macedonia spoke to Paul in a vision (Acts 16:9) "saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us." Do a word search on the phrases: "And the word of the Lord came to ...." "The Lord said ...." "By the word of the Lord ..." Our Scriptures were God-breathed "but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2 Peter 1:21)--how else do you think we got them? Do a word study on RUACH. How did Jonah know he was supposed to go to Nineveh? Then, because he didn't do what the Lord had told him to do--he CLEARLY understood God's direction--He had a conversation with the Lord from the belly of the whale. Moses had an on-going dialogue throughout most of his life from the burning bush on--sometimes face to face. In 2 Samuel 5:24 David was told "when thou hearest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees that then thou shalt bestir thyself: for then shall the LORD go out before thee, to smite the host of the Philistines." Boy THAT would blow some brain gaskets in today's sphere of Christianity! He was getting ready to lead men into harms way, and he's supposed to wait for "the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees"?! Yep--and BTW--because he knew God's voice and understood what He was saying, David knew exactly when the sound happened--there was no guess work here. He didn't need an interpreter! He didn't have to ask God for clarification! He didn't go to his men, have a committee meeting, and wait for confirmation! My husband used to love to preach on "The Going in the Mulberry Trees". Mary, the mother of Jesus, had a distinct conversation with the Lord the night she conceived. Then Joseph heard from the Lord. The shepherds on the hillside not only heard angelic music, they heard a full message that night outside of Bethlehem. God spoke to the 3 wisemen through the stars He created. Not only did Samuel hear the voice of the Lord, Eli knew it was the voice of the Lord and Eli hadn't even heard God call Samuel, but He knew it was the Lord! Samuel didn't know it was the voice of the Lord the first two times, because he'd never heard the voice of the Lord prior to that. Because Eli told him it was the voice of the Lord, when God spoke the 3rd time, Samuel listened, understood, and then in obedience the next morning--though reluctantly--related to Eli exactly what God had told him the night before. God wrote with His finger on a wall to speak to Belteshazzar and gave Daniel the interpretation thereof. God got Belteshazzar's father, King Nebchadnezzar's attention in Daniel 4. Paul bore witness in Acts 20:22,23 "that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying bonds and afflictions abide me." Not only was Paul hearing this from the Lord, but the brethren were hearing the same thing and pleading with him not to go. Joseph fully acknowledged it was the Lord who gave him the interpretation of dreams.

As4me--I so get what you're saying because you grew up in a charasmatic setting. Satan has a counterfeit for everything GOD has. I 100% believe Hebrews 13:8. VV76 is pegging it as to why we don't hear of, or see, or know of these sort of things in our circles today. I challenge you to spend some time talking with a missionary who's been in a closed country, or spent 3 or 4 terms on a field. They didn't go alone, and they'll have accounts to share you'll never forget. All you have to do is read biographies and autobiographies of missionaries, persecuted believers, soldiers, common folk who've walked through the fire/flood, and you'll see this same common thread--God revealing Himself in a myriad of ways to His children, often by His voice. God cannot be limited.

When I got ahold of Isaiah 30:21 "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." (that was all the way back in high school) I began pursuing and desiring to know and hear and recognize my Saviour's "word" in whatever way He chose to reveal Himself and His will to me. It wouldn't even be worth my time or effort to throw back the covers in the morning and put my feet on the floor if I didn't know I could walk and dance with, and hear the voice of my Redeemer.
That is depressing.
No wonder you don’t think that He talks to anyone. We would be like a five year olds tea party with Him pouring the tea.

Seriously, Adam walked with Him in the evening. Who knows what they chatted about, but my guess is that they were improving paradise.
“What do you think about a happy little pine tree over by that waterfall?”
“I love it! I will put some stepping stones out in front.”
They were friends, they hung out together and communicated.
What changed?
Why wouldn’t He want that same relationship today?
Your god is too stiff and unfriendly and you are inadvertently requiring Him to stay that way.
So, God was just lonely and needed a friend? I’m curious, where did you get that conversation between God and Adam? What you said is interesting, but you’re building a case from something you came up with.
Ahhh-my heart burns with passion on this subject because there are sooooo many ways God can manifest Himself. I'm very weary of hearing, "God doesn't speak to His children today, you can't hear His voice, you are some sort of kook if you say you have heard Him speak to you--like what planet did you come from?"--sort of thing, etc. Each one of us has a very personal relationship with our Saviour, and He knows just exactly how best to communicate with us because He knows US! He created you. He knows how you relate, how you listen, how you read--do you comprehend or not comprehend when you read, do you struggle when you read, maybe you can't read, do you often not get it when someone tells you something, do you need to hear it 10x before it clicks--auditory processing issues, are you a hands on person--tactile by nature, do you get it best if you hear it read, are you stubborn and self-willed--He might have to hit you up side of the head to get your attention, or are you the exact opposite and only need a nudge from the Spirit to know what to do--whoever you are--GOD knows you, and since He desires more than anything to have a relationship with YOU, He knows better than anyone how to get your attention and speak to you. The written Word--Scriptures, the spoken Word--Holy Spirit, prayer, events, Godly people in our lives (and I'm not talking about those who try to play God!)

Saul very clearly heard the Lord speak to him, but those around him didn't hear the voice. God spoke at John's baptism of Jesus. Read the account of what He said and what some heard! A man from Macedonia spoke to Paul in a vision (Acts 16:9) "saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us." Do a word search on the phrases: "And the word of the Lord came to ...." "The Lord said ...." "By the word of the Lord ..." Our Scriptures were God-breathed "but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2 Peter 1:21)--how else do you think we got them? Do a word study on RUACH. How did Jonah know he was supposed to go to Nineveh? Then, because he didn't do what the Lord had told him to do--he CLEARLY understood God's direction--He had a conversation with the Lord from the belly of the whale. Moses had an on-going dialogue throughout most of his life from the burning bush on--sometimes face to face. In 2 Samuel 5:24 David was told "when thou hearest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees that then thou shalt bestir thyself: for then shall the LORD go out before thee, to smite the host of the Philistines." Boy THAT would blow some brain gaskets in today's sphere of Christianity! He was getting ready to lead men into harms way, and he's supposed to wait for "the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees"?! Yep--and BTW--because he knew God's voice and understood what He was saying, David knew exactly when the sound happened--there was no guess work here. He didn't need an interpreter! He didn't have to ask God for clarification! He didn't go to his men, have a committee meeting, and wait for confirmation! My husband used to love to preach on "The Going in the Mulberry Trees". Mary, the mother of Jesus, had a distinct conversation with the Lord the night she conceived. Then Joseph heard from the Lord. The shepherds on the hillside not only heard angelic music, they heard a full message that night outside of Bethlehem. God spoke to the 3 wisemen through the stars He created. Not only did Samuel hear the voice of the Lord, Eli knew it was the voice of the Lord and Eli hadn't even heard God call Samuel, but He knew it was the Lord! Samuel didn't know it was the voice of the Lord the first two times, because he'd never heard the voice of the Lord prior to that. Because Eli told him it was the voice of the Lord, when God spoke the 3rd time, Samuel listened, understood, and then in obedience the next morning--though reluctantly--related to Eli exactly what God had told him the night before. God wrote with His finger on a wall to speak to Belteshazzar and gave Daniel the interpretation thereof. God got Belteshazzar's father, King Nebchadnezzar's attention in Daniel 4. Paul bore witness in Acts 20:22,23 "that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying bonds and afflictions abide me." Not only was Paul hearing this from the Lord, but the brethren were hearing the same thing and pleading with him not to go. Joseph fully acknowledged it was the Lord who gave him the interpretation of dreams.

As4me--I so get what you're saying because you grew up in a charasmatic setting. Satan has a counterfeit for everything GOD has. I 100% believe Hebrews 13:8. VV76 is pegging it as to why we don't hear of, or see, or know of these sort of things in our circles today. I challenge you to spend some time talking with a missionary who's been in a closed country, or spent 3 or 4 terms on a field. They didn't go alone, and they'll have accounts to share you'll never forget. All you have to do is read biographies and autobiographies of missionaries, persecuted believers, soldiers, common folk who've walked through the fire/flood, and you'll see this same common thread--God revealing Himself in a myriad of ways to His children, often by His voice. God cannot be limited.

When I got ahold of Isaiah 30:21 "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." (that was all the way back in high school) I began pursuing and desiring to know and hear and recognize my Saviour's "word" in whatever way He chose to reveal Himself and His will to me. It wouldn't even be worth my time or effort to throw back the covers in the morning and put my feet on the floor if I didn't know I could walk and dance with, and hear the voice of my Redeemer.
Is the canon of scripture still open and being added to? I challenge you to read the context of the scripture verses you quoted and those you paraphrased. Are they descriptive or prescriptive?

God is speaking to the Nation of Israel in Isaiah 30, right?
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RHM, If Hebrews 13:8 means that Christ is continuously speaking new things, how do you explain the 400 years of silence between the Old Testament and the new, or the other periods of silence?
I would like to reiterate that I did not say that God cannot speak to us. God speaks to us primarily through His Scriptures. I’m tired of people saying “I feel like God is saying such and such”. No. Either He is speaking and it’s clear or He is not. Your feelings have nothing to do with it.
I heard the still small voice once and every hair on my body stood up. It was something I was raised not to believe but there was no denying what it was when I heard it. It was incredible and to this day gives me chills.
This is what I’m talking about. When God speaks it will be something that has a lasting effect on us. We of course must test every spirit to ensure that it is God speaking to us. The Disciples walked and talk with Jesus and John was very close with Jesus, but even when the Apostle John saw the risen Lord he fell down like a dead man! When God speaks it rocks our world and if it doesn’t, I question where it comes from.
I would like to reiterate that I did not say that God cannot speak to us. God speaks to us primarily through His Scriptures. I’m tired of people saying “I feel like God is saying such and such”. No. Either He is speaking and it’s clear or He is not. Your feelings have nothing to do with it.
I'm with you on this one. This phrase has become so trite, I can't much stand to hear it anymore.

I'm not sure what I would call it, but the realization that polygyny was a thing for today was not of my own understanding. You can call it enlightenment, impression, discernment, revelation, or a still small voice. It became very real to me. It was almost entirely scripture based, but it did have other influences.
Yep that’s the only place in scripture I’m aware of that God uses a still small voice. My question is how has that become the go to way for us as believers to hear God’s voice? Why not burning bushes or from smoking mountains or dark clouds or pillars of fire or from naked prophets?
If they must be naked, can they be prophetesses instead?