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This has been on my mind

ok wait a sec homies ...
help me out here ...

Are you saying I can’t marry a widow that is over 60? Or shouldn’t?
(I do not like this rule Sam I Am.)

Nor do I! It truly makes no sense to me. I'm over 60 and as active as I was in my 30's and 40's AND healthier. At 64 I was taking a Krav Magaw self-defense course (Israeli if you didn't know). Other than my hair color, no one in the class would have come close to guessing my age. And let me tell you, just because you're beyond child bearing years and have passed menopause (hormonal change) doesn't mean you don't have desires and needs!
Since I married a 65yo woman over a year ago, my answer is obviously a resounding no!

You can see why this issue would be of interest to me.
And may I add to that, having visited with your new bride, that she is beautiful, healthy, and very much a woman who desires and needs her man's attention!
Nor do I! It truly makes no sense to me. I'm over 60 and as active as I was in my 30's and 40's AND healthier. At 64 I was taking a Krav Magaw self-defense course (Israeli if you didn't know). Other than my hair color, no one in the class would have come close to guessing my age. And let me tell you, just because you're beyond child bearing years and have passed menopause (hormonal change) doesn't mean you don't have desires and needs!

:rolleyes: Way hot!!!
You rock @rejoicinghandmaid !
Who, where? Please quote it.
@aineo " if a window is over 60 and has no relative to care for her, then the church should care for her. If she is under 60, she should remarry."

@rockfox "I'd guess that 60 is related to that being an age by which most if not all women would have gone through menopause and the hormonal changes that results in. Basically, grandmothers. Juxtapose that against "feel sensual desires in disregard of Christ, they want to get married".
Neither says over 60s are forbidden from marrying. You read into those statements an opinion you were emotionally sensitive to. I will leave it to the authors to expand on that if they wish, I won't presume to explain what they meant for them.
Ya I literally never said that there. I wasn't saying over 60 can't or shouldn't marry. I was giving a probable explanation for why Paul made 60 the cut-off on women who should marry and not be put on the church roles. Past menopause not only aren't you getting pregnant, women commonly experience significant decline in sexual desire. I'm sure there are exceptions but that is common. Hence "feel sensual desires in disregard of Christ, they want to get married".

But that doesn't mean 60+ can't or shouldn't marry.
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@aineo " if a widow is over 60 and has no relative to care for her, then the church should care for her. If she is under 60, she should remarry."

Neither says over 60s are forbidden from marrying. You read into those statements an opinion you were emotionally sensitive to. I will leave it to the authors to expand on that if they wish, I won't presume to explain what they meant for them.

I am not saying a widow over 60 cannot remarry. I am saying if she chooses not to or is unable to find a husband, and she has no one to care for her, then the church should care for her.

I think the confusion on my part comes from the last sentence in my quote. I think a woman under 60 should be looking to remarry, whereas a woman over 60 may choose to devote her life to the church. The truth is, some under 60 won’t remarry, and some over 60 will remarry, but these are guidelines.
Personal experience has shown me post menopausal women can have major hormonal changes that can go either way when it comes to levels of desire... :p :D
Thanks for your input!
Once again we're dealing with the "status quo" stereotype our culture and society has decided that "this is how is it, or how it must be":cool::rolleyes: The quote by @rockfox is a generalization supported by society, and possibly by statistics--but then we KNOW how deceiving statistics can be!!!

Sorry, I don't fit that sterotype, don't want to fit that sterotype, and don't plan to ever move in that direction--just sayin! BTW I'm also aware that society does this same thing to men. You're put on a shelf and expected to watch life pass you by when our Creator has blessed you with strength, health, and wonderful desires which still enable you to enjoy life to its fullest!
I’d agree massively with @Tina Galloway...
... a gal over 60 oughta have a lot to offer indeed. All that life experience and wisdom, skills and knowledge she could offer a relationship/ a family.
And how much more so if this were a godly woman... a virtuous woman with a life of righteous testimony trailing behind her. Would this woman not greatly enrich and bless any man as a good wife?, or any family as a loving sisterwife and mother?!
I’d say heck yea she would! This finely aged gem would be the cream of the crop! Refined beautifully by the Lord into a very valuable asset to His Kingdom!

I was just sitting here having my quiet time n coffee with the Lord. Usually read the proverb of the day. So , Reading proverbs 18 ... think I found a good verse in that there chapter that applies well to the topic ... verse 22 says “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.”
.... That’s all I’m saying ! Don’t matter if she’s a foxy young fertile thing, or a beautifully refined older gal... if she’s good wifey material then she’s a good thing you’ve found indeed!

We gotta break out of those cultural norms and be about the Biblical Family structure. :cool:
Besides, according to @frederick ’s personal experience, it could work out great in many ways! :rolleyes:
I’d agree massively with @Tina Galloway...
... a gal over 60 oughta have a lot to offer indeed. All that life experience and wisdom, skills and knowledge she could offer a relationship/ a family.
And how much more so if this were a godly woman... a virtuous woman with a life of righteous testimony trailing behind her. Would this woman not greatly enrich and bless any man as a good wife?, or any family as a loving sisterwife and mother?!
I’d say heck yea she would! This finely aged gem would be the cream of the crop! Refined beautifully by the Lord into a very valuable asset to His Kingdom!

I was just sitting here having my quiet time n coffee with the Lord. Usually read the proverb of the day. So , Reading proverbs 18 ... think I found a good verse in that there chapter that applies well to the topic ... verse 22 says “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.”
.... That’s all I’m saying ! Don’t matter if she’s a foxy young fertile thing, or a beautifully refined older gal... if she’s good wifey material then she’s a good thing you’ve found indeed!

We gotta break out of those cultural norms and be about the Biblical Family structure. :cool:
Besides, according to @frederick ’s personal experience, it could work out great in many ways! :rolleyes:
Very well stated and eloquently expressed!
I'm thankful each of us has a choice in the matter! I'm positive there ARE women, as well as, men that are perfectly content to live out their days single if they've lost a spouse. There's so many variables that come into play in these scenarios. The church and society have conditioned us and taught us to justify ones judgment and condemnation of those who don't tap their foot or march to the drumbeat of the majority--wherever that majority or status quo may land one--regardless of "what thus saith the LORD"! The singles become terribly lonely, isolated, left out, pushed off to the side. At any age, every human being has so much to offer that is valuable. Where would our world be if we would simply tap into the sea of unused resources!
Thanks for your input!
Once again we're dealing with the "status quo" stereotype our culture and society has decided that "this is how is it, or how it must be":cool::rolleyes: The quote by @rockfox is a generalization supported by society, and possibly by statistics--but then we KNOW how deceiving statistics can be!!!

Sorry, I don't fit that sterotype, don't want to fit that sterotype, and don't plan to ever move in that direction--just sayin! BTW I'm also aware that society does this same thing to men. You're put on a shelf and expected to watch life pass you by when our Creator has blessed you with strength, health, and wonderful desires which still enable you to enjoy life to its fullest!
Hey, Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 when little Yitzahk came along. Just spitballing, but if Abraham had great faith, I'm guessing he wasn't sitting on his hands all those years.... nevermind that post 75 Sarah was so beautiful (hot) at least two kings tried to steal her....

And, I'm thinking the promises of Isaiah's prophecies of the milennial kingdom, chapters 60-66, list much longer life spans... there may be some 'grannies' that suddenly have the blessing of motherhood again...