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True or false: single women are either arrogant and prideful or needy with baggage

If you rejected the faith after time, would that make you a VooDunner?

(I know how done is spelled but I am also teaching phonics regularly now and I am pretty sure that up there is how you would spell that nonsense)
That’s a good question, I hadn’t thought through my hypothetical conversion and deconversion thoroughly enough, apparently.
That’s a good question, I hadn’t thought through my hypothetical conversion and deconversion thoroughly enough, apparently.
Might be more concerned with what to do with the septum piercing than the grammar after thinking about it a bit.
Would not say investigate. I am aware of it though.

I certainly believe in certain cycles that effect the planet and by extension us. The polar shift and axial tilt cycles certainly come to mind.
This has nothing to do with cycles. What do you know about the theory?
This has nothing to do with cycles. What do you know about the theory?
I was not saying it did have anything to do with cycles. I am saying that I personally am aware of cycles that are significant to how we understand the world and how it works etc. Likening one not well notion to another one.

It is a creationist(? or perhaps swinging on geological explanatory) hypothesis that the Earth once had huge chambers of water sandwiched between the Earth’s crust and its mantle. Had to check the web to make sure I remembered that correctly when you initially asked as I only read a thumbnail about it in the past and have not read into how it theoretically progressed to the current state.

Are you an advocate of the theory?
Wow, this is a great thread! I think we all can struggle with pride arrogance and being needy with baggage. This really helps me see how not to approach Christ. Its not a good call to go to him and demand he cares for me because its his job. But to approach him humbly and to be teachable knowing without him I have no hope, remembering much of the mess I am is because of my own doing and my own foolish and wicked actions. Praise Yah that he would redeem his people.
I was not saying it did have anything to do with cycles. I am saying that I personally am aware of cycles that are significant to how we understand the world and how it works etc. Likening one not well notion to another one.

It is a creationist(? or perhaps swinging on geological explanatory) hypothesis that the Earth once had huge chambers of water sandwiched between the Earth’s crust and its mantle. Had to check the web to make sure I remembered that correctly when you initially asked as I only read a thumbnail about it in the past and have not read into how it theoretically progressed to the current state.

Are you an advocate of the theory?
I am. I investigated it thoroughly and I have found it to be a sound theory, and not just a hypothesis. It is apparent that you have only scratched the surface on this theory. Read the online book. It is free.
I am. I investigated it thoroughly and I have found it to be a sound theory, and not just a hypothesis. It is apparent that you have only scratched the surface on this theory. Read the online book. It is free.
Really not even scratched the surface
The difficulty is that I have a bit of positional skepticism.
In this case it was because I was raised by an irascible old man with two PhD in different areas of geology. One of them being hydro-geology. I am aware that he didn't know everything and for that matter it is possible that he was unaware of the thesis entirely but him not being aware seems unlikely as he subscribed to a few magazines that fell into the skeptical observer category. Was the type to delight in debunking various theories that fell into his ballywick. For example the earlier global cooling clsims in the 70s and some other theories about oil and its scarcity...peak oil maybe? Anyway, he regularly gave talks at conferences as the guy there to debunk various notions.

As I mentioned, entirely possible it was something he never knew about or could not have disproved or potentially something he actively lectured me on multiple times...that could be the case as well. As a young boy and a teen, I learned to tune a lot of it out as he did not have an off switch. Constantly in lecture mode.
Likely where I get it myself.
Only I am half lecturer and other half lecherous...ladies? Eyebrow wiggling going on over here.

Anyway, I end up with a bit of a bias on topics related to geology.

I will track down an audiobook though as I spend a lot of time on the road and I go nuts without constant mental input, so new topics are always welcome.
Really not even scratched the surface
The difficulty is that I have a bit of positional skepticism.
In this case it was because I was raised by an irascible old man with two PhD in different areas of geology. One of them being hydro-geology. I am aware that he didn't know everything and for that matter it is possible that he was unaware of the thesis entirely but him not being aware seems unlikely as he subscribed to a few magazines that fell into the skeptical observer category. Was the type to delight in debunking various theories that fell into his ballywick. For example the earlier global cooling clsims in the 70s and some other theories about oil and its scarcity...peak oil maybe? Anyway, he regularly gave talks at conferences as the guy there to debunk various notions.

As I mentioned, entirely possible it was something he never knew about or could not have disproved or potentially something he actively lectured me on multiple times...that could be the case as well. As a young boy and a teen, I learned to tune a lot of it out as he did not have an off switch. Constantly in lecture mode.
Likely where I get it myself.
Only I am half lecturer and other half lecherous...ladies? Eyebrow wiggling going on over here.

Anyway, I end up with a bit of a bias on topics related to geology.

I will track down an audiobook though as I spend a lot of time on the road and I go nuts without constant mental input, so new topics are always welcome.
In that case, watch the videos put out by Bryan Nickel. Also, Bob Enyart has a podcast called Real Science Radio. He subscribes to both HP Theory and I believe C-Decay as did the late Chuck Missler. Take some time to explore this theory. Dr. Brown has charts in his free online book that detail multiple theories, including YEC theories, and stacks them up against HP theory, where he weighs numerous points of evidence discovered by noncreationists, and gives an assessment of each explanation and detailed reasons for those assessments. You might also be interested in some of the alternate theories to Einstein's assertions as well. You might look into debunkings of time dilation. Look into what the ZPE is all about, and how the Kasimir effect could very well be a legitimate scientificc explanation for gravity and the strong force. Ray Fleming has a lot of good videos about that, and he wrote a paper about how there is no need for muons and gluons, and he agrees with this notion that the effect of gravity is the result of the ZPE. Einstien's theory on gravity is pure bunk, and has set the scientific community backward 100 years. Barry Setterfield has some great videos on the C-Decay theory. Take some time to look into this before you go flirting with women who belong to Christ.
Stephan Wolfram has interesting theory. He was able to both reproduce theory of relativity and quantum mechamism theory.

I haven't followed his blog for some time, so I don't know current status.

This article should be good intro:
In that case, watch the videos put out by Bryan Nickel. Also, Bob Enyart has a podcast called Real Science Radio. He subscribes to both HP Theory and I believe C-Decay as did the late Chuck Missler. Take some time to explore this theory. Dr. Brown has charts in his free online book that detail multiple theories, including YEC theories, and stacks them up against HP theory, where he weighs numerous points of evidence discovered by noncreationists, and gives an assessment of each explanation and detailed reasons for those assessments. You might also be interested in some of the alternate theories to Einstein's assertions as well. You might look into debunkings of time dilation. Look into what the ZPE is all about, and how the Kasimir effect could very well be a legitimate scientificc explanation for gravity and the strong force. Ray Fleming has a lot of good videos about that, and he wrote a paper about how there is no need for muons and gluons, and he agrees with this notion that the effect of gravity is the result of the ZPE. Einstien's theory on gravity is pure bunk, and has set the scientific community backward 100 years. Barry Setterfield has some great videos on the C-Decay theory.
I will look it up and see what I can find to listen to in the car. Thanks for the references

Take some time to look into this before you go flirting with women who belong to Christ.
I likely will find it interesting. However I would be very surprised if it alters my path in any way. My priorities with respect to lesser known geophysics have been pretty locked in by learning about the issue of the acceleration of the shifting poles in conjunction with out weakening magnetosphere and the increased vulnerability to future Carrington event level CME's. There is more and worse to that but those are enough to put any sane person onto an urgent path. That has rather focused me a tad more on practical concerns than intellectual interests.
Practical concerns involve getting the family away from cities and building more familial infrastructure. If another wife comes along in the meantime, be she Christian (preferred) or atheist (would be weird being the oddball trying to talk down an atheist) or otherwise, then all the better.
The flirting in the context of plural marriage just happens as a matter or course and requires no additional energy happily.
@paterfamilias, I've got to be honest with you here. Being in agreement on spiritual matters with your wives is crucially important. There is a fundamental principle here which you have no doubt heard before - Christians are explicitly instructed to not be "unequally yoked with unbelievers". In other words, when we are working alongside someone much of the time ("yoked"), we need to be in agreement on much more than just the job at hand. This applies to all of life - it's why people tend to gravitate towards people of the same religion and politics in business for instance - but applies most strongly to marriage, because that is the part of life people are most closely yoked together.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 said:
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?
What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said,
“I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.
Therefore go out from their midst,
and be separate from them, says the Lord,
and touch no unclean thing;
then I will welcome you,
and I will be a father to you,
and you shall be sons and daughters to me,
says the Lord Almighty.”
So, much as you seem to be a great guy, I don't think a Christian wife is what you should be looking for.

You're really looking for a morally conservative wife. You are considering a Christian one simply because where you live most atheist women are nuts, and it's only the Christians that have remained sane. And I can completely understand that attraction. But this conservative culture that you value can only be preserved by marrying those same Christian women off to other Christian men who will create Christian families that will continue that culture. Marrying outside the faith, even to a decent man, is the first step towards diluting the influence of Christianity on the culture, and ending up with the very liberal atheist culture that you despise.

Cultural Christianity - the philosophy held by conservative atheists like yourself, Richard Dawkins and others - is a short-term phenomenon that appears during the change from a Christian culture to a non-Christian culture. You cannot hold onto it. It will disappear in a generation or two. It is simply nostalgia. And when a "cultural christian" - an atheist who likes conservative culture - marries a Christian woman, because he is dominant in the marriage, the children will simply not end up holding those values strong enough to preserve the culture. It has to be grounded in genuine faith to be preserved for multiple generations, and most of those children will not have such a faith.

Christians are the "salt of the world", the ones that preserve it. The only way to preserve the culture that you value is for those few rare conservative Christian women to marry conservative Christian men and raise children who have the same faith.

I know those women are incredibly attractive to anybody. I can completely understand why you want one, or more than one - they're awesome. But they are not just there to be enjoyed by one man, they have a crucially important job to preserve a society for all men. And this is why Christians have always been careful to try and marry their daughters off to other believers. That is how the culture you love was preserved for centuries, and it is the only way to preserve it for the future. There have always been some Christian women married off to other men - even Muhammad married one I believe (which explains much of the Christian flavour of the Quran). But the majority must marry Christians in order to sustain the culture, and as they become rarer this becomes more crucial by the year.

If you want a Christian wife, find Christ first. Then marry one and you can be part of the solution, rather than just someone who simply enjoys the fruits of a belief system that you do not share and are not yourself going to grow and spread.

We've got our eyes on a much larger mission here than just our own private marriages.
Christians are explicitly instructed to not be "unequally yoked with unbelievers".
I suspect this is the practice of nearly every man here. We won’t even consider non Christians. That is question number one during the dating or courting process. With the possible exception of the man who attempts to lead her to Christ first. Most other issues can be worked around. That one can’t in my opinion.
I suspect this is the practice of nearly every man here. We won’t even consider non Christians. That is question number one during the dating or courting process. With the possible exception of the man who attempts to lead her to Christ first. Most other issues can be worked around. That one can’t in my opinion.
For some of us, the number one question has to do with the difference between the Real One, and "another jesus, whom we have not preached."

They ARE going to hear from such 'christians' about a 'jesus' who said said there can be only one [wife]. If the goal is to "preserve a culture" that respects His Word, we might as well deal with the "hard questions" right up front.
I suspect this is the practice of nearly every man here. We won’t even consider non Christians. That is question number one during the dating or courting process. With the possible exception of the man who attempts to lead her to Christ first.
My comments aren't directed at anyone in particular, but meant to be a little thought provoking.

Rather than looking for a Christian woman to become another wife, why not put that idea to the side and focus on teaching the gospel to everyone? If God should happen to save an 18 year old, virgin, orphan, who is highly educated, is eager to travel to NZ, and wants to be wife #2 for @FollowingHim, you just became the best friends of @FollowingHim and @FollowingHim2. If she is 19 or older, maybe you can keep her for yourself(?)

That aside, it would seem like a more satisfying road to walk since you might have the special joy of leading someone to Christ, even if they aren't suitable wife material. And they may become lifelong friends in gratitude for you taking the time to talk with them.

Maybe I'm so old now I see more to life than acquiring wives as a primary goal for my service to God(?) Mind you, evangelism and making disciples has been a primary concern since God first saved me, and He's blessed me with two wives to walk this journey with me along the way. Cheers
That aside, it would seem like a more satisfying road to walk since you might have the special joy of leading someone to Christ, even if they aren't suitable wife material. And they may become lifelong friends in gratitude for you taking the time to talk with them.
This is exactly where I am and I find it to be a beautiful location.
Maybe I'm so old now I see more to life than acquiring wives as a primary goal for my service to God(?) Mind you, evangelism and making disciples has been a primary concern since God first saved me, and He's blessed me with two wives to walk this journey with me along the way. Cheers
I may only have one but I see far more need for the gospel being spread than wife acquisition.