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TruNews: Trump toppled by communists, military have turned against America


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Real Person
By Rick Wiles' interpretation, the Pentagon is no longer under the control of Trump. Both high ranking officials, and many individual military units and police units around the country, support the BLM / Antifa revolution. The constitutional republic of the USA is finished, and the communists have already won the revolution.

He expects the White House to be stormed this weekend and taken over by protestors. Possibly burnt down.

Is he correct? Hopefully not. He does have a tendency to be a bit extreme. But this is a very plausible interpretation of recent events of the last few days. The images of white people throughout the USA - even on-duty uniformed military - kneeling on demand by protesters, are very telling. Kneeling is submission. Your officials and military are submitting to the revolution, and when that happens the outcome is decided before the shooting even begins, and the people will be forced to submit too.

Finally - this may be TruNews' last episode. TruNews was begun under the name "America's Hope", with the purpose of calling the USA to repentence before (or until) the country fell. If the USA has fallen, TruNews' mission is completed. It is likely time for his ministry (Flowing Streams) to move on to a new mission - assisting the Church through a time of persecution.

Rick finished this broadcast with the word "Goodbye", said very seriously straight to the camera. I do not recall him ever saying that at the end of the show before, and if you watch his face when he says it, he's very serious. Times are changing.

Watch this episode this weekend. And pray for the safety of Trump and his family, the Flowing Streams ministry, and the Church as a whole.
By Rick Wiles' interpretation, the Pentagon is no longer under the control of Trump. Both high ranking officials, and many individual military units and police units around the country, support the BLM / Antifa revolution. The constitutional republic of the USA is finished, and the communists have already won the revolution.

He expects the White House to be stormed this weekend and taken over by protestors. Possibly burnt down.

Is he correct? Hopefully not. He does have a tendency to be a bit extreme. But this is a very plausible interpretation of recent events of the last few days. The images of white people throughout the USA - even on-duty uniformed military - kneeling on demand by protesters, are very telling. Kneeling is submission. Your officials and military are submitting to the revolution, and when that happens the outcome is decided before the shooting even begins, and the people will be forced to submit too.

Finally - this may be TruNews' last episode. TruNews was begun under the name "America's Hope", with the purpose of calling the USA to repentence before (or until) the country fell. If the USA has fallen, TruNews' mission is completed. It is likely time for his ministry (Flowing Streams) to move on to a new mission - assisting the Church through a time of persecution.

Rick finished this broadcast with the word "Goodbye", said very seriously straight to the camera. I do not recall him ever saying that at the end of the show before, and if you watch his face when he says it, he's very serious. Times are changing.

Watch this episode this weekend. And pray for the safety of Trump and his family, the Flowing Streams ministry, and the Church as a whole.

He's wrong.
I do not know what Rick's intel is saying, nor how true it may or may not be. What I do know is that the highest levels of military leadership are WAY more politicized than they should be and that upper echelon is deeply infiltrated by Masonic and Illuminati players. In fact, in many places and branches, promotion to Field Grade allegedly requires a secret hand shake...

There are indeed many very good and righteous patriots in the upper levels, but the game is a dangerous one wherein even the good guys are weighing silence and retirement retention v. speaking up/rebelling for truth and potentially landing in prison or forcibly retired.

My point, I am not sure that Rick is entirely wrong... We know that infiltration has happened in the highest levels of Government, bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, and business. Why wouldn't we assume the same has happened in a closed system such as the military where promotion comes at the hands of senior officers and NCOs who can pull in the assets they think helpful for their future plans?

I pray Rick is wrong. I'm concerned he is right... Though, his timing may be off... I will say this: ALL kingdoms fall and prophecy declares there WILL BE a global government more evil than any in history... Normalcy bias makes us assume it can't happen now...

Preparation - spiritual, physical, mental - is a wise step at this time! Wise as serpents, innocent as doves.

And, note: Revelation clearly says multiple times that the Holy Ones have TWO traits: They keep the commandments of God AND have the testimony of Yeshua. Let the wise ponder and understand!
Just to clarify I'm saying he's wrong about timing not saying that it cannot happen but we aren't there yet...
I’m sure that both factions exist, I just don’t believe it’s going down in that way.
It's hard to say if it will go down that way but it very well could. If it does, the SS will fight hard; I don't think they'll roll over. But I doubt they can hold off the military.

At this point I don't believe Trump has much if any control over most of the agencies nor the military. It's been widely stated that Obama culled the generals hard, so I don't know if there are many left loyal to America. Naturally many troops won't be down for that, but how many will mutiny?

If Trump were to call up the military to deal with the rioters, I half expect them to turn against him or to join the rioters. One way the later would go down is that they'd "keep the peace" as in allow the rioters to continue while preventing anyone from fighting back. It's been widely stated that Antifa is trying to trigger the white's into fighting back. I suspect they want to carry this into suburbia, get them to fight back; then NG or Federal Military steps in and puts down the defenders allowing the death squads to roll over the white suburbs (if not directly helping them, esp. in rounding up people on lists).

If it become overt enough, we'll go into a White vs. Red army scenerio as various military units go AWOL to defend their community along with retired vets and some Guard units. Ya, this the Russian Revolution all over again, right down to many specifics. How ironic the Dem's are following the Soviet playbook. Russian interference indeed. Projection.

I've seen a number of Special Forces types saying this is it, this is the main event revolution. And everything I'm seeing over the last couple of days points to that.

But if that SecDef resigns and is taken over by an open Trump loyalist, then it's probable Trump has more control than I thought.
I will say this: ALL kingdoms fall and prophecy declares there WILL BE a global government more evil than any in history... Normalcy bias makes us assume it can't happen now...

If it does happen now, we'll see roving death squads within weeks. Given the size of the country, the death toll will dwarf the previous commie record (70 million, Great Leap Forward).
I see danger, but my intuition says this will not be the time -- and that the manner in which our country rebounds or doesn't rebound from this will determine whether the next such event is successful.

I would have had more confidence in Trump had he not gone the wrong way with Wuhan Flu. Perhaps his Achilles heel is his inability to admit when he's wrong. Instead he just doubles down -- a good tactic when you're right, but it sure isn't in the case of claiming contrary to evidence that the Swedes are suffering from having followed the herd immunity path.
If it does happen now, we'll see roving death squads within weeks. Given the size of the country, the death toll will dwarf the previous commie record (70 million, Great Leap Forward).
Roving death squads would have considerably shorter life expectancies, in a country with 80,000,000 gun owners, then they have had in other commie revolutions. Within hours every death squad member in the country would look like a block of swiss cheese.
Roving death squads would have considerably shorter life expectancies, in a country with 80,000,000 gun owners, then they have had in other commie revolutions. Within hours every death squad member in the country would look like a block of swiss cheese.

That's the opportunistic case. But if the military is putting down any resistance?

I used to think we'd fight back but after seeing America roll over and take the red flag gun laws I'm less certain. Especially the way people are buying hook line and sinker the anti-white narratives.
That's the opportunistic case. But if the military is putting down any resistance?

I used to think we'd fight back but after seeing America roll over and take the red flag gun laws I'm less certain. Especially the way people are buying hook line and sinker the anti-white narratives.
American gun owners outnumber the military more than ten to one... and that’s if there weren’t any “defectors”. I’m glad 2A Americans are maintaining discipline. Now is not the time to go off half cocked. Peace is the preferred outcome. Just keep that powder dry.
Roving death squads would be in up armored vehicles, which every local National Guard unit also has. I wouldn’t expect most NG units to go quietly into the night.
It’d be a hot mess, if it ever came to that.
Especially the way people are buying hook line and sinker the anti-white narratives.

Not to mention how thoroughly Americans have demonstrated themselves to be sheep in response to Wuhan Flu directives.
I see danger, but my intuition says this will not be the time -- and that the manner in which our country rebounds or doesn't rebound from this will determine whether the next such event is successful.

I would have had more confidence in Trump had he not gone the wrong way with Wuhan Flu. Perhaps his Achilles heel is his inability to admit when he's wrong. Instead he just doubles down -- a good tactic when you're right, but it sure isn't in the case of claiming contrary to evidence that the Swedes are suffering from having followed the herd immunity path.

I woke up today with a sense that I need to elaborate on what I wrote (above) last night.

When I refer to rebounding, I think the most essential aspect of a proper rebounding effect will be the manner in which our country deals with the people behind the riots. Yes, it will be reflective of the general will of our leaders what they do in response to the calls for so-called racial justice, but given that blacks currently worked up over this false issue are simply pawns of the strategists behind this fiasco (just as those whites currently worked up thinking we have to do something about quelling the violent blacks are pawns in their own right), what really matters is how much ground our leaders are willing to cede to the actual agenda of organizations like Antifa, Black Lives Matter and others of their ilk (not to mention their major funders). None of this started this month or even this year or the decade that 2020 will be the capstone to.

If he follows through on it, Trump's assertion that "Antifa and other like-minded groups" (and if they leave off Black Lives Matter we'll have a clue about how serious they are about it) are to be designated as domestic terror organizations could represent the best evidence yet of Donald Trump's brilliance. Follow the money. Without the vast amount of cash behind those groups, most of which will dry up if criminal penalties are associated with funding them (because left-wing politicians, the Hollywood elite and other limousine liberals are at their core cowards with no real foundational principles other than approval-and-power lust -- and folks like George Soros don't want to be incarcerated), the vast number of namby-pamby grad-students-living-in-their-upper-middle-class-parents-basement spoiled brats will ask for more hours at Starbucks to replace their supposed commitment to bringing about the destruction of Western Civilization. This, though, is a watershed moment in our nation's history. Being cavalier about what is happening will ensure its full implementation either the next time around or shortly thereafter. As I mentioned above in response to @rockfox, I no longer have much faith that even the 2nd Amendment crowd will generally resist if our military sides with the anarchists, given that I live in a serious NRA stronghold in rural northwestern Pennsylvania, and this area has been highly characterized by generalized obedience to a dictatorial Commonwealth governor.

I also want to add that I would be remiss if I ever gave the impression that I'm in any danger of abandoning Trump as our current leader. I shudder thinking about how different today would be if Hillary Clinton (or just about any current Democrat leader) were in charge, and I have almost no faith that most any other of the 2016 Republican challengers to Trump would have ended up being significantly different from the Clintons or the Obamas or pick your member of The Squad (if I believed in Hell, I would also believe that there has to be a special place reserved there for Lindsay Graham in particular, who always manages to puff up his chest as he's far-too-consistently-for-coincidence ensuring that no one will ever be held accountable for their treason).

Trump has made mistakes, but in the scheme of things the only significant one has been his handling of Wuhan Flu. Most of the complaints people have about Trump I instead label as strengths (most especially the facts that (a) he is rude and crude and (b) his unstatesmanlike use of Twitter -- we would know nothing if Trump weren't a master at getting attention in that manner); his lack of gentility is one of his most effective traits, and our country has been begging for someone to stop worrying about whether the soulless, ruthless, amoral Democrats consider Republican behavior righteous enough for Republican voters. This is a culture war, and Republicans have been letting people who would strip the skin off their backs hypnotize them into going wobbly over such irrelevant matters as sexual indiscretions or offensive language. In competition or war, I want on my side people who will do what it takes to win. I don't want them to abandon all principles -- even when our opponents do so by promoting winning by all means necessary or that the ends justify the means -- but I do want them to be willing to set aside good manners if that's what it takes, so I'm likely going to support Trump no matter what he does -- because I have no use for Sensitive New Age Guys in positions of power: those are the type of individuals who become overly-authoritarian when given the opportunity; witness what I'm saying on the part of many Democrat governors in the face of Wuhan Flu and senseless rioting.

So I hope Trump will follow through on first designating Antifa and Black Lives Matter as domestic terror organizations -- and then crack down hard on their behavior and their financial streams. In order to do that, though, he is going to have to set aside the wasted motivation to increase the black vote in November. In fact, I'm absolutely certain that, the more he cracks down on Black Lives Matter, the higher the percentage will be of blacks who vote for him. Black Americans, after all, are the ones who have the most to lose if Black Lives Matter gets its way.

This is no time, either, for bandaids. This is no time for appeasement or just kicking the can down the road. To fail to holistically dismantle the treason that is at the core of what we're witnessing will be to ensure that it will be fully implemented by the end of the first term of the next Democrat elected to the presidency.

I steadfastly maintain my belief that our God is Sovereign and that that implies that everything that is happening is according to His Plan -- even the work of the Adversary. What that doesn't account for is to what extent it is God's Plan that the current situation is Designed to inspire us to help ourselves. If nothing else, He has presented us with a tremendous opportunity for significant learning. I don't pretend to know what His Purposes are in this moment, but I don't doubt that it involves a tremendous lesson, the need for which we as humanity most certainly have brought upon ourselves.

I will continue to pray for strength for Donald Trump and a profound soul-shaking spiritual conversion for George Soros.
In fact, I'm absolutely certain that, the more he cracks down on Black Lives Matter, the higher the percentage will be of blacks who vote for him. Black Americans, after all, are the ones who have the most to lo
Yup, it’s already steadily rising according to the latest Rasmussen polls.
Note to Rick:
News is what has already happened.
Attempting to predict the future is called prophecy.

In Sun Tzi’s Art of War, appearing to be weak when you are actually strong is a major principle.
You are flying Assumption Airlines and you are too smart by half. (Not to mention that you are trying to project knowledge when you are bereft of it.)

I feel sorry for Doc, he was a good man.
I found Doc’s question about whether Trump will allow the rascals to have their way in the big cities very interesting.
It would be just like Trump to accept defeat in trying to protect them and coming out smelling like a rose when they get destroyed.

He will not let the People’s House be destroyed, he has defenses that Rick has no clue about.

And that is me attempting to be prophetic in the natural, but I am humble and lovable. ;)
Well, I'm neither a prophet nor a son of the prophets but Trump has had enough info of wrong doing to take down Antifa for years now. So it's hard for me to have much confidence he'll do anything about it. And even if he manages to quell the rioting, if antifa is not broken up, top to bottom, this will only flare up again worse. Maybe it will be different this time, more political will to deal with them. But I'm not holding my breath.