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When did PM become taboo scripturaly?

Had to post it in 2 replies it was to long lol...


Now for CaseyMarion’s replies.

“Monogamy through marriage is God’s express purpose.”

Please provide a Command. Not a description but a proscription. With exception to what I stated above I do not find a single command that someone is supposed to be monogamous, polygynous, or celibate, only that all the options are valid as long as they are within the proscribed limits.

"We are called for sacrificial, and unconditional love in our sacred partnerships.”

I don’t disagree with you regarding love (1 Cor. 13:4-7) describes the attributes of love. (1 John4:7-11) Describes how to recognize love in another. (Ephe. 5:22-33) Confirms the hierarchy of Yah, Yahshua, Man, and Woman. (John 14:15) Yahshua tells us how to show our love for him as our head. So let me ask you this. If Yah, does not condone but regulates polygyny, has a command which might lead to polygyny in some circumstances, and even attributed to himself the creation of various polygynous scenarios. If an able and married man wants to take another woman under his wing and be a husband unto her, to care for and love her according to what Yah permits and outlines. Who can condemn him? If a woman denies another woman her husband out of jealousy and selfishness is this not contrary to the above descriptions of love and hierarchy? That's a heart problem.

Every polygamy related scripture narrative ended in some disaster - Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, etc.

This is silly, do you intentionally leave out all of the monogamous narratives that led to disaster? Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and Ham, Lot, Jezebel and Ahab, Lamech who is claimed to be evil and with which polygyny is often attributed to, all came out of monogamy. What you call disastrous polygyny literally came out of disastrous(by proxy) monogamy. Not once but twice! From Adam and Eve as well as Noah. So if both lead to evil, is celibacy the only solution to avoid disaster? If that’s the case why are we having this discussion at all? We should all just be like Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, Yahshua, Paul and the other apostles? and abstain. Should we just forbid marriage all together (1 Tim. 4:3) it is supposed to be the end times...but if it is then we should also consider Isiah 4:1.

"I counted your questions in the above post and counted 13 or 14. Out of those questions which would be most important for us to answer?”

I wasn’t looking for an answer the questions were introspective, meant for self-reflection. You could answer them if you want though.

Genesis 16, Genesis 17 Abraham’s family was rend in two because of the lack of faith of the promise and serious animosity between Sarai and Hagar for Ishmael and the Lord had to intervene, and causing chaos for Israel’s lineage later in the line.

Jacob in Genesis 28-50 who had two wife’s and two concubines, his wife’s and their families were riddled with hate and dysfunction for one another. The women competed for his affections, Joseph was a spy against his brothers, Jacob chose favoritism for his children, and the brothers tried to kill his favorite son?

These are all descriptions of something happening, again not a proscription. Correlation is not causation. These are both heart problems with the individual. Women compete for a mans time and attention regardless, whether its against friends, video games, hobbies even studying the word. These are not unique to polygyny. All family’s squabble and most parents have favorites amongst their children, should they be limited to one child to prevent this? Where does it say because of Jacobs polygyny he loved one son more then the other, it doesn’t. What it does say is he was his favorite because he had him in his old age. As for Josephs brothers trying to kill him, Cain and Abel much? If you read through Jacob's story you will see that Yah opened and closed wombs actively creating the situation for all women involved to bare Jacobs children. Even Leah attributes this to him (Gen. 30:18).

Detailing the life of King David, chapters where David had so many wives and children and neglected them all to the point where his son Absalom raped his sister in 2 Samuel 13 his other was so neglected and distant that he stages a military coup a couple chapters later against his father David?

You got your stories a little mixed up here, but is this what scripture actually says? Again you are attributing things to polygyny that scripture does not. No where does it say because of neglect these things happened. What Yah did say just a chapter earlier in 2 Samuel 12:9-12.

“9Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own. You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites. 10Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.’

11“This is what the Lord says:‘Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity on you. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to one who is close to you, and he will sleep with your wives in broad daylight. 12You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel.’”

Everything that happened in the following chapter is because of Davids trespass against Uriah. You should take more caution in what you post so as not to misguide others.

“The Bible does not support this concept of polygyny as a good thing, there was and will always be evil that will come from it."

You still have not provided a scriptural basis for the idea that monogamy is superior to polygyny or even celibacy. Please provide a commandment or statement proving the above claim. Evil comes out of either forms of marriage.

"The words of the beginning man will leave his father and mother and be United to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. That is the command spoken and written in the Old Testament and spoken by Jesus Christ in the gospels.”

Please see my response to Coolrunningsmon above for clarity on this. This is not a command for monogamy or polygyny. It is a description of a marriage covenant.

Now my sister, where is your scripture?

I should probably clear up that I am not a woman. Not sure where the assumption arose from.

Where are your witnesses?

Hopefully this post satisfies this question. However I will provide some links with more for the Bereans who want to seek the scriptures and test all things for themselves.

Where is the command strictly given that having multiple wives is wanted by God?

See my paragraph above regarding the two places I could think of commanding marriage and as I stated in another post there is no command prescribing monogamy or forbidding polygyny. There are 3 options to choose from, depending on how a man is called, emphasis on man. I also should point out that a woman is never told to stay unmarried with the exception of a widow over 60 and widows under that age are encouraged to remarry (1 Tim. 5). I would go as far to even say that 1 Tim. 2:15 encourages all women to marry in order to bear children.

“God Himself demanded that marriage should be between one woman and one man.”

This is where your second reply started with which you still had not provided proof for this statement, only declarations.

"People being the sinful variety that they are (myself included) destroyed the sanctity of this."

Sexual immorality and unjustified divorce is what destroys the sanctity of marriage (Matthew 19:3-9).

"Like Shawn said just because the patriarchs did it doesn’t mean it was okay. In all the cases of the OT mentions it was done against better judgement."

I agree obviously we don’t want to copy the wrongs of anyone whether it is the patriarchs or apostles. Neither should we ignore the things they did correctly, as there are plenty of references to them by the apostles esteeming them. Abraham the father of the faith, Moses spoke with Yah face to face, David a man after Yah’s own heart, Solomon who Yah appeared to twice and he built the temple, all the latter 3 having a hand in authoring the very books you quote from. Joshua one out of the two men from Moses generation to enter the promised land. Joash who did all that was right in eyes oh Yah during the years of Jehoida the priest. These being just some, what did they have in common? All of them being polygynous and never once being condemned or chastised by Yah because of it.

"I’ve detailed this out multiple times in my earlier responses as well.
I hope this helps sister. This is what God wants for us, and time has not changed his mind."

(Made an edit, detailed below)
After Jesus said that in Matthew, the epistles mention that leaders of the churches can only be monogamous relations, however those marriages must be respectful, loving, and honoring.

Coolrunnings did a breakdown above in this thread.

So not only does the Lord state it at least twice for marriage to be 1 to 1, but the early church makes that a rule for any leader.

Now it should be said that divorce is awful, abuse is awful, neglect is awful, using one headship as a weapon to shame to hurt is awful. Marriages are hard and people are evil and hurt one another, and that is NEVER okay that any of that happens EVER.

As God intended it, marriage should be one loving and sacrificial man to one loving and bonding and helping woman who give their lives to one another to become one United."

I think I addressed everything said here somewhere above and now I will address your passages.

Genesis 2:23-25 – This is not a command it is a description of creation. Never do we see this happen again for another man and woman.
Matthew 19:4-9 – The context here being divorce, emphasis on not separating what Yah has brought together. It describes marriage but does not address how many of those marriage covenants a man can have at any one time.
Ephesians 5:22-33 – Addressed above.
1 Peter 3:7 – Addressed above.
1 Corinthians 7:39 – Addressed above.
1 Timothy 3:1-12 – Exampled above in context.
Titus 1:6 – Similarly addressed above, this speaks of the qualifications for a position. Not a commandment from Yah, neither does it clearly disqualify a man who has more than one wife, just states he must have a wife and be faithful to her. He also must have well behaved children and several personality traits.

Now for FrameofDust

“Add to this powersful list that @CaseyMarion made the story of Hannah and Penninah in 1 Samuel 1. Such a sad story! You see the bitterness and rivalry and animosity- and you can see it from both sides- all three sides!*

"her adversary also provoked her sore" 1Samuel 1:6. (Do you want to share your life with an adversary?)”

Again this is a description not a prescription. Wisdom can be gained from it just as any other story, but contextually it is a specific circumstance. One which it could be said Yah himself again created having closing Hannah’s womb. The issue not being the polygyny but her inability to have a child. It displays a heart problem in Penninah instead of loving Hannah she provokes her.

he is the best option for her

I feel like you say this a few times, and I wonder why you want to sell yourself short? Or whoever this girl is? This man who would take on multiple wives doesn't sound like the best option for anyone. I assure you that there are better options

This girl who thinks that another woman's husband is her "best option" may have been sold a lie. There are godly good men out there who want to treat her with love and respect. Who want to take care of her. Who want to be a part of their kids lives in a real and meaningful way."

I am curious if you know any single women believers who are single because they simply cannot find a believing man, let alone a good man. If you do know any women like this and have a husband of your own, and perhaps even children. How long would you encourage her while she waits for a husband, childless? How many of her child bearing years should pass while she waits for this person who may never show? Being single and reaching the end of her child bearing years how would you comfort her? Would you encourage her to freeze her eggs and continue to wait or perhaps visit a bank and raise a child without a father on a single income? How long should she live by herself? Perhaps even struggling with only a single income? What if she is a widowed single parent? Knowing you have a husband who could fulfill that role, would you deny her if she asked you? How much would she need to suffer before you take pity on her? If your husband saw her struggle and suggested bringing her in, would you treat her like Penniah treated Hannah or like Ruth and Naomi? Now imagine yourself as that single or widowed woman.

"Matthew 19:3-8 may be applicable here, too. Could it be that in the Old Testament that this practice was allowed but only because of the hardness of the people's hearts- like Moses decreeing that divorce was OK? Jesus tells us that a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife- that the 2 will become 1. (There is no mention of a third or fourth. ) And Jesus goes on to tell us that in the beginning he made male and female (not 1 male and multiple females). And Jesus says in verse 8: "He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so." I would encourage you to look at how it was in the beginning. What was God's desire for Adam in the Garden? Genesis 2:18"

I would submit his desire has not changed, as his character does not change. His morals are the same then as they were at Sinai, when Yahshua came, and will continue to be the same in the coming kingdom. Everything he has done up to this point has been to reunite us with himself to continue from where we left off. This passage speaks of divorce and a deeper study would suggest a specific type of divorce where in the wife was not divorced officially, but was sent out without a certificate causing her to be unable to remarry. This may be what Moses was spoken of as suffering.

"Check it out! This is so neat! Notice that Yahweh God says that "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Check out that when you look at the original words that "an help" and "meet" are singular. One man and one woman. As it was in the beginning. 💕"

And that’s what he did, but we are no longer in the beginning. As I stated above no woman has come from man since, neither are we naked and unashamed, nor do we name our wives. The story had to start somewhere and Eve was to be the mother of all the living. If it was a problem he would have addressed it at the start, he would have put it in his laws at Sinai, rebuked those who participated, or corrected it when he came for our sins as he did with everything else. But he didn’t instead he used parables and even describes himself as a participator in polygyny multiple times (Ezekiel 23, Jeremiah 3, Matthew 25:1-13, The 7 Churches).

In closing I would put forth that some men have larger callings then others and might benefit from additional help. Likewise some men may have a greater ability to provide allowing for the covering of another woman who would go without otherwise. Description is not a prescription, we are all called to different roles, and the most high has made accommodations for those callings. I am not saying it is commanded nor that it is for everyone. With that said I leave you with this. If Monogamy is the ideal, why does it need to be enforced by man? Why after restarting with Noah did it come back? Why is the divorce rate in the monogamous world so high? Why do people so easily except divorce which Yah says he hates multiple times. Yet are so outspoken in regard to polygyny which he never touches on.

To quote onelousypetunia’s reply which quotes a writing by the wisest man to ever live and also the biggest polygynist in the bible.

"If you have been foolish, exalting yourself, or if you have been devising evil, put your hand on your mouth.
Proverbs 30:32"

I am not sure if this was a shot at me, but I wonder what Solomon would say if you quoted it to him in regards to what has been said in this thread.
For any of you who would like to do a deeper study, here’s around 6 years worth of researched resources.

Also there’s $10,000 for anyone who can beat pastordowell in a debate regarding biblical marriage.
Genesis 20:1-18 – Adultery is bad and has been since before Sinai.
Two thoughts, first, I LOVE the tree and branches illustration, especially considering the branches bear the fruit!

Second, re Gen. 20... note Abimelech acted 'in the integrity of my heart' and Yah agrees in that language. Also, note that Abi already had a wife/wives and maidens whose wombs were closed...

Excellent pithy summation of the subject.

As for the additional scriptures. I will address *Genesis 20:1-18* first as there is actually a lot going on under the hood here.

Notice how Abimelech took Sarah for himself thinking she was Abraham’s sister, not knowing she was also his wife (Gen. 20:1-5). If we read verse 17 we will see that Abimelech already had a wife, and even other women in his house although we are not given the specifics of their relation other then they were slaves, but he took Sarah having already had a wife (I do not remember if the word translated as female slave is the same as concubine, but there’s another study for those who want some meat.). So what does Yah say to Abimelech? What stirred Yah’s wrath?

Gen. 20:3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to him, “Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife.”. Here we see Yah is angry because Abimelech took another man’s wife for himself. Not because he took another wife. In the next verse we see Abimelech spared because he had not approached her yet, whereby he would have committed adultery. In Verse 5 Abimelech states he did not do it on purpose and was not keen to her marital status. In Verse 6 Yah affirms that he knew this to be true, and Yah had kept Abimelech from Sarah. Notice in verse 17 after returning Sarah, Abraham prays for Abimelech, for Yah had closed all the wombs in his house for taking another man’s wife. Not because he took another wife. Yah’s words are very specefic regarding the reasons.

As for the additional scriptures. I will address *Genesis 20:1-18* first as there is actually a lot going on under the hood here.

Notice how Abimelech took Sarah for himself thinking she was Abraham’s sister, not knowing she was also his wife (Gen. 20:1-5). If we read verse 17 we will see that Abimelech already had a wife, and even other women in his house although we are not given the specifics of their relation other then they were slaves, but he took Sarah having already had a wife (I do not remember if the word translated as female slave is the same as concubine, but there’s another study for those who want some meat.). So what does Yah say to Abimelech? What stirred Yah’s wrath?

Gen. 20:3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to him, “Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife.”. Here we see Yah is angry because Abimelech took another man’s wife for himself. Not because he took another wife. In the next verse we see Abimelech spared because he had not approached her yet, whereby he would have committed adultery. In Verse 5 Abimelech states he did not do it on purpose and was not keen to her marital status. In Verse 6 Yah affirms that he knew this to be true, and Yah had kept Abimelech from Sarah. Notice in verse 17 after returning Sarah, Abraham prays for Abimelech, for Yah had closed all the wombs in his house for taking another man’s wife. Not because he took another wife. Yah’s words are very specefic regarding the reasons.
And that is another really good example to use to demonstrate the fact that adultery is determined by the marital status of the woman. Both Abimelech and David are irrefutable because the Scriptures are so clear regarding the women involved.
I actually wasn't going to bother with a reply after seeing they had locked the thread, I figured it was going to just fall on deaf ears anyways. I am not sure who needs to know of the information I presented, or perhaps it is a test of my own understanding on the subject. Judging by the fact those who I was replying to still think I am a woman tells me they most likely skimmed through it halfheartedly, as I stated I am not a woman about half way through. Granted though it was a long read. @PeteR Your warriors call video couldn't have been better timed. Its the only reason I reconsidered. I think I made the decision to abandon the thread earlier that night. Hopefully it is of some value to someone. I was hoping to avoid the posting of videos in my response as personally I feel it is asking someone else to fight the battle for you. I know what I know, but sometimes others are better at presenting the facts.
I actually wasn't going to bother with a reply after seeing they had locked the thread, I figured it was going to just fall on deaf ears anyways. I am not sure who needs to know of the information I presented, or perhaps it is a test of my own understanding on the subject. Judging by the fact those who I was replying to still think I am a woman tells me they most likely skimmed through it halfheartedly, as I stated I am not a woman about half way through. Granted though it was a long read. @PeteR Your warriors call video couldn't have been better timed. Its the only reason I reconsidered. I think I made the decision to abandon the thread earlier that night. Hopefully it is of some value to someone. I was hoping to avoid the posting of videos in my response as personally I feel it is asking someone else to fight the battle for you. I know what I know, but sometimes others are better at presenting the facts.
You never know who will read it or when, and how God might touch a person's heart through it. Clarifying the truth in your own mind is always good as you will be better equipped to help others in the future. Thanks for posting. Shalom