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When you shouldn't seek an additional wife

People have been brainwashed into believing they shouldn't have kids because it's wrecking the planet or costs too much.
I have some friends that chose to only have two children and not have a third. The reason was that in NZ, if they had another child, they would have to have 3 in car seats. Not only would they have to buy another car seat, but they couldn't fit 3 in their car, so they would have to buy a bigger vehicle. They just didn't have the money for that.
So yeah, sometimes it really does cost too much.

I'm not sure what the deal is elsewhere, but in NZ children have to be in car seats for quite a long time because they based it on height, not age. So your kids will probably be at school, even up to the age of 8, before getting out of a booster seat. We still have 2 in boosters at 6yrs and 8yrs.
I have some friends that chose to only have two children and not have a third. The reason was that in NZ, if they had another child, they would have to have 3 in car seats. Not only would they have to buy another car seat, but they couldn't fit 3 in their car, so they would have to buy a bigger vehicle. They just didn't have the money for that.
So yeah, sometimes it really does cost too much.

I'm not sure what the deal is elsewhere, but in NZ children have to be in car seats for quite a long time because they based it on height, not age. So your kids will probably be at school, even up to the age of 8, before getting out of a booster seat. We still have 2 in boosters at 6yrs and 8yrs.
And that just comes back to culture and laws. Why do they need 3 carseats? Sure they're safer, but fundamentally because the law requires it. Why can't they fit them in? Because cars are generally manufactured to have 5 seats, and they may not be able to afford a bigger one - and it's illegal to pack in more people than there are seatbelts. Didn't used to be, but now is.

It's an interesting example of how our entire cultural and legal environment steers people towards conforming with the cultural norms, and makes nonconformity exceptionally difficult. Through a creeping process of legal changes, each of which are considered justifiable and none of which are directly intended to stop anyone living their life as they please, the limits on liberty are all a side-effect.
Exactly the types of rare circumstances I'm alluding to.

I don't see why a "compound" style living situation isn't entirely viable. One main house for daily activities, meals, washing, etc... With smaller single room tiny home style residences. Well insulated with a mini-split for heating and AC, there's private quarters where people can retreat to if they need some personal space, she can decorate "her" place however she likes, personal idiosyncrasies that might be annoying and cause interpersonal conflict if in a shared space are able to be expressed without that friction when there are separate quarters. While I would much rather see everyone under one roof, the decentralized housing solution is entirely doable and actually historically more accurate.
I would also rather see the whole family under one roof, but the compound method is extremely common where polygamy is frequently practiced.

For unregenerate people it might be the only feasible option.
I have some friends that chose to only have two children and not have a third. The reason was that in NZ, if they had another child, they would have to have 3 in car seats. Not only would they have to buy another car seat, but they couldn't fit 3 in their car, so they would have to buy a bigger vehicle. They just didn't have the money for that.
So yeah, sometimes it really does cost too much.

I'm not sure what the deal is elsewhere, but in NZ children have to be in car seats for quite a long time because they based it on height, not age. So your kids will probably be at school, even up to the age of 8, before getting out of a booster seat. We still have 2 in boosters at 6yrs and 8yrs.
Here in the state of Washington, our child seat laws are also crazy that way. I think there is a height weight factor that almost snags some small women.

I do wish your friends could have at least found an old beater of a minivan so they could have had more children.
Here in the state of Washington, our child seat laws are also crazy that way. I think there is a height weight factor that almost snags some small women.

I do wish your friends could have at least found an old beater of a minivan so they could have had more children.
I think the height requirement for not being in a booster is 4’9”
I have some friends that chose to only have two children and not have a third. The reason was that in NZ, if they had another child, they would have to have 3 in car seats. Not only would they have to buy another car seat, but they couldn't fit 3 in their car, so they would have to buy a bigger vehicle. They just didn't have the money for that.
So yeah, sometimes it really does cost too much.

I'm not sure what the deal is elsewhere, but in NZ children have to be in car seats for quite a long time because they based it on height, not age. So your kids will probably be at school, even up to the age of 8, before getting out of a booster seat. We still have 2 in boosters at 6yrs and 8yrs.
The world has gone slack jawed authoritarian across the western world. In Texas we are supposed to keep kits in some sort of booster till 12 or 4'9. An ex girlfriend was that hight as a young but adult woman.
I get that some of the broad strokes will have some attempting to hand wave away objections with claims of air bags and side curtain bags etc. No thank you. Does apply to most cars produced to date and the bureaucrastate sucks things not recommended for oral use
You just need a little imagination - like we have.

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You all think that photo is entertaining... .


This trike is the local "schoolbus" here in the province. I've personally seen 14 people on the 100cc motorcycle version of these things. Crazy dangerous. But that's life in this part of the world where people make do with the little they have.
You all think that photo is entertaining... .

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This trike is the local "schoolbus" here in the province. I've personally seen 14 people on the 100cc motorcycle version of these things. Crazy dangerous. But that's life in this part of the world where people make do with the little they have.
What county are you located in Frederick? I thought you were in New Zealand.

I remember seeing similar sights when I was in Vietnam about six years ago. People there carry all sorts of things and people on tiny motorbikes.

They had a lot of "taxi" scooters/motorbikes. I rode them around both Hanoi.and Saigon (HMC). That must have been a funny sight. A 6'4"(192cm) 240 pound white American guy riding on the back of little scooters driven by 5'5" 120 pound vietnamese guys. They were a very cheap way to get around town.
And in case anyone is confused, those photos are both from the Philippines, you don't see anything like that in New Zealand!

However @FollowingHim2 I am now very tempted to add side carriers to the motorbike to carry the whole family on it, imagine us turning up to church like that. If he can fit 10 people on his I can certainly fit 9 on mine. That is seriously ingenious. And just look how pleased with himself he looks, proud of his family and proud of his ingenuity. How much more manly can you get than that - carrying a wife and 8 children on a motorcycle!
And in case anyone is confused, those photos are both from the Philippines, you don't see anything like that in New Zealand!

However @FollowingHim2 I am now very tempted to add side carriers to the motorbike to carry the whole family on it, imagine us turning up to church like that. If he can fit 10 people on his I can certainly fit 9 on mine. That is seriously ingenious. And just look how pleased with himself he looks, proud of his family and proud of his ingenuity. How much more manly can you get than that - carrying a wife and 8 children on a motorcycle!
I have a silly car blog that started out as an attempt to document a rebuild/change of a 1923 Model T pickup project I did back when. It has evolved to fun and sill transportation pics and movies.

I will have to track one of my favorite short movies down and post it on here. It is a +/- 100cc step through scooter that has been cut in half and then joined back together with what looks like 15 foot or so of telephone pole and yeah...it has a tonne of guys strutting the pole and yeah it is being used for transportation.
@MemeFan, this is one of those times when you need to listen to and learn from the experienced men here.
C'mon, you speak with very disagreable person.

Listen more experienced people doesn't work on me. What matters is who understands reality better?
The thing that separates humans from animals is that we are rational. An animal "thinks with the head in its pants", and has sex with whatever moves. A human controls his/her urges and makes rational, sensible decisions about what to do. A human that lives like an animal will ruin their life, while a human that uses his/her brain will be successful.

First, humans are mutual choice species. Both partners must choose each other. Men don't stick in anything walkable.

Being frank now:

Low mental capacity females are lonely females.


Let's go for core. My post has zero with sex itself. It's about mindset.

Let's look at thread title. What mindset will it push? Let's play safe, better safe than safe....let's not try anything and risk nothing. But is that good mindset, one providing best outcomes for us.

Best love advice I have ever received is also generally applicable. Stay in set. Don't give yourself leg. That's lady job.

In essence don't disqualify yourself.

Are forum members here disqualify themselves? Let's start with provision. I don't earn enough for two, so no second wife for me.

Now of you when barely surviving and wife informing you new baby is on way would conclude that solution is abortion. You would all conclude "I need to earn more".

You can use same logic for second wife.

Thirdly, reason I mentioned head in pants is because situation is simple for him. He knows what he wants and job of head above is think good way to goal and is attention on good female.

Problem with head above neck is tendecy to overanalyse and overthink. So end result is autogoal by head above neck.

Yes, we all feel the same fire that you refer to. But we bridle it and direct it in good directions. And through that end up enjoying it more than anybody who just gave in to it. Even just at the crudest level this is better - you may not realise that sex is teamwork and gets better with practice. So if you can think carefully and set up a marriage that will last for 50 years, just think how much better the sex will be than if you'd just given in to foolish urges and never managed to have a relationship that lasted more than a decade.

Remember that arranged marriages tend to last much longer than romantic ones. There's an important reason for that - forming a marriage with the brain is far more successful than just following the head in your pants.
The fact that our culture is so totally against it is also a consideration. I think it would be much easier in a culture where it is widely practiced.

Then again, that is just one factor. If people want to see it more broadly accepted, then someone actually needs to practice it, and do it well.

Right. This is sort of a double edged sword. It will be harder for you (and your family) going against culture. On the other hand you will be a living testament to Biblical truth and an example to others.
Right. This is sort of a double edged sword. It will be harder for you (and your family) going against culture. On the other hand you will be a living testament to Biblical truth and an example to others.
It's really not that much different than keeping Sabbath, or rejecting Xmas, or a dozen other things that 'go against culture.' And Scripture.
I would like to add that refusal to accept second wife when it's Lord will due to lack of resources is ......problematic.

It's disobedience.

In such case it's Lord problem to fix finances.
It's really not that much different than keeping Sabbath, or rejecting Xmas, or a dozen other things that 'go against culture.' And Scripture.
It seems that homosexuality is more acceptable to normie christians than polygyny.