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When you shouldn't seek an additional wife

Homosexuality has been normalised in most places and therefore become acceptable. Polygyny won't be normalised in most places because it's biblical. That seems to be the battle.
Male-on-male sex has become a matter of "pride" PRECISELY BECAUSE it is abomination to YHVH. And that is why Satanic Deep State government supports, subsidizes, and even mandates it.

The battle is what it has always been, just Writ a Bit Larger: Good vs Evil.
Homosexuality has been normalised in most places and therefore become acceptable. Polygyny won't be normalised in most places because it's biblical. That seems to be the battle.
My thoughts exactly. The world hates it tremendously. Irrationally even.
My thoughts exactly. The world hates it tremendously. Irrationally even.
Yet for us in our small community we still have friends and people that support our family. One lady told me that the way our children are tells her everything she needs to know about us. A few have been so quiet...not even mentioning it, that I wondered if they knew. They did...but it wasn't a big deal to them. Then there is one family (older gentleman and his cousin) that must actually mind their business (gotta love them for that!) and not even hear the gossip (that abounds) because his comment about the two little toddlers in the family hugging (something about matchmaking) makes us believe he has no clue they are aunt and nephew. Lol.

The people that really hate it are the religious that I think have pride in their understanding/faith/walk and don't want their not quite biblical applecart of theology upset.
People that are humble and kind hearted....remain friends. ;)

It's kind of a cool filter....and our sons have friends who claim our family has normalized the idea of multiple wives for them.

I still feel bad for the mormon missionaries when my hubby gets talking to 'em. *grin*
It's kind of a cool filter....and our sons have friends who claim our family has normalized the idea of multiple wives for them.
We were pleasantly surprised how few people particularly cared. At least beyond wanting to clarify which version of poly they should have in their mind ie thst it was marriage as opposed to shenanigans and that no neither wife was available and no I was not interested in his wife. Ugh

I still feel bad for the mormon missionaries when my hubby gets talking to 'em. *grin*
I have been waiting for thst opportunity for years and no luck so far. I never see the Mormons out and about in my area.
That might be how it would work out as I would likely be seen...inaccurately in my assessment...as confrontational and weird.
My thing is more about the church wussing out and being greedy with statehood dangled over their heads. Just abandoned a central tenant for gain.

By the same token, I would have loads of questions that are only tangentially related to plyg-life. Views of the afterlife, community maintenance and the cultural norm of prepping...which I am told is far less the case today unfortunately.

It is weird though. In my last house there were Mormon missionaries in the area constantly. A friend's family owned an apartment complex and the Mormons had a unit leased for years and the guys on their missions would cycle in and out constantly. So it was just peculiar that they never hit my place.
I still feel bad for the mormon missionaries when my hubby gets talking to 'em. *grin*

It is funny to think what they report back to HQ, "So today we ran into some Christians who were polygamous, but they weren't Mormon...."

In Seeking Sister Wife Season 1 the Mormon family with 3 wives, the third (and newest) wife who was a Christian, and I think not Mormon before she joined the family, was quite surprised to later learn that there were Christian (non-Mormon) polygamists.
It is weird though. In my last house there were Mormon missionaries in the area constantly. A friend's family owned an apartment complex and the Mormons had a unit leased for years and the guys on their missions would cycle in and out constantly. So it was just peculiar that they never hit my place.

It is funny to think what they report back to HQ, "So today we ran into some Christians who were polygamous, but they weren't Mormon...."

In Seeking Sister Wife Season 1 the Mormon family with 3 wives, the third (and newest) wife who was a Christian, and I think not Mormon before she joined the family, was quite surprised to later learn that there were Christian (non-Mormon) polygamists.

Makes me wonder why?

Do we need to speak again how we left our beliefs for US government approval?
My wife B used to love having Mormon missionary kids come to visit in their suits. She'd usually wait, then ask them about poly[gamy] - since they didn't usually know the proper word - and the 'new revelation' (or bit o' whorin') that allowed Utah statehood, and then stand by for the reaction.

Some were horrified. The Kool-Aid is strong. Others got quiet, raised the back of their hand, and said something to the effect of, "yeah, we know it's OK, but we aren't s'posed to talk about it..."