• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Whose responsibility is it to earn money?

Don't forget the part where they build us homes from scratch and hunt for our meals with spears while dressed like that :)

Could do that hypothetically but no stupid hippy haircuts like those little weenies.
Cravat is no biggie though. Already got it kicking around here somewhere. Along with the couple of kilts and other oddball stuff.
Y'all should be careful what you wish for, only complete weirdos are going to manage some of those pigeonholes and nobody wants to end up with the strangest cat in the bag

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I hunt wearing only a top hat and one of those floofy ties thank you very much. Confuses the game. And other hunters.
Just avoid using gold paint.
@The Revolting Man has dibs on that particular costume.
Funny, but not very edgy. Everyone knows that women have standards. It’s only taboo for men to talk about having standards these days
Wasn't meant to be edgy? Hahaha! When I grew up it was the opposite! All girls know men had standards (in at least three places), but girls got in trouble for having them. Didn't matter too much in the end because most girls, if you flatter them right, will date you as long as you don't fall into the "ew" category when they look at you and that category really differs for women.
In fact, it was so bad growing up that if a man was a stalker, who had a noticeably bad porn issue, and was incredibly inappropriate, that if you turned him down you were in serious trouble and everyone older than you would rain down upon you with "How could you! That boy may never get married now! You should at least date him for a while! You can do that much!"

Men and women will never fulfill each other's standards perfectly so it's best just to make fun of both 😛0006-019.jpg
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Men and women will never fulfill each other's standards perfectly so it's best just to make fun of both 😛
Basically the debased world-view is that men can't want a pretty woman and woman can't want a moral man
But let's just stick with the old idea of standards. It's more fun that way. Men want a girl who is not only pretty but has the perfect three sizes and a large dowry, and women want a man who is charming, handsome, filthy rich, has a romantic sounding name, and can write a letter like Captain Wentworth's.
Basically the debased world-view is that men can't want a pretty woman and woman can't want a moral man
But let's just stick with the old idea of standards. It's more fun that way. Men want a girl who is not only pretty but has the perfect three sizes and a large dowry, and women want a man who is charming, handsome, filthy rich, has a romantic sounding name, and can write a letter like Captain Wentworth's.
And here I am looking for a man who looks like he just finished off a pack of Marlboro Reds and could build me a log cabin 😊
Men and women will never fulfill each other's standards perfectly so it's best just to make fun of both 😛View attachment 7784

Not like I have done a study or anything but just my observations of friends and coworkers who have long term happy marriages, all are with just normal average woman.
I will grant that all guys have stories about particularly attractive girls from the past but there seems to be a weird correlation in those stories. They were Always bat-crap crazy. It is a bit of a trope within male friend groups to tell stories about the time this gorgeous ex did this looney thing or that looney thing.

Just one man's opinion but if you will see the ranked criteria thread I started recently, I am fairly sure that stability was my first on the list and no reference to appearance. I don't know that any of the boys have brought up appearance so far.
Not that being pretty is not great. I love the idea of fitness signals in a woman as I am really focused on more kids and I would like them to have every opportunity to be a good looking kid then adult.

I know that the cultural line is that guys are only looking for one thing etc, I just like to hope that is less the case in the men who are extremely focused on marriage and family as their primary goal.
Only if the men look like this:
View attachment 7771
Just as a girl can don a sundress, a man can don a cravat and fake an accent, but not all men will look as good as JJ Field or Colin Firth
Dang it! Now you have me thinking about Jane Austen characters. Apparently you have similar movie tastes to my wife. 😉

Here are some assessments

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Elinor>Marianne I'd rather a plain slender chicken chaser than those high maintenance voluptuous "beautiful" types any day.

Now I'm going to suggest that BBC Sense and Sensibility series for Catie. For no particular reason at all... *cough* Anybody know where they're keeping the Elinors of the world?

Thanks @Bartato and @Ruth Elizabeth, I like the way this derailment is going.
Elinor>Marianne I'd rather a plain slender chicken chaser than those high maintenance voluptuous "beautiful" types any day.

Now I'm going to suggest that BBC Sense and Sensibility series for Catie. For no particular reason at all... *cough* Anybody know where they're keeping the Elinors of the world?

Thanks @Bartato and @Ruth Elizabeth, I like the way this derailment is going.
I agree Elinor all the way 👍
The library has it! I figure that's probably a good thing for this evening. Catie's going to be home from a funeral this afternoon and could use a good cry I'm sure. Thanks for that meme man, helped me be a good husband today! Whoda thunk it, a picture of a pretty girl inspired me to be an even better husband.
Wasn't meant to be edgy? Hahaha! When I grew up it was the opposite! All girls know men had standards (in at least three places), but girls got in trouble for having them. Didn't matter too much in the end because most girls, if you flatter them right, will date you as long as you don't fall into the "ew" category when they look at you and that category really differs for women.
In fact, it was so bad growing up that if a man was a stalker, who had a noticeably bad porn issue, and was incredibly inappropriate, that if you turned him down you were in serious trouble and everyone older than you would rain down upon you with "How could you! That boy may never get married now! You should at least date him for a while! You can do that much!"

Men and women will never fulfill each other's standards perfectly so it's best just to make fun of both 😛View attachment 7784

Haha yeah I would agree that beauty standards are a bit silly, because there is so much more to a person than just looks.

You’re saying that the standards thing was reversed when you were a teenager, but I’m thinking that different parts of the country must have reversed at different times because I remember guys being categorized as jerks for having beauty standards when I was a teenager. Now days though for men, any kind of standard is viewed as being misogyny. Heck even on this forum I have people act like I’m a jerk for saying I don’t want to marry a whore. And it’s not cause I hate whores, it’s more so because I care about my future children and I want them to have a mother with high moral character.
Haha yeah I would agree that beauty standards are a bit silly, because there is so much more to a person than just looks.
Oh I really don't care if a guy wants a beautiful girl! Sure there's more to a person but I'm not bothered especially if they don't mind me joking and saying that I want Mr. Tilney
You’re saying that the standards thing was reversed when you were a teenager, but I’m thinking that different parts of the country must have reversed at different times because I remember guys being categorized as jerks for having beauty standards when I was a teenager.
I'm not sure. Maybe just a 5-10ish year difference in culture? Everywhere I moved it was the same (and I moved cross country twice and out of country all within 3 years.) Even when I went to England it didn't seem any different.
But recently it seems like it's just some weird accepting everyone no matter what they look or act like phase. (Oh unless they're moral, straight or traditional.) So I'm thinking it might be more of a general standard shift than just cultural...
Now days though for men, any kind of standard is viewed as being misogyny. Heck even on this forum I have people act like I’m a jerk for saying I don’t want to marry a whore. And it’s not cause I hate whores, it’s more so because I care about my future children and I want them to have a mother with high moral character.
I think that's perfectly fine. It's the same as me saying I want a moral man.
Sure I do believe in repentance but it has to be a real turning away from sin. And when you already have a family its something you want to be extra careful about.
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Oh I really don't care if a guy wants a beautiful girl! Sure there's more too a person but I'm not bothered especially if they don't mind me joking and saying that I want Mr. Tilney
I don’t know who Mr. Tilney is… he looks fancy, so apparently I’m not cultured enough to know lol
But recently it seems like it's just some weird accepting everyone no matter what they look like or act phase. (Oh unless they're moral, straight or traditional.) So I'm thinking it might be more of a general standard shift than just cultural...
You will call them beautiful or you will be CANCELLED 😠
I think that's perfectly fine. It's the same as me saying I want a moral man.
Sure I do believe in repentance but it has to be a real turning away from sin. And when you already have a family its something you want to be extra careful about.
That is the biggest thing. The safety and wellbeing of both current and future children is paramount. So, being picky (in regard to moral character) is important.
Expecting a wife to do all of this while a husband is seeking other women to marry? This is what sounds like entitled princess behavior...by the husband.

I think it is not a stretch to want to add a wife they will be an asset to the family, not a liability. This just seems like common sense.

Having said this, however, in my opinion, a women with her own income is a negative in my mind. If she has her own income she would be harder to lead and is less likely to stick around during tough times. She has her own income. What does she need you for?

It would not be a showstopper, but I would be extra careful about her character.
I think it is not a stretch to want to add a wife they will be an asset to the family, not a liability. This just seems like common sense.
Agreed. My response was intended to point out that if you desperately need your present wife to work both inside and outside of the household, then it comes across as entitled behavior to be actively seeking more wives, instead of actively pursuing better ways to provide for them.
Having said this, however, in my opinion, a women with her own income is a negative in my mind. If she has her own income she would be harder to lead and is less likely to stick around during tough times. She has her own income. What does she need you for?

It would not be a showstopper, but I would be extra careful about her character.
And if a woman who can financially support herself chooses to stay during bad times then what does that say about her moral character?
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I don’t know who Mr. Tilney is… he looks fancy, so apparently I’m not cultured enough to know lol

It sounded familiar to me but when I did an image search, I found a fist full of guys who would only get picked first at soccer, definitely not for rugby or a choice of protector out in the world.
Sometimes...no, strike that...I frequently don't understand woman and how they determine what they find attractive.