• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Whose responsibility is it to earn money?

The point was to find a wife, not scare them away. :)
No offence to yours truly of course, but as a general rule for most men I would think this would be a risky strategy.
I’m just saying, if the strategy isn’t working…🤷
Imagine if this story was in Bible. Try imagine sermon "grow your hair till you find wife".

I'm certain people will have to get close to long haired person to perceive is it a women or a men in active wife search.
So by extension, if you have a small fist full of wives, you should have your head lasered so you are a permanent slaphead by way of a status/fitness signal
They also say one thing but mean something else! Women!
I said he has muscles that would intimidate other men and he has fabulous hair. Have you seen him in commercials? That hair is enviable! So what I said was very straightforward.
That's porn for women.
It's not on the same level whatsoever. Sure there are some creepy ones, and ones I don't think are good, but surely you must also realise that Jane Austen only wrote romance novels?
If woman blames men for being damaged by porn, return back with Disney altitude from romance novels.
Disney attitude?
Men can have unrealistic expectations and it not be a sin, so can women. It's misguided and silly (and anything taken too far can become bad) but nothing like pornography.
The point was to find a wife, not scare them away. :)
No offence to yours truly of course, but as a general rule for most men I would think this would be a risky strategy.
Actually it might really work. I know quite a few girls that prefer men with hair to their shoulders or longer. Just make it look good if possible and it could be a really good strategy.
Imagine if this story was in Bible. Try imagine sermon "grow your hair till you find wife".

I'm certain people will have to get close to long haired person to perceive is it a women or a men in active wife search.
Samson. Despite the long hair from the back view, everyone knew that it was a man killing armies with the jaw of an ass and not a woman.
I said he has muscles that would intimidate other men and he has fabulous hair. Have you seen him in commercials? That hair is enviable! So what I said was very straightforward.

It's not on the same level whatsoever. Sure there are some creepy ones, and ones I don't think are good, but surely you must also realise that Jane Austen only wrote romance novels?
Difference come because men are more visual, while women are emotional. If romance novel enables women to be in state in which men are while watching porn it's functional equivalent.

Totally not suprised for Jane Austen. She wrote for women.
What do we think about this verse?

1 Cor 11

14 Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him?
There appears to be an exemption for Nazarite vows.
The long hair of a nazarite vow was kept in locks and was probably not cared for in the way a woman cared for her hair. I don't think Samson's hair would have ever looked womanly.
I’m guessing that John the Baptist had different grooming habits than Sampson.
But we don’t have any proof.