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Why practice polygyny



I am interested in the idea of polygyny. I have my own ideas of possible benifits. I would like to see why other people are interested or practice it.
Love your point of view. I am having a hang up to the idea it is a more Holy form of Marriage, than that of a mono one. If it was more Holy. Why did God say in order to be an elder in the church you must have only one wife. As more replies to original post comes in. I will explain my ideas.
Many of the obvious benefits of "polygyny" have already been noted.

I would like to focus your attention on a different aspect, however, rms.

Bear in mind that there is no word in Biblical Hebrew for the modern concept of "polygyny" -- there is simply "marriage", with the rules that its Creator set down. So the benefits we should note do not have to do with "how many" wives a husband takes, but just "how". His Word is consistent, and True - and it can ONLY be properly understood in context, and in totality. Making "monogamy" into an idol distorts that understanding, and forces almost everything else to be twisted in order to mask the lie:
divorce, adultery, headship and covering, duties and responsibilities - ALL of them hinge on a proper understanding of His plan for what marriage is.*

Obedience brings a blessing. Knowing what God actually Wrote about marriage brings a blessing to ALL, whether they have no wife, one, or several, or whether they are a maiden, a wife, or a widow. (Arguably, harlots might be the only people, as a group, who have a valid gripe. :D )

And here I'll close with an example. How many 'children', teens, or young men and women today understand what God really says about marriage? (And I speak as one myself who once rejected the Bible - not because I had ever READ it, but because of what I had been wrongly TOLD it said!)

Hormone-filled teens are given the utterly wrong message about sex, commitment, love, and marriage. "There can be Only One" -- but you can defile each other as much as you want, until you find that Ultimate Perfection - the ONLY ONE. "Keep trying - have as much sex as you feel is your due, because once you get married..well, you know." Of course, you can always get divorced - everybody does. Doesn't matter, so long as you only have one at a time...

The goal is unrealistic, based on a lie. It's a search doomed to failure, to frustration, and to anger. The spiritual consequences are horrific, as are the physical and economic costs! There truly IS a curse associated with such idolatry.

Think it through. The message that sexual intimacy means lifetime commitment is an utterly different one. Marriage should be for life, but it is a beginning, not an end. The fact that God designed man, and made marriage to fit His creation, IS a blessing, if we are willing to hear Him.



* And MYM is right, above. The words "husband of mia wife" are a good example of the distortion of cultural bias. The Greek word "mia" is an article adjective, much like "a" or "an" in English, and can mean "a", "first", or "one". There is no way to tell from context which one the author intended. (In this case, however, a look at history, culture, and Paul's other writings would give a better hint!)

Leaders at that time (and for centuries earlier, too) were expected to be married, since it gave others a chance, "by their fruit", to see how good of a job they were able to do at headship.

I contend that the most logical reading of those texts is "a wife husband", or "first wife husband" -- meaning an elder/deacon/overseer should have taken a wife. He should be married.

And it is far more reasonable to conclude that he should STILL be married to that first wife, than that he should not have taken a second! But that reading would disqualify FAR more "serial polygamist" elders in today's "church" than can be tolerated!

Finally, note the obvious. IFF ("if and only if") Paul was rejecting polygynists as elders, the converse is equally telling. There is no prohibition on those good polygynist patriarchs from being pastors, teachers, prophets, or any other kind of servant to God.
masonyastesmom said:
rms said:
Love your point of view. I am having a hang up to the idea it is a more Holy form of Marriage, than that of a mono one. If it was more Holy. Why did God say in order to be an elder in the church you must have only one wife. As more replies to original post comes in. I will explain my ideas.

Well, if you translated that "one" in that verse from original Greek, it would actually read "first". A lot of people in our traditional churches aren't aware of that tidbit. It is that information and 1 Timothy 4:2-3 that really solidify my beliefs that God has never condoned plural marriage and it is the government that made it a "contract". ;)

Hang up of more a Holy form of marriage?? I don't understand. Are you saying that I claimed a Polygamous marriage is more Holy? I apologize if it came across that way. I certainly do NOT think that! I do however believe it was an acceptable way of life in the bible and it should be acceptable now. All marriages performed in the eyes of Living God are Holy covenants. But you asked for my opinion about a plural marriage, not defend a plural marriage. I hope you understand:)

Sorry I misunderstood you. I thought when you stated "You can NOT get more Christ like then living in a Polygamous relationship" you ment you were closer to God or more CHrist like. I appreciate your tidbit on being an elder in the church. I have heard a few polygamist say it is a more Holy practice. I however dont see it as a practice, but a bleesing from the Lord. My opinion is some people in polygamy are in it cause they think it is a more Holy pracitice or a new radical spritual fad. What littlebit I have been exposed to this, I think the Lord must send you your blessings. Not knocking down doors and getting ahead of the Lord. Then you maybe guilty of stealing someone elses blessing(wife). Some I have heard treat it as a command, or something God does care if you do or not. If you get ahead of God, and he doesnt see fit to give you this gift are you living in sin? I also think with this gift comes a lot more responsibility and a closer walk with the Lord. I do have the question if its a gift and not a command, are we in sin if we dont take the gift. What if we are unsure if it is the Lords will, and we seek Him for guidence and peace. Are we in sin while we search the scriptures and his will? I maybe off base by even having these questions, but trully want to know. I also am sorry for the spelling and grammer. I should have paid more attention in school.
masonyastesmom said:
rms said:
Love your point of view. I am having a hang up to the idea it is a more Holy form of Marriage, than that of a mono one. If it was more Holy. Why did God say in order to be an elder in the church you must have only one wife. As more replies to original post comes in. I will explain my ideas.

Well, if you translated that "one" in that verse from original Greek, it would actually read "first". A lot of people in our traditional churches aren't aware of that tidbit. It is that information and 1 Timothy 4:2-3 that really solidify my beliefs that God has never condoned plural marriage and it is the government that made it a "contract". ;)

Hang up of more a Holy form of marriage?? I don't understand. Are you saying that I claimed a Polygamous marriage is more Holy? I apologize if it came across that way. I certainly do NOT think that! I do however believe it was an acceptable way of life in the bible and it should be acceptable now. All marriages performed in the eyes of Living God are Holy covenants. But you asked for my opinion about a plural marriage, not defend a plural marriage. I hope you understand:)

Ive done some research on the subject of the word "mia" which is the word "one" is translated from. I have checked several concordances. They all state the samething.Strongs ref G3391 for "mia" in this case says One means one. However they say the word can mean first,a, a certain, or the other. mia is used 79 times. one 62, first 8, a certain 4, a 3, the other 1. I went to www.blueletterbible.org. I am not questioning polygamy. I almost didnt check this out. obviously there is a way of know what the autor ment unless all the concordiances I checked are wrong. I dont think a concordance is God inspired. I dont want to get caught up in making or selecting scripture to fit my agenda or belief. I want to form my belief and agenda around Gods word. I have been guilty of that in the past, and Im sure im not the only one to do that. If it is true that God wants elders or bishops to have only one wife. What could the reason be? The answers to these question will help me form my opinions. I am searching this with an open mind.
Sorry I misunderstood you. I thought when you stated "You can NOT get more Christ like then living in a Polygamous relationship" you ment you were closer to God or more CHrist like. I appreciate your tidbit on being an elder in the church. I have heard a few polygamist say it is a more Holy practice. I however dont see it as a practice, but a bleesing from the Lord. My opinion is some people in polygamy are in it cause they think it is a more Holy pracitice or a new radical spritual fad. What littlebit I have been exposed to this, I think the Lord must send you your blessings. Not knocking down doors and getting ahead of the Lord. Then you maybe guilty of stealing someone elses blessing(wife). Some I have heard treat it as a command, or something God does care if you do or not. If you get ahead of God, and he doesnt see fit to give you this gift are you living in sin? I also think with this gift comes a lot more responsibility and a closer walk with the Lord. I do have the question if its a gift and not a command, are we in sin if we dont take the gift. What if we are unsure if it is the Lords will, and we seek Him for guidence and peace. Are we in sin while we search the scriptures and his will? I maybe off base by even having these questions, but trully want to know. I also am sorry for the spelling and grammer. I should have paid more attention in school.[/quote]

I'm not quite sure of what your asking. I could be a little slow today. The cooler weather freezes my brain:) hehe

My own personal opinion is you can't judge a person about what they believe to be a gift or not or they way they live their life before a Holy God. I feel if you didn't feel ready to live plurality, you wouldn't be living it. Nothing happens without the Father's hand being involved. I think that people might enter into polygamous relationships for different reasons, just like adults entering mono. marriages, but it's what you do in that relationship that matters. Some people may believe they are living a more Holier existences by living a plural lifestyle but as Romans 14 clearly states,

" Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him.....One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord."

Whether a person believes they are more "holy" or not they are living for God. And ALL are Holy through Christ:) You need to be convicted in your spirit and with that conviction, it shouldn't matter what people say:) You believe it to be one way, someone else believes something else..Either way, God is being talked about:)

As for studying the scriptures and is it a sin..Absolutely NO! We are challenged to test ALL things. We are instructed to study God's word for protection, strength, knowledge, peace, etc. I believe that it is through study most everyone on this website have learned of the blessing a polygamous life:)

Thanks for your insight. I agree it is not for us to judge someones heart. I know of some polygamist that I am sure that are right smack dab in the middle of the Lords will. If for no other reason buy there fruits I shall know them. This site is really helping me gain some much need wisdom. It has caused me to search the Lord and the scriptures. another question I have is, Why does there seem to be little or no examples of Godly men in polygamy in the New Testament? I also want to know. Why did people practice polygamy in the Bible? What is the difference between a wife and a concubine? In what I have gathered a concubine is basicly a rent-a-womb. Would having a concubine be a sin today? My opinion is it would be,but It was permitted in the Bible. Even David had a few. Can you make the same argument for having a concubine as you can having more than one wife. Is the practice of having a concubine the next movement to grow in Christian circles. If having a concubine is a sin. Than why is it a sin and having more than one wife not a sin? After all Godly children are needed more today in these uncertain times as any in the last few hundred years. If there was a colapse of the USA as we know it today. I think there is no better way to grow the body of Christ,than through having lots of children. We should not play God and determine when and how many children we have. I think we should evangelize the world, but you should start at home first. besides you get more bang for you buck by evangelizing your own family. I have seen to many missionaries,pastors, and evangelist who spend all there time and effort on the world, and have lost there own family.I have read that in France and Spain all muslims have been order to practices polygamy. They are trying to over take those countries by out breeding everyone else. They have almost succeeded. I know this can come across that im beeing antagonistic, but I truly want to know the answer to these questions. I hope these post cause other people to seek the Lord and scriptures, instead of just relying on the wisdom of men, and not jump into something without doing so. I know it has caused me to do the same.
Im not down playing the wisdom of Godly men, but I think it should be confirmed by prayer and searching the scriptures. It appears most of the people I have seen post on this sight, have sought the Lord. Besides it is not my place to judge. Thank you for taking the time to help me understand polygamy and its principles. I look forward to more insight from you and anyone else.
Why does there seem to be little or no examples of Godly men in polygamy in the New Testament?

The answer to your question can be found by rephrasing it:

"Why does are there few or no examples of any MARRIAGES at all in the entire Bible without problems?"

We seem to learn better from examples that show us fallen people in flawed relationships than otherwise. I have frequently challenged people to show marriages in the Bible (regardless of how many wives are indicated) about which nothing cautionary is said. (There are a few, both polygynous and presumably monogamous, but VERY few.)

Again, God seems to care far more about what we learn from the actual example than by trying to read something into distinctions He generally did not make.

As for concubines, there is a whole thread out here somewhere with Q&A to that very question; I won't try to repeat it. Bottom line is that the Bible uses the term "wife" to describe both. In general, however, a concubine was simply a wife of lesser status; one of the lessons of the Bible is that a husband is to love and cover her regardless.

(Ex: Jacob had four wives, although Zilpah and Billhah were sometimes referred to as 'concubines' (Hebrew 'pilegesh') They are generally accepted to be half-sisters to Rachel and Leah, through another of their father Laban's wives, herself a concubine.)
masonyastesmom said:
I don't understand what your asking..I'm sorry...but you said you wanted to know about Polygamy and now you are here to speak against it and more importantly us. I don't understand what exactly you are looking for.

I thought I was in the seekers section of this site. I must have misinterpreted that. I am sincerly seeking the Lord. I just have some questions.I hope the questions I have doesnt come across as condeming. In playing the devils advocate. I was hoping to get to the bottom of this practice. I am sure there are many on this sight that may of had the same questions I have, in the begining of there search. I dont think everyone on this sight, has always had the beliefs they hold now. That only comes from seeking the Lord. We should always be reforming towards a more Godly life. There are things I believe today I didnt believe just a few years ago. That came with prayer and study of the word. I always ask the Lord to show me the things he wants me to know. Praise the lord he has. I am sorry I offended you. You said you dont know exactly what I am looking for. I hope this post and others answers that question. I dont think I would have taken the time to find this site and others, if my motives wernt genuine. Polygamy is a very interesting principle. Polygamy could quite possibly be the vehicle the Lord uses to fulfill the burden He has placed on my heart.
Mark C said:
Why does there seem to be little or no examples of Godly men in polygamy in the New Testament?

The answer to your question can be found by rephrasing it:

"Why does are there few or no examples of any MARRIAGES at all in the entire Bible without problems?"

We seem to learn better from examples that show us fallen people in flawed relationships than otherwise. I have frequently challenged people to show marriages in the Bible (regardless of how many wives are indicated) about which nothing cautionary is said. (There are a few, both polygynous and presumably monogamous, but VERY few.)

Again, God seems to care far more about what we learn from the actual example than by trying to read something into distinctions He generally did not make.

As for concubines, there is a whole thread out here somewhere with Q&A to that very question; I won't try to repeat it. Bottom line is that the Bible uses the term "wife" to describe both. In general, however, a concubine was simply a wife of lesser status; one of the lessons of the Bible is that a husband is to love and cover her regardless.

(Ex: Jacob had four wives, although Zilpah and Billhah were sometimes referred to as 'concubines' (Hebrew 'pilegesh') They are generally accepted to be half-sisters to Rachel and Leah, through another of their father Laban's wives, herself a concubine.)

Thanks, very insightful. This is helping me with my journey. I really am seeking the lord. I am trying to think of any question I may have. I have found that there have been times when i question negative aspects of something, it has revealed to me more possitves. I hope I havent offended anyone, with my questions. I have gotten ahead of the Lord and jumped into to many things I shouldnt have, based on my own presuppositions. I hope I have learned from that. Besides I promised my wife to really seek the lord and the scriptures. I hoped that by asking someone who has already been through the search, It would cause me to make the most of my time. However Im still going to seek the Lord, scriptures,and other Godly people for advice.
Be sure to search and view the many topics on this forum along with your research. Many truths can be gleaned from the posts which of course reflect the views of the individual doing the post. Since God has led you in this direction, take the time to find all that you can find. Additionally the truths about plural are of benefit to both those in a plural relationship and those that are not and most likely will never be.
No, you did not offend me:) hehe..it takes a lot to get to me..I, quite honestly, did not understand what you wanted to know. I thought in the beginning you claimed to interested in a Polygamous relationship. I guess I mistaken that as someone who was aware of polygamy and it's blessings and promotion in the bible and not someone who was simply asking questions about plural marriage. Opps:) I hope someone provided some insight. I definitely do not have all the answers.

In Christ

I am very interested in polygny. The Lord has laid some things on my heart. I feel he has lead me this direction. Thanks for your time.
First of all Concordances are not necessarily inspired by God. In fact, I believe they are actually there to help us understand what the common meaning of a term is. If you do a word study in the bible you will find out that the word Mia is used as "one" very few times in the bible and the other translations are used many more times.

Throughout the new testament, Paul and others are constantly telling us that the Law gives live, is spiritual, is good and that if you love Christ you will obey the law. Polygamy is allowed in the law and there are even specific laws that teach how wives (multiple or singular) are to be treated. Since there is no place in the new testament that requires men to be married to only one woman, then the law still applies to us.

Sweet Lissa
Actually I found that "mia" is used 79 times for one,first , a certain,a , the other.according to strongs G3391 http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G3391&t=KJV mia 62 times it was used for one, first 8, a certain 4, a 3, the other 1. I still do not think this pertains to any one but an elder according toTitus 1:6 Strongs may be wrong. I think this is trivial anyway, cause I havent been called to be a bishop or an elder in the church.I am still seeking the Lord.
Thanks for refreshing my memory on that. I misremembered it. Sorry about that.

As far as questions go, we are here to answer them. You will get as many different answers as the people who answer them. We are a diverse group. We pretty much all agree on three things. We love God, we believe in plural marriage and we (for the most part) practice patriachy. From there, we are all as different as you can imagine.

Ask questions, read the answers and apply them to your life where they fit. We are glad you are here, even if you never have a plural marriage. We need all the supporters we can get.

In Christ's love

Sweet Lissa
I do not practice polygamy but I feel if you are of age and willing that it perfectly fine. Why do others feel they can judge someone else's beliefs! God bless
After researching over if Polygamy is what God wants in my life one thought keeps entering my mind. My Husband, what if he does not agree that it is what he wants also and believes that is not what God wants. Where do I turn to teach him the ways of the Bible? I will continue to pray that God will show me the way!
Where do I turn to teach him the ways of the Bible?

Do you ever study together with him?

Many men will appreciate a challenge; if I understand your question correctly, I'd say study a few things for yourself, in order to get a good familiarity with the entire topic, and then see if he can be encouraged to "prove otherwise".

Over the years, I've issued many such challenges, depending on who the other party is, and where they seem to be coming from:

"You can't show me where polygyny is prohibited (because there is no such verse in the Bible), but I can show you where it can be required." (The Torah's "law of the levirate", and also even by I Cor. 7:10-11 where a wife who wrongly abandons her husband repents and finds him remarried.)

"God never calls Himself a sinner, correct? But why does He (twice) refer to Himself as having two wives? (Jer. 3, Ezek. 23) And why did He give King David multiple wives?"

"Does God ever PROHIBIT something (or, even worse, call it "abomination") and then gives procedures on how to DO it?" (Ex. 21:10, Deut. 21:10-17, and MANY others)

"And what about Isaiah 4:1? Not only is it OK, but the very next verse sounds like it is a time of great blessing."

There are literally dozens more such challenges, but they probably fall into the category of 'advanced topics'. :)

(One of my other favorites, BTW, is the "first use" argument...a variation of the "Well -even if it's OK, polygamy is not God's preferred plan" gambit. "See, the FIRST POLYGYNIST mentioned in the Bible is Lamech - a bad dude (murderer). So since the FIRST TIME the Bible uses or mentions something, that tells us how He feels about it...polygyny can't be 'His best option'!"

I then like to ask, "was Adam a monogamist?" (Often, the statement of Jesus/Yeshua about "from the beginning it was not so" is already in play by this time anyway.) "And, wasn't that first Model Monogamist Marriage also the same one by which "sin entered the world"?

Ultimately, the issue becomes to show that it is not polygyny which is the issue. After all, there is no word to distinguish those UN-Hebraic concepts [Greco-Roman mono- vs. poly- gamy] in the original language...just "marriage". But when MONOGAMY is allowed to become an idol - as I contend that it clearly HAS, or else people would be willing to read what God actually SAYS rather than to "by your tradition", make the commandments of God "of no effect".)


Thank you for the advice. I am hoping that in my journey my Husband and I make the right choices(the ones that are guided by God). I am in no way well versed in the Bible (YET!) I am reading every chance I get. With two children who are very active in sports and taking care of my Husband I am very busy. Which I know is no excuse but I do need to take care of my Family. I wish that I was brought up in church when I was a child. I feel like I am so far behind than others. I guess it will take time there is so much to learn! God Bless!
I wasn't brought up in church either, but we can only do what we can do. God knows the desires of your heart. Many churches don't really explore the bible anyway. This is a personal relationship with God and a personal journey to that relationship.
