It's pretty clear to me by now that those who seek to understand are getting a picture of what the two Hebrew words translated as "abomination" mean by now, even by the example of having it excused and taught.
Remember, the word 'shakatz' means not only abomination, or defiled, but has a connotation of idolatry, and it's associated with those same Not-Foods that so many seem to regard in higher esteem than His Word. For those that still have ANY question - go back an re-read Mark 7 (Matthew 23 has a similar theme) to see why He not only called those who "
break His commandments and teach others to do so,"
hypocrites, but then said it's "
what comes OUT of a man" that DEFILES him. (and this was before keyboards
Obviously, those who think He is inconsistent, not "
the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow," and can't keep His own up-front promise to not change "
one yod or tiddle" of His Instruction while "
heaven and earth" still exist, aren't about to let something like His Written Word separate them from their bacon.
NONE of this is addressed to the willfully blind. But I know there are others here - because you saw through the Lie about polygyny, the same way - who ARE seekers of His Truth.
And I have addressed it not to change minds that won't, but to "
choose life."
Why is this important? Other than the obvious: Be He says so.
Because we have just seen the biggest releases (plural) of a multi-part bioweapon in human history. And now the biggest toxic WMD deployment in the history of North America. Both of which are destroying immune systems and mass-killing the ignorant, whether they know it yet or not.
The 'mainstream' media will NOT permit the Lie to be revealed. You don't hear ANY advice to quit taking the Zyklon-B Poison Poke that has caused the biggest statistical spike in "sudden and unexpected" death (and actuarial table carnage) in history. There's a "Mark of the Beast" to grease skids for. And NOT A MENTION in the wastestream about the REAL issue that is poisoning the Ohio River basin: DIOXIN, among the most toxic poisons known to man. Spread deliberately by those who lit off the spill.
And please don't offend the intelligence of honest students of His Word here by asking for a "study" of why they're already dead-men walking.
Some will eventually beg His healing before they pound down a pork chop.
The warning of Deuteronomy 28:60-61 is VITAL. (and those who deny Him will claim that's "Moses" anyway, so ignore it.) But don't miss verse 62.
I just finished a "weekly news wrap-up" and analysis show ("Drive Time Friday") where I talked about exactly this in the second segment. I don't expect those who don't believe Him to listen to me. But for others, I'll post the link:
David Justice and Mark Call wrap up a week of news where the prophecy that things “hidden, will be revealed” is finally beginning to sound like ad understatement. Increasingly, it is un…