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0: When does marriage begin? - Structured discussion

Good point. Getting back to Joseph taking Mary in marriage, but not having intercourse until after Jesus was born. It made me go back to that passage in Matthew 1, and do you know what is so interesting? It says that Mary was betrothed (v. 18), and that Joseph was her husband (v.19). Here is another example of the use of the possessive pronoun: “Joseph the man of her.” Joseph was thinking of divorcing (same word as in Matt 5:31) Mary (v. 19-20). Then the Angel told Joseph not to be afraid “to take/receive Mary your woman” (again the possessive pronoun). Mary was ‘pledged’ to Joseph, which means she could not become another man’s, but she was still to be ‘taken’ by him, and after he had done that (v. 25), he had no intercourse with her. So, if having intercourse is by definition where marriage starts, we have a hard time explaining how she could be his woman prior.

I know a video that explains this, but it's Portuguese-Brazil.

Point is that scripturally in the case of a virgin it's an agreement between the father and the groom (or representative) not an agreement with the woman...

There were these agreements because the men wanted to preserve tradition, and because of this they did not allow their daughters to marry men from another culture. But a woman does not become married with her father's permission.

These agreements would not be necessary in a perfect world, in which everyone believes in one God.

It is all about preserving tradition.
Read Exodus 20:17. There is no such thing as stealing another man's daughter.
Not sure what you mean there. You have cited the 10th commandment, not to covet anything belonging to your neighbour. How does this say "there is no such thing as stealing another man's daughter"?
There were these agreements because the men wanted to preserve tradition, and because of this they did not allow their daughters to marry men from another culture. But a woman does not become married with her father's permission.

These agreements would not be necessary in a perfect world, in which everyone believes in one God.

It is all about preserving tradition.
It has nothing to do with tradition
Not sure what you mean there. You have cited the 10th commandment, not to covet anything belonging to your neighbour. How does this say "there is no such thing as stealing another man's daughter"?

There is nothing saying
"You must not covet your neighbor's daughter". He would not leave this prohibition in the background.
But a reasonably good man wouldn’t have stolen her in the first place. So an act of cowardice on the part of her father would condemn her to a life that she didn’t realize would come: That of raising children with a scoundrel.

I would rather be with the man I had children with.. I would have been attached to him.
There is nothing saying
"You must not covet your neighbor's daughter". He would not leave this prohibition in the background.
True, how do you find a husband for your daughter if nobody wants her?
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I would rather be with the man I had children with.. I would have been attached to him.
You may be defining scoundrel in a very benign manner.
A true scoundrel will not be around while you finish raising the children alone. In fact, I personally know more than one set of grandparents that are raising their grandchildren due to the fact that their daughter’s choice worked out so badly. Better that they had denied him his”rights” from the get-go.
There is nothing saying
"You must not covet your neighbor's daughter". He would not leave this prohibition in the background.

"anything that is thy neighbors" the point is don't desire to steel another man's possessions...
There is nothing saying
"You must not covet your neighbor's daughter". He would not leave this prohibition in the background.
As @Pacman wrote above, I think you've just missed the very non-background Exodus 20:17g: ". . . or anything which is your associate's." A neighbor's daughter is your neighbor's.

The gray area is whether the action is a pure theft or involves the daughter denouncing the covering of her father. Scripture would indicate that the line was drawn in ancient times as definite theft, and you've indicated, @Yan, that you
would rather be with the man I had children with.. I would have been attached to him.

something which would be in your power to decide in modern times. @steve, though, makes a profound point, though -- and one that argues for acquiescing to parental authority and wisdom -- when he points out that it is very often the case that hitching one's wagon to a man unwilling to recognize the authority of his woman's father leads to sad ends.
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I can be a very formidable man, two men got around me to my daughters and both have worked out fairly well.

I got around my father-in-law to get to @windblown and we’re 10 years in and just had our 6th child together.

Some of the hyperventilating is a little much. These things happen, they’ve always happened, they always will happen.

We’re actually supposed to be getting our daughters married off pretty expeditiously. We shouldn’t be locking them in dragon guarded towers and digging moats. We should be taking them to the right kinds of tournaments and telling them to unbutton the top button and smile a little!
I can be a very formidable man, two men got around me to my daughters and both have worked out fairly well.

I got around my father-in-law to get to @windblown and we’re 10 years in and just had our 6th child together.

Some of the hyperventilating is a little much. These things happen, they’ve always happened, they always will happen.

We’re actually supposed to be getting our daughters married off pretty expeditiously. We shouldn’t be locking them in dragon guarded towers and digging moats. We should be taking them to the right kinds of tournaments and telling them to unbutton the top button and smile a little!
That is treasure, Revolting Man! And I'm heartened that advice you're giving doesn't differ all that much from some of what I've been doing to make lemonade out of the lemons I was originally growing.
And now for a comedy break in the discussion . . .

This is the best!:

Sad: This Couple Was Evicted By Their Landlord And Now He Will Have To Toil All His Days And She Shall Experience The Pain Of Childbirth
November 3rd, 2021 - BelongingBaby.com

EDEN—After spending the day pulling weeds under the unforgiving rays of the sun, this man felt nothing but regret for having been evicted, along with his wife, by their landlord and made to toil all his days while she experienced the pain of childbirth.

“Honey, can you make me a sandwich?” the man asked his wife upon entering their dusty hovel. “Pulling all those weeds sure builds up an appetite.”

“Can’t you find something delicious in the Garden of Eden?” asked his pregnant wife, sprawled out uncomfortably on the crude leather sofa. “Oh that’s right, it’s guarded by a Cherubim and a flaming sword.”

“I’m getting the feeling you’re blaming me for our current situation,” said the husband, as he opened the cupboards to see if there was anything to eat besides briars. “Just once, I’d like to return home to a warm meal after toiling all my days.”

“Well, why don’t you trade in another rib for Martha Stewart!” She motioned at her distended belly, “Have you tried cooking while having contractions every ten minutes? I don’t think so.”

The husband opened his mouth to remind his wife that she had been commanded to hearken unto him. But seeing another contraction coming, he decided to hold her hand and coach her breathing.

“Sweetheart,” the wife said through quick breathing, “The next time a landlord has a rule prohibiting fruit of any kind, promise you won’t hearken unto me.”

[QUOTE = "Keith Martin, post: 226569, membro: 2108"] Como [USER = 2318] @Pacman [/ USER] escreveu acima, acho que você acabou de perder o Exodus 20: 17g: "sem fundo. .. ou qualquer coisa que é do seu associado. "A filha de um vizinho é de seu vizinho. [/ QUOTE]

Moisés não iria deixar essa proibição em segundo plano. Não faz sentido que ele proíba cobiçar os animais de outros homens, mas não proíbe especificamente cobiçar as filhas de outros homens.

Eu vejo essa última parte como se referindo a objetos.
As @Pacman wrote above, I think you've just missed the very non-background Exodus 20:17g: ". . . or anything which is your associate's." A neighbor's daughter is your neighbor's.

Moses was not going to leave that prohibition in the background. It makes no sense that he would forbid coveting other men's animals, but not specifically forbid coveting other men's daughters.

I see that last part as referring to objects.
Moses was not going to leave that prohibition in the background. It makes no sense that he would forbid coveting other men's animals, but not specifically forbid coveting other men's daughters.

That is an very cool observation that certainly lends credibility to the ultimate choice being the woman's from my perspective, she seems to be caught between two authorities. I also like this observation because it sheds light on the natural outcomes of abdicating responsibility as a man. I suppose a woman with daddy issues might just choose any man-boy-thing, while one that knows the issues daddy taught her would have far more discernment and an involved father. Assuming that father is teaching from scripture of course.

We’re actually supposed to be getting our daughters married off pretty expeditiously. We shouldn’t be locking them in dragon guarded towers and digging moats. We should be taking them to the right kinds of tournaments and telling them to unbutton the top button and smile a little!

Right attitude, wrong time/place of world history, eh?

"Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing.....the girls have picked them, everyone. "

Flowers being capable husbands/fathers.
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