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501(c) status

But again, the question is will incorporation invalidate the whole ministry? We can identify a whole raft of things Christ never did, including getting married. That’s not the standard. Or the question.

Does non profit status unavoidably corrupt an entire ministry? And if so, why?
Answer those questions and you will find out.
You could use that formula to forbid anything. Watch.
I didn't give you a formula I gave a specific set of questions that would help give you more understanding and knowledge of the subject at hand.
It's up to you what you do, but I'm jumping off this merry go round, I've said all I need to say on this.
  1. Did Christ take a wife?
  2. Did Christ instruct his apostles to take wives?
  3. Who was the first to take a wife?
  4. What Governmental authority authorised the taking a wife?
  5. Are there any church writings mandating taking a wife?
Based off your logic then we should not take wives. Taking wives is a fundamentally corrupting action that invalidates our ministries. The logic just doesn’t hold up.

Remember, I attend an unregistered assembly. If I was going to found an assembly I wouldn’t register it. I’m not in favor of registration.

I just don’t see how registration is a fundamentally corrupting action. You can be an orthodox ministry with non-profit status.
I am ordained by 501c3 organizations and I teach the Biblical truth about polygyny. I am unafraid and receive yearly "Letters of Good Standing" from my organization. I have not been threatened in any way. I also work within US government contracts and have not been threatened in any way. I am free to teach as I see fit.
It was Christians who shut me down and kicked me out. They not only threatened me, but actively sought my demise. The government had nothing to do with it. I'd sooner deal with the government and their laws than those Christians and theirs.
It was Christians who shut me down and kicked me out. They not only threatened me, but actively sought my demise. The government had nothing to do with it. I'd sooner deal with the government and their laws than those Christians and theirs.
Sadly, there are bad people everywhere, including Christians in Government.

And there's a common denominator, too - increasingly visible even here.
Oh, and finally - a tiny bit of truth slips in.

Remember, I attend an unregistered assembly. If I was going to found an assembly I wouldn’t register it. I’m not in favor of registration.

When I said that I would not, and did not, incorporate or 'register' an assembly - and explained why in detail - I got "sneering" and a passel of "vitriolic" responses. Not to mention those responses to THEIR QUESTIONS "twisted."

(Yes, I know: Zec and others don't understand the concept of 'jurisdiction,' or why the early "Followers of the Way," would not "register" under Caesar. And still refuse to see it. But it doesn't excuse "vitriolic posts" like only 'Moderators' are allowed. Because they pretend the rules actually apply to them, and you'd better pretend to believe them.)

Now, ya'll are gonna get a whole bunch of New Rules from the people who were already "above" the old ones. Can you start to see how it works NOW?

“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”

― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
Brother you are obfuscating what I wrote and the topic at hand.

I clearly wrote

The Pontifex Maximus is still in authority now under the guise of the pope, and has made clear declarations over protestant churches.

It is ironically hilarious that you bring up paying taxes when registering gives registered organisations tax breaks and tax benefits so is essentially the opposite of what Christ did.

Is registering mandatory? No.

If it is not mandatory why do it especially when Christ and the Apostles could have registered in the same way when they walked the earth but never did.

Most Christians assume that Sunday is the biblically approved day of worship. The Catholic Church protests that it transferred Christian worship from the biblical Sabbath (Saturday) to Sunday, and that to try to argue that the change was made in the Bible is both dishonest and a denial of Catholic authority. If Protestantism wants to base its teachings only on the Bible, it should worship on Saturday.

Rome’s Challenge www.immaculateheart.com/maryonline Dec 2003

“Is not every Christian obliged to sanctify Sunday and to abstain on that day from unnecessary servile work? Is not the observance of this law among the most prominent of our sacred duties? But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify.”

James Cardinal Gibbons, The Faith of Our Fathers (1917 edition), p. 72-73 (16th Edition, p 111; 88th Edition, p. 89).

Biblical truths aye?

Is obtaining a marriage certificate mandatory in marriage?

The appeal of the benefits of registration is the true driver this is not just USA it is worldwide.

Anyways I'm out.

Everyone chooses who they will serve.

I chose and still choose YAH

Shalom Love and Blessings in MessiYAH
To parapfrase Stalin:
And how much divisions Pope has? Who cares?

And situation isn't same. Then in Roman time there was unified secular-religious leader. This hasn't existed for century in Europe (with possible exception of French revolution and their cult of reason).

You are making invalid comparison with fictive threaths. If these threaths ever become real, they leave established church.
Maybe you missed it but here’s the original post. @MemeFan asked why some people think 501c3 (I have come to despise typing that) is the SOURCE of corruption in the church.

Through all the hand wringing and histrionics and performative emoting one side of the argument takes, they can’t ever show why it’s a source of corruption. Why would it have a necessity always corrupt an organization to have non-profit status? They don’t have an answer.

@MemeFan please correct me if I’ve misunderstood your original post.
Answer these questions you have your answer even though the answers have been given over and over.

  1. Did Christ register his ministry under the governmental authority of the time?
  2. Did Christ instruct his apostles to register the ministry he gave them with or under any governmental authority?
  3. Who was the first to register with a governmental authority?
  4. What Governmental authority authorised the first registered Christian ministry and when?
  5. Are there any church writings mandating any ministry or minister to submit to the voluntary process of ministry governmental registration?
Was at that time anythink like tax-exempt ministry? And by the way, income taxes are 19th century invention.
But when it comes to the lack of 'first amendment protection' - I have already cited MULTIPLE (that's more than one) examples of licensed pastors (three in Canada, two in the US, and I talked to them personally) who have been PERSECUTED for the stance of their church, and in several cases - jailed.
And for what were these guys jailed?

Was it for breaking 501(c) or something else?

And by the way, big basis of power of current regime are anti-discrimination laws. Not registering under state won't save you from this laws.
"Churches" told their sheeple that they "had better comply and take the Wonderful, albeit untested, Vaccine!" And they did. The sheep lined up for slaughter. Many are now permanently disabled, or dead. And the Moderators of Truth down there said "the Burden of Proof is on those who are Vaccine Deniers! SO COMPLY."
Here churches go screwed up by must follow state based on Romans 13. And public health codes. Again nothing with 501(c) status.

Modern states aren't lacking in ways go destroy you.

Real solution isn't leaving 501(c), but to form parallel society. And least you Americans can take over states and tell federales to get lost, why aren't you using this?
Real solution isn't leaving 501(c), but to form parallel society.
Some of us have in fact been talking about this - and DOING it - since before there WAS a BF.

And I've been advocating a return to a local economy based on "honest weights and measures" (aka "junk silver," among other possibilities) at least as long.

And least you Americans can take over states and tell federales to get lost, why aren't you using this?
See above.
RE: Jailed pastors.

The 501c(3) jargon is specific to the USA, as is the First Amendment. Canada has neither:

And for what were these guys jailed?

Was it for breaking 501(c) or something else?

From this very thread, a few pages back:

And the Constitution for these united States in the First Amendment makes it UTTERLY clear that NO arm of government can DEMAND it. (Canada, OTOH, has no First Amendment. Ask Calgary Pastor Tim Stephens, Alberta Pastor Artur Pawlowski, or GraceLife Church pastor James Coates.)
They either spoke out against, or refused to submit to, or all of the above, the COVID BS.
Remember, I attend an unregistered assembly. If I was going to found an assembly I wouldn’t register it. I’m not in favor of registration.
Now, I'm confused as to your position. Because this comes across as almost identical to @Mark C's position, and raises a large question around why the two of you are even arguing.
I said I will NOT PARTICIPATE in a 501c(3) church. ... You can do what you want to.
What do you mean by "registration" @The Revolting Man? Is your church able to claim tax rebates? If not, why don't they set up the paperwork so they can do so? What is your reason not to do so - why are you not in favour of this?
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Now, I'm confused as to your position. Because this comes across as almost identical to @Mark C's position, and raises a large question around why the two of you are even arguing.

What do you mean by "registration" @The Revolting Man? Is your church able to claim tax rebates? If not, why don't they set up the paperwork so they can do so? What is your reason not to do so - why are you not in favour of this?
My contention is that 501c3 status is not an intrinsic corruption. That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Money is a corrupting influence. Salaries can be a dangerous stumbling block. But paperwork is morally neutral. The IRS can’t corrupt your assembly with some kind of double secret behind the scenes chicanery.
My contention is that 501c3 status is not an intrinsic corruption.
The decision to allow the government to give you permission to have the paperwork that authorizes your corporation is a loss of sovereignty that belongs to Yah.

I’m reminded of Eve and the fruit.
“for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:”
The serpent was right in that they didn’t immediately die, but they died.

Not all results are immediate and obvious.