Ok, skipping past the finger-wagging towards the wives, is this how we expect our children to approach what we desire to teach them?
This needs to part of the culture of every family.
Yes. At least the desire I have for my children. That at all times they are to he in submission to the Father. For every thought to be first of the Kingdom. Every action an attempt to glorify the Father. That every step they take is emulating Yeshua. That's the desire. Sometimes we try to compartmentalize our lives. This is my job. This is my hobby. This is my family. This is my faith.
It doesnt matter what your job is, you can glorify the Father flipping burgers if you're an example that points others to Him. If you show up late to work, your lazy, ride the clock, complain about having to work, rude, gossip, steal from your employer your setting a bad example that makes His name nothing. That makes "beleivers" no diffrent from unbelievers. Now if your dillegent, on time, productive, honest and have a good attitude that glories the Father. That dosn't mean be a door matt and let employers treat you unjustly. Confront injustice in a calm constructive manner.
You can use your hobbies to teach about the Father. Either by actual lessons built around your hobby or simply setting the example of not do things that make His name for naught. If your a beleiver who makes ceramics, wood working, blacksmithing, artwork, poetry for fun as gifts to people, not making items that don't promote the values taught in scripture sets. Or you can make things that glorify the world setting the example that being a beleiver means nothing there is no difference between you and the world, that His Ruach has not set you apart from the world showing, that God is impotent. Example: Someone wanted me to make them a Viking bearded axe. No problem. He also want me to ingrave the Ode to Valhalla on it.....problem. Even though he was going to pay good money, offered more than the price I gave, I couldn't create something that glorified Norse paganism, despite the fact I knew he didn't worship the Asgard pantheon and just wanted it for aesthetics.
Your family can either be a reflection of citizens of the Kingdom in submission to the Father or citizens of this world in submission to their worldly desires. when people look at your family they should see Yeshua's message. Not a facade because eventual that will crumble and be a bad testimony, but a family who actually beleives in what they espouse and, importantly, live out what they are saying.
Your faith should be evident throughout all aspects of your life, being born again, you have been redeemed from the lawlessness of your life of bondage to sin. I teach this to my children. I teach this to my wife. I have to be reminded of this, time to time, myself. We achieve this by surrendering to the Father. The evidence that we are first thinking of the Kingdom and attempting to glorify Him with our actions is our submission to Him. His will not ours.
This starts with the Husband emulating Yeshua who is submitted to the Father. He is love, which is compassion and corection. He is Disciplined, denied the flesh and exemplified strength in the spirit. We are to submit to the teachings and example of Yeshua, becoming the image of the Son.
The question of whether or not a wife has to submit to a husband who is not in submission to the Father, who is not reflecting the image of Yeshua, the obedient son is a secondary issue. If a man is going to lead with the authority of God he first must be in submission to God. The primary concern should be The man. The man first. Then the wife has no "reproach" of her husband and the misdirection used to deflect her own rebellious actions is made obvious.
Our wives are to do the same by submitting to us. This is the first example of submitting to the Father that children see. They either see submission or rebellion before they even come to an understanding of who the Father is and it directly effects their relationship with Yeshua. We are to teach this to our children and to make taladimin of them. Students of the Teacher, there is but one teacher. Children of the Father, there is but one Father. Servants of God.