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Are you freaking kidding me?

That’s why you don’t lay down with a crazy woman. Think about the kids.
This is why my hubby is not even a little bit interested in actively pursuing a second wife. It's a one in a million or worse chance of finding a suitable woman on your own power. He is still open to the idea, but we know YHWH can bring people together.....we are living proof! We are trusting we won't miss out on any good thing He has for us.
This is why my hubby is not even a little bit interested in actively pursuing a second wife. It's a one in a million or worse chance of finding a suitable woman on your own power. He is still open to the idea, but we know YHWH can bring people together.....we are living proof! We are trusting we won't miss out on any good thing He has for us.
@Joleneakamama--might I add that the flip side of your comment is perhaps the main reason I am so hesitant to go searching on my own or "shaking the bushes" for the one whom I hope will become my husband. I may not see this correctly, but I feel like men are so much better at searching out and finding the one they want--it's like a God-given homing instinct on the one or ones who are right for them. As a single woman, I feel at risk even more than a man would be in searching. Your thoughts?
Even worse is this woman, Anne Georglous, is a pediatrician!! I called up her Coppel, TX office twice today and asked if they did chemical castrations for children there. "Your call is being recorded" oooh I'm so scared of your recorded line. Answer the question cowards! Of they dont most likely and she is hiring another monster to do this.
Even worse is this woman, Anne Georglous, is a pediatrician!! I called up her Coppel, TX office twice today and asked if they did chemical castrations for children there. "Your call is being recorded" oooh I'm so scared of your recorded line. Answer the question cowards! Of they dont most likely and she is hiring another monster to do this.

Bless you brother! Bless you!
I got an update today saying a hearing was cancelled today. The public outcry was enough that the mother's attorneys decided it was not going to go the way they wanted today.
For any Facebook fans there is a group "save james" that you can like or friend or whatever for updates....or share to spread awareness. Lots of photos, and they are not out to destroy the mother either....just save James.
For any Facebook fans there is a group "save james" that you can like or friend or whatever for updates....or share to spread awareness. Lots of photos, and they are not out to destroy the mother either....just save James.
I dunno... I believe strongly in justice. Threatening and intending bodily harm to an innocent should carry a penalty of bodily harm to the criminal. When the betrayal of safety/trust is something as basic as mother and child, such as in the case of an abortion, all the more so >.<
I dunno... I believe strongly in justice. Threatening and intending bodily harm to an innocent should carry a penalty of bodily harm to the criminal. When the betrayal of safety/trust is something as basic as mother and child, such as in the case of an abortion, all the more so >.<

I'm sure many feel that way, especially about abortion. I personally feel what she wants to do to her son is worse then just killing him in utero. What she intends will leave him damaged for life, and he would someday (should she manage to prevail) understand all he had lost.
At the same time, openly wishing violence on her right now, may not serve the greater good, as too many have pity, and see her as mentally damaged.
It would be nice if that penalty was already in place, and could be a deterrant!
I believe that God does mete out justice, (why fear of God is the beginning of wisdom?) and often in unexpected ways. We should do all we can to teach truth and affirm justice. Even so, some universal laws are still working in the world. Reaping and sowing are one example. If king David could not escape certain consequences, even the repentant of today may still have to pay a price.
I have seen some live sad and short lives. But their lives testify to God's justice. I would NOT want to be in that mother's shoes...... but honestly, I am not aware of anything I did, or could have done, that caused me to be me rather then her. In other words, there but for the grace of God go I.
The Save James petition folk say they could use more support from texans. Only 8k or so signatures are from folks in Texas, with the balance of the almost 200k being out of state people.
If you are in Texas and want to share the Facebook page with your neighbors, they would appreciate more local outcry.
I'd like to believe that but I'm not holding out much hope for a reformation or a great move of the spirit. Slow growth of a remnant is more likely.
It may be slow growing, but it is growing faster now than it ever was before. I see it as having the potential to explode in growth, which is why we see many in church leadership attempting to squelch it while they can, for fear of what people will do when they find out they have been lied to.
I signed, but did not share or donate. There is a bit more nuance to this case than at first appears. The emotionally charged words "chemical castration" are words any desperate father would use in that situation, but it evokes imagery of using chemicals to literally remove male genitalia, and I would agree with @Laurenatx that any woman who would do such a thing to her own child, is mentally ill, if that were indeed what was happening. I think we can all relax a bit and put our guns away though, as sometimes the truth is somewhere in the middle. I must agree with @rejoicinghandmaid though, that Feminism is what is behind all of this, though perhaps not for the same reason she is thinking.

Admittedly, I read through an article from left-leaning Vox to get the latest news on this:
If you can stomach the imagery of the transgender flag and all the references to "Luna" and referring to him as a "her", a few things stick out here that we should be aware of. The "chemical castration" characterization, appears to be hyperbole, and the situation is not as dire as one might think. This is why the government's hands appear to be tied when it comes to this case. The state of Texas would never allow a child to be mutilated that way, simply because he claimed that he was a girl. They have ordered CPS to look into it, but CPS is notoriously left-leaning. What the father appears to object to, is chemicals that will prevent the boy from naturally growing into being a man, and this whole notion of "affirming". The article claims that the father is taking a "wait and see" approach, but in reality, he is taking an "outright rejection" stance, which is in fact what I have done with my boys. Call me sexist, but I have emphasized male superiority with them by speaking in derogatory tones about the fact that girls like to play with dolls, and speaking in positive tones about the fact that boys like to play with cool toys.

This is where feminism comes into play. The mother appears to have been deceived by left-leaning ideology that has overrun our Medical profession. Her beliefs and research, from the left-leaning medical community, no doubt, have led her to conclude that it is harmful to not affirm the sexual identity that the child chooses, and she is apparently blind to the biases that have led them to their conclusions. Apparently, the chemicals in question, are intended to keep the boy from growing into a man. For decades now, within the Psychological community, there has been a discussion about nature vs. nurture, and whether the differences between men and women, have more to do with hormones, or with how society expects us to act. I take no chances with that, and have ensured, and will always take steps to ensure that my children have the nurture they need to ensure they identify as the gender they were born with. I also don't have my boys in a public school setting and the only preschool they have ever had, was with our church, or in the case of our older son, our former church. I don't want them to be exposed to any nonsensical "nurturing", that is nothing more than brainwashing them to believe they are something other than what God created them as.

The whole reason for this nurture vs nature discussion, is the "inequality" complaint we hear about so much from the left, and @Keith Martin could probably explain much better than I could, how academia has been wrestling with the idea of how society got to this place, where men rule and women submit. In that regard, I think @rejoicinghandmaid is spot on. We have become too intelligent for our own good. We were given intelligence in order to fulfill God's mandate that we "subdue" the earth, but in doing so, we keep trying to subdue the very thing God created within us. Rather than appreciate the beauty and design God gave us in our differences, academia has decided that there are other differences that exist, which in fact, these so-called "differences" are merely attempting to blur the lines of the real differences and distinctions between us. To think about this from the leftist POV, we are the ones who are causing harm to our children, by not allowing them to explore their "true sexual identity", but in reality, if we cannot really know what is a boy, or what is a girl, or what is a man or a woman, what is the point anyhow?

Anne Georglous has now been doxed. We don't like it when leftists do that to our leaders, and we should be careful about doing that ourselves. Her practice has apparently been vandalized, and she has been forced to shut it down, which in a sense, is a good thing and also a bad thing. I wouldn't want to take my children to a pediatrician who believes that way, but I probably already have done so, and will probably do so again, as this ideology has apparently overrun the medical profession. OTOH, we don't win the battle for hearts and minds, by making martyrs out of those whom we oppose. We win, by exposing the nonsense and bias of studies and groups performing those studies, when they produce such nonsense, exposing it to as many people as possible. The reason I didn't share this petition on social media, is because this case is hard to explain to people, who will pull out an article such as the one that I found here, and of course, I don't want to publicize this martyrdom that Anne Georglous is being put through.

Now a couple other things stuck out at me as well. Anne Georglous apparently has two teenage daughters from a previous marriage. We all know what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage, so no further explanation is necessary there. I'm not sure what to make of the whole "annulment" thing either, because I have only seen the left's portrayal of the father, and I'm sure that there is another side to that story. The other thing that stuck out at me, is how the other influences in this child's life, are also "affirming". If I were part of that jury, I would have insisted that the father have sole custody, and that he not be allowed to put that child in any public institution where that "affirming" could take place, and I would have insisted on a hung jury if I could not persuade the other jurors to go along with that, but you all here know how stubborn I can be when it comes to debating any issue that I feel passionate about. :)

Unfortunately, the judge who vacated the jury's decision, and decided instead for dual custody, was forced to recuse herself, because she had posted something on Facebook that revealed bias. The child will continue to have "affirming" influences around him, and the "rejecting" influence from his father, is unfortunately being portrayed in a negative light by the other care providers that he is exposed to. This child and his father, need lots of prayer.
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I came across this comment.

Steve Sailer@Steve_Sailer

· Oct 22, 2019

Replying to @L0m3z
Are we sure we got the full story in this custody battle gender transition case? The ex-wife got the marriage annulled because her ex-hubby had told her lies like he was a math professor and a career Marine, so I'm not wholly trusting in the dad's credibility.

with this response...sort of funny!

Keith Levenberg@KeithLevenberg

So what's the problem? He wasn't assigned being a math professor or a Marine at birth, but if he identifies as one...

and this one
The kids aren’t even the “mother’s” biological offspring. They used a donated egg and in-vitro fertilization.
For decades now, within the Psychological community, there has been a discussion about nature vs. nurture, and whether the differences between men and women, have more to do with hormones, or with how society expects us to act. <snip>

The whole reason for this nurture vs nature discussion, is the "inequality" complaint we hear about so much from the left, and @Keith Martin could probably explain much better than I could, how academia has been wrestling with the idea of how society got to this place

Some of my earliest volunteer work in social services was doing therapy at a Pittsburgh PA center for "alternative sexuality." I mention that to explain why I have a nuanced position on transgenderism. I am entirely opposed to hormone therapy for anyone under the age of 25, which is the age at which one can be fairly certain puberty will be entirely finished (and the age at which the brains of males are fully matured), because to bow to the supposed wisdom of a whim about one's existence where gender is concerned could also justify passing out guns to young boys considering suicide. Adolescence is a truly troubling time in current society, primarily because it is in fact an artificial, culturally-induced developmental stage that didn't even exist 100 years ago, resulting in the creation of internal confusion among people who should be starting their lives rather than being encouraged to put off adulthood in favor of becoming even more obsessed with gaining favor from their peers.

Anyway, the nuance: some individuals (mostly men) truly do struggle with legitimate gender-identity dysfunction to the extent that the hormone therapy brings some large measure of relief to lives that are tormented, to say the least. However, enough of these individuals can be traced back to having been born hermaphroditic, with their parents (or doctors) making the choice of gender for them at the time of birth, that it's questionable whether it's even fully appropriate to label them as being authentically transgender, given that they're returning to a gender they once possessed. Working with these people, and having gotten to know quite a few more in other realms over the years, though, I'm convinced (as have been most of them) that changing genders is not something to be taken lightly -- and definitely not to be encouraged or even supported among minors. Unfortunately, this has all become politicized in the Democrats' unceasing pursuit of new groups to inspire victimhood in (for the purpose of getting more votes and therefore more power) that the wisdom of those who authentically recognized that getting the hormone process going at a young age is only going to superficially ameliorate the sense of estrangement youngsters can feel -- and it's worth the wait to make sure it isn't just an immature impulse to gain attention or address temporary feelings.

As far as nature vs. nurture goes, while getting my first training in behavioral psychology, the nature-vs-nurture debate was in full flower, especially among social sciences folks, and I leaned toward the nurture-being-dominant side of things, quite simply because that is what I was being encouraged to support by my primary mentors. And why wouldn't that be the case, right? After all, it's to the advantage of social services workers everywhere for as many people as possible to believe that the molding we receive after birth is more important and more decisive in human development than the nature with which we are born.

Over time, I gradually but definitively moved to a position that believes that nurture has some impact but that nature is significantly more important than nurture. Despite the role they play in their children's lives, it turns out that research demonstrates what common sense would tell us: that parents are much more likely to recognize the supremacy of nature over nurture than are their childless peers. That's because, if a parent is paying any attention, they can observe that the major aspects of each of their individual children's personalities are, after being fully raised, pretty much exactly what they were as toddlers. We are stewards of and shepherds for our children, responsible for training them and guiding them in some on-the-edges ways, but they are no more likely to be mirrors of their parents' intentions than their parents were to be mirrors of their parents.
On the Texas Ballot for tomorrow's primary:

Proposition #6 Texas should ban chemical castration, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital mutilation surgery on all minor children for transition purposes, given that Texas children as young as three (3) are being transitioned from their biological sex to the opposite sex.

I was thinking of skipping out on the Primaries for tomorrow, but weighing this proposition out there, it is a no-brainer.
genital mutilation surgery on all minor children for transition purposes

Never fear, they won't be stopping the routine mutilation of infant boys; can't have them experiencing too much pleasure in sex now can we.
Never fear, they won't be stopping the routine mutilation of infant boys; can't have them experiencing too much pleasure in sex now can we.
Sounds like a reference to circumcision, which of course is not for "transition purposes".