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Avoid pork!

Can you link your sources? I'd like to look into it.
Other than the book, I don't have time to read a book at the moment.
You don't actually have to read the book(s) to see the point.

RFK's exposition has over 400 pages of copiously-documented evidence, and well over 1000 footnotes. Just read the table of contents. From his HIV background, and the connections to the proteins that were grafted onto later bioweaponry, to the setup, to the propaganda, to the lies, pick a chapter and just read that. Or go through the volumes of articles, pick a title. There is NO shortage of documentation, readily verifiable.

Likewise, Dr. Kory's story about the (very literal) War on Ivermectin is that of a self-described very-left physician who was "red-pilled" the hard way, by watching people die. And being persecuted for trying to honor his oath as a healer. Much of his testimony is first-hand, but here, I can personally confirm the factual basis; the war on ivermectin was intended to ensure that NO options to the Poison Poke were allowed. Period. And death was the result.

I knew some of that story, and was angry before I read it, for the obvious reason. But, seeing his evidence, I firmly believe that Fauci is deserving of a fair trial. And then execution for genocide.
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