Is this a trap? (Like - 'is it lawful to pay taxes?'
) Do you suggest I claim Authority from the Holy, Universal, Catholic One-and-Only Bride Designated Church to declare what is or is not 'Scripture'?
So I will restate what I know, and can (or have) demonstrated:
It is True that it is his [Paul/Shaul, NOT YHVH's]
opinion. It is NOT a commandment from Yah. (And it can NOT be: consider the implications.)
But...but...but.. "Is it
I still contend that words matter. Particularly His. "Law" is a poor translation of the Hebrew word '
torah' for this reason. His "teaching and/or instruction," is far better. When the Hebrew original language means things - like 'statutes, judgments, or commandments' -that have the 'force of law,' He uses words like
mitzvot. Parables, histories, or stories of the lives of the patriarchs, for example, are instruction for us But they are NOT statutes, judgments, or commandments, and are not "law".
And neither is Paul's opinion that we should be celibate. (BTW - at the risk of a rabbit invasion
- neither is his opinion about head covering, which is NOT explicitly in
haTorah - although it IS an interesting study. (Numbers 5, for example).
Which leads to related but 'non-dogma' points: The Hebrew word 'midrash' is often used to describe
"Connecting the dots."
"Your mileage may vary."
The Hebrew word 'halacha' (aka 'how to walk), sometimes conflated with 'oral torah,' or Tradition -- where "THEY" will TELL you 'how to walk' -- was what I contend Mark chapter 7 (among others) was all about.
Imbued by mere men with the 'force of law' [
nomos from the oft-quoted Greek] (as BOTH the 'whore church' and 'whore synagogue' have done routinely) they become more malevolent; they became the 'traditions of men' [or 'the elders'] that Yahushua Himself called "hypocrisy" and said "make the commandments of Yah of no effect."
BTW - does your bible contain the line in Mark 7:19 at the end of what He actually said to add, "thus he declared all foods clean."? Is THAT 'scripture'? (It's not even true -- unless you understand what is, and is NOT, 'food'.)
Finally, just who, and under what authority, declares what is, and is not, 'scripture'? Shaul wrote that letter to Timothy BEFORE any romanized 'church' took it upon itself to declare anything of the sort (whether at Trent or before) - but he still knew what he meant. At least when he was inspired to write it. Chanuch (Enoch) was claimed to be in and out (of 'scripture' - actually, TNK, Torah-Naviim [prophets]-Ketuvim [writings] ) before Yahushua taught (and it was referenced in Jude). And things like Judith and Tobit, or Maccabees, etc, etc, were either in - or out. And maybe you've noticed that even the 'ten commandments' are not the same in 'catholic' and '
protesting catholic' renderings. And, yes, there's more. But the point is made.
Shaul's midrash to Timothy that you quoted says that whatever is declared to be 'scripture' is 'given by inspiration of Elohim', and is "profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for" -- gotta love this, because it's 'by definition' -- "instruction in Torah-obedience".
That, hopefully, is what I'm attempting to do here. And to quote.
So here's a relevant question: Is a markedly error-ridden English translation of His Word, demonstrably including "additions to" and "subtractions from" what He actually Wrote, included in that term "all scripture"?
[I would suggest those, too, are at best 'suggestions''s just that the translators, except where they knowingly put in
italics to show words added, aren't as thoughtful to warn us about it as Paul was, and we should be.]
Note that when Shaul himself penned those words about "all Scripture" -- and given that he was so careful elsewhere to distinguish between his OPINION and the 'word of Yah' -- the romanized church had not yet, by its own authority, 'canonized' them, or Proclaimed them to be 'Scripture'. Since he had already warned also about "another jesus, whom we have NOT preached":
...there is no shortage of irony in the fact that that same 'lawless entity' that claims 'authority' to not only 'canonize' writings, but
add to and
subtract from 'em to boot - then proceeded to IGNORE so much of what WAS in fact already Written in
the Scripture to which Shaul referred.