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BibFam gets the shoutout... from the pulpit! 😂😂

Well the thing is, this is about why we watch and respond to the messages. His arguments may work for him, but none of us who reject that belief have any use for them whatsoever!
And that's fine. There's no need to start yet another argument over it just because he mentioned it. Because
If we go off into TO debate, the thread gets locked. Let's not go there.
And you're the one who started turning this from a perfectly fair comment from one person's actual experience, into a debate. Don't do that (and @Earth_is-, you don't need to take the bait he's offering).
And you're the one who started turning this from a perfectly fair comment from one person's actual experience, into a debate. Don't do that (and @Earth_is-, you don't need to take the bait he's offering).
I am not, and you can see from the history this is not the firt time Mark tried to turn this into a TO debate. I jus twant to drop it. We have our reasons for watching Pastor Joel, and that is clear.
I am not, and you can see from the history this is not the firt time Mark tried to turn this into a TO debate. I jus twant to drop it. We have our reasons for watching Pastor Joel, and that is clear.
It seems that you have moved the bar from fighting about the Torah is verboten, to mentioning the Torah is verboten.
Well, I have had quite a bit of success myself, but it has been a mixed bag of results. Some people are tougher nuts to crack, but those are the same people who would instinctively be against any ideas of having to observe feasts or anything else Torah related. I don't think mentioning is a good idea, if the only good response, would lead to fighting about it.
Of course. Choose your arguments depending on who you are speaking to. But your experience does not invalidate Mark's, any more than his invalidates yours.

1 Cor 9:19-22
For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.
And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.
To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
I never said that my experience invalidates his; only that his advice is not useful for those whom I and many others here are trying to reach.
It might be more effective in threads like this one (discussing a particular ministry’s marriage stance) to allow whoever is most closely aligned with the theological leanings of the person or ministry that is being addressed to take the lead. That way we can focus on the topic of marriage in each instance, instead of derailing the thread in disagreements. I’m not saying that no one else can comment, but it really isn’t helpful for the topic at hand if we are constantly being diverted to other topics. With this guy, let us handle it, if it’s 119 ministries then you guys are up to bat.
It might be more effective in threads like this one (discussing a particular ministry’s marriage stance) to allow whoever is most closely aligned with the theological leanings of the person or ministry that is being addressed to take the lead. That way we can focus on the topic of marriage in each instance, instead of derailing the thread in disagreements. I’m not saying that no one else can comment, but it really isn’t helpful for the topic at hand if we are constantly being diverted to other topics. With this guy, let us handle it, if it’s 119 ministries then you guys are up to bat.
This sounds like a good idea to me. My husband and his brother he was very close with butted heads alot working together on jobs, and these weren't religious differences that people get passionate about. They finally decided that to eliminate the debate about how to do a particular task, the brother who was assisting would just let the brother he was helping decide the how to. It worked very well.
But it also got very heated at times before they worked out the solution.
Well I think everything has been handled! No sermon for this week. Huh! Maybe they don't want us to know what was preached, because they didn't have any defense for the ridiculous claims that were being made.
Well I think everything has been handled! No sermon for this week. Huh! Maybe they don't want us to know what was preached, because they didn't have any defense for the ridiculous claims that were being made.
No sermon on/against polygyny, or are they just not posting it even though he preached it? Hahaha, maybe too many of his congregation are waiting to read his replies but he has no real answers!
Here he goes again. He can't resist being a false teacher! He speaks about polygamy for the first six minutes then gets back on topic with his Part 2 of another series he's teaching on.

Here he goes again. He can't resist being a false teacher! He speaks about polygamy for the first six minutes then gets back on topic with his Part 2 of another series he's teaching on.

I am curious who said "I hope you enjoy being in prison with your one wife", and which video that response was posted in, and what it was in regard to. He said that this person has the most to say, so he refers to them as the "Chairman of the Board of the poly pals". I know I have had a lot to say, but that would be an honor if he was referring to me. I'm sure whoever he was referring to might feel the same way, but I don't know who made the comment, or where it was made!

EDIT: I have searched the comments section in all three of the previous videos that he posted, to see who made that remark, and I am not seeing it!
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I see on his latest YouTube video Mr Joel Saint has defined what sin he thinks polygamy is, and he is emphatic in saying polygamy is adultery. Since polygyny cannot be adultery, provided a man has taken single women as his wives, Mr Joel Saint is a liar and false teacher (along with his advocate, Fivesolas777) and needs to be called out for his sin.

@Daniel DeLuca, I'm enjoying reading your responses and challenges to Fivesolas77. Cheers
Here he goes again. He can't resist being a false teacher! He speaks about polygamy for the first six minutes then gets back on topic with his Part 2 of another series he's teaching on.

I was just contemplating how a righteous man when the truth is presented changes his position....recalling how some will apologize publicly to one he had spoken badly about, once the truth has changed the perspective. That is the kind of thing that shows a circumcised heart.. .and makes that man's God fearing wife or wives willing to follow him ANYWHERE!

In contrast....someone who exalts his own opinion over the word of God makes me wonder why?
The morality of righteous polygyny seems so obvious to us, and I believe that scripture is consistent....and we that support and believe this way have "eyes that see."
In contrast....someone that refuses to "see" or answer questions? ....well, the passage that comes to mind is this scary one that aught to make everyone look again at where they are standing and the verses that support their position.

2 Th 2:11-12 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

I hope Mr Saint isn't too proud and set in his error to change. ...but he would sure have to eat a lot of his words!

"Make the words you speak today tender warm and sweet, for tomorrow they may well be....words you'll have to EAT!"

(From a wall hanging at my grandparent's place)

Unless of course you are calling out a false teacher....no need to be sweet about that!
I was just contemplating how a righteous man when the truth is presented changes his position....recalling how some will apologize publicly to one he had spoken badly about, once the truth has changed the perspective. That is the kind of thing that shows a circumcised heart.. .and makes that man's God fearing wife or wives willing to follow him ANYWHERE!

In contrast....someone who exalts his own opinion over the word of God makes me wonder why?
The morality of righteous polygyny seems so obvious to us, and I believe that scripture is consistent....and we that support and believe this way have "eyes that see."
In contrast....someone that refuses to "see" or answer questions? ....well, the passage that comes to mind is this scary one that aught to make everyone look again at where they are standing and the verses that support their position.

2 Th 2:11-12 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

I hope Mr Saint isn't too proud and set in his error to change. ...but he would sure have to eat a lot of his words!

"Make the words you speak today tender warm and sweet, for tomorrow they may well be....words you'll have to EAT!"

(From a wall hanging at my grandparent's place)

Unless of course you are calling out a false teacher....no need to be sweet about that!
2 Timothy 4:3 ESV

"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,"

Mr "Saint" wants to act like we are those people.

I think he is actually one of those teachers, that tells modern men and women what they want to hear when it comes to this issue.
Unless of course you are calling out a false teacher....no need to be sweet about that!
Yahushua called them 'hypocrites!'

And while "strong delusion" (and Isaiah 66:3-4 upon which it is based) is apropos, the hubristic FAILURE is claiming authority to call what Yah supports and even mandates as "marriage," what it is NOT, namely "adultery."

He violates Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32.
He speaks about elevating wickedness, and it reminded me of the verse that says "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20 Funny how he has blinders to his own actions, and instead engages in projection.