Point of the picture is that history repeats itself. Why do you care from Croatia that majority of Americans care for what is happening in Ukraine? Why criticize someone else who is willing to help Ukraine?
Ukraine is just a symptom. Disease is USA meddling everywhere. Just concentrate most of resources on fixing yourself and leave rest alone.
You said, "
oh, I am sorry. I think I get it. You are stating that Americans neglecting helping their own while helping others. It seems you care strong enough to use expletive
This is legitimate concern. I agree. Individual states should work on fixing their own problems. What USA is doing on Federal level benefits USA in long run too. A question can be posed why should I in Florida care for what residents of San Francisco voted in. or Chicago. And my response is that I should care by suggesting to them that they should introduce policies regulations that would fix those problems.
Your mindset is wrong. You need lack of regulation and policies. Precisely, because of regulations and policies there is problem. Why? Because government meddles into everything which creates need to take over government to stop meddling into your life. Horewer, new rulers then can't stop themselves from meddling into others life, so cycle continues.
And since meddlers can't stop thinking themselves morally superior, they give themselves right to beat others for moral benefit of others.
At the same time why you being from Croatia care how American family (USA citizens) will disperse their funds? If you truly do not care who has what conflict where then why comment on it?
Because people like you are blocking defeat of globalists, the real threat to us, not Putin. Putin didn't impose vaccine mandates in West or take our freedoms. Our own ruling class did. Davos crowd with Claus Commie Schwab in charge.
By tightening and raising interest rates Fed is causing deflation. Which is medicine by which economy tries to cleanse itself from political parasites. Fed is parasite, but this time they are useful parasite (by getting rid of bigger ones).
Plan requires pulling liquidity from markets. Horewer Treasury is putting liquidity back keeping Davos Commies alive. And since Fed has to finance US federal deficits, they also put liquidity back.
Without Treasury and war in Ukraine, Davos Commies would be broke already, EU banking system in ruins and idea of political centralization dead.
This is why Neocons, Brits and Davos want war. Fed is world's central bank and Commies need other's people money free to finance their crap. And Fed told them all f..k off.
So US federal deficit is fulcrum of world now. And I pray EU dies soon, so that I don't have to live under Commie CBDC euro-crap.
And if Fed and it's supporters fail to stop deficit growth, you Americans will get hyperinflation and breaking of union. It can be saved now by deep cost cutting by federal gov. Brits hate you and want to break you, same as during civil war. Davos hates you and wants to liquidfy you, so that Europe can't have competition.