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Gender ratios and age at marriage

I hear what youre saying, however, I think that this is very close to the same argument someone close to us used to justify her unjust divorce. Her approach was to say that the marriage was dead and she only promised to death do us part. Obviously, that didnt go over very well with us as she definitely vowed til physical death of one of the spouses, not the I’m unhappy with the status of our marriage “death”. Her divorce was textbook for everything that she could do wrong to end the marriage and covenant breaking, she did. Her husband had done nothing Scripturally to justify the divorce, (adultery, fornication, food, clothing and marital duties) and she had done everything to justify him divorcing her. She was just trying to preemptively divorce for judicial advantage.

Part of the issue here is that unlike physical death, spiritual death is a curable issue.
@Verifyveritas76 --not sure who this was, but it truly makes one wonder seriously what sort of "salvation" experience she had. I can't imagine a wife filled with the love of God and rejoicing over the truth of salvation not wanting with all of her heart for her man to join her in this walk with Yeshua! This is such heartache and needless heartbreak for the husband who was doing all he knew to do as an unbeliever and then to be handed that deck of cards because his wife "got saved"?!?--oh my word!
@Verifyveritas76 --not sure who this was, but it truly makes one wonder seriously what sort of "salvation" experience she had. I can't imagine a wife filled with the love of God and rejoicing over the truth of salvation not wanting with all of her heart for her man to join her in this walk with Yeshua! This is such heartache and needless heartbreak for the husband who was doing all he knew to do as an unbeliever and then to be handed that deck of cards because his wife "got saved"?!?--oh my word!
I’m not certain that he was an unbeliever. In any case both were professing though they weren’t living it. You know them and I’m not sure I want you to know who they are. It’s irrelevant now and many years ago and one of them has passed. It wasn’t an issue of she got religion and divorced over salvation at all.