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Great/inspirational quotes

And with deep admiration and respect in honor of @steve . . .

"I wanted to be paper airplane, . . . but here we are . . . "

printed on the brown butcher paper under an appetizer served at Cheddar's
“One of the four or five paradoxes which should be taught to every infant prattling at his mother’s knee is the following: that the more a man looks at a thing the less he can see it, and the more a man learns a thing the less he knows it. The Fabian argument of the expert, that he man who is trained should be the man who is trusted would be absolutely unanswerable if it were really true that the man who studied a thing and practiced it every day went on seeing more and more of its significance. But he does not. He goes on seeing less and less of its significance.”

G.K. Chesterton, from “The Twelve Men” in Tremendous Trifles, 1909
Wait.....did I die and no one informed me? Hate it when that happens.
Why am I always the last to know?
You're not the last to now anything, my friend; you're just worthy of pre-posthumous honor!
I cannot believe in the spirituality of any man who keeps an eye open for the approval of others, whoever they may be. The man after God's own heart must be dead to the opinion of his friends as well as his enemies. He must be as willing to cross important persons as obscure ones.

When we are wholly lost in Him the frantic effort to please men will come to an end. The circle of persons we struggle to please will be narrowed to One. Then we will know true freedom, but not a moment before.

A. W. Tozer (1897-1963)
The Price of Neglect (Page141)
Speaking of friends . . .

I suppose all human affection can be worn out by constant failure to evoke a response from cold hearts. I suppose that it can be so nipped by frosts, so constantly checked in blossoming, that it shrivels and dies. I suppose that constant ingratitude, constant indifference can turn the warmest springs of our love to a river of ice. "Can a mother forget her child?" – Yes, she may forget." But we have to do with a God, whose love is His very being, Whose love is not for reasons in us but in Himself, Whose love is eternal and boundless as all His nature, Whose love, therefore, cannot be turned away by our sin – but abides with us forever and is granted to every soul of man.

Alexander Maclaren (1826-1910)
The Last Pleadings of Love
John Knox: “The man who stands with God is always in the majority.”

Thanks be to @PeteR and Bnonn & Michael.
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“Uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways; we do not know what a day may bring forth. This is generally said with a sigh of sadness; it should be rather an expression of breathless expectation. We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God. Immediately [when] we abandon to God, and do the duty that lies nearest, He packs our life with surprises all the time. When we become advocates of a creed, something dies; we do not believe God, we only believe our belief about Him.”

Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917
My Utmost for His Highest, published 1935
April 29 entry
“People say that love and death are the two common and universal human journeys. There is a difference, though: love is more powerful and lasts longer. A body is taken only once, but love can be given a thousand times. Ask how someone died, the answer is finite; ask how they love, the answer is infinite.”

Jeffery Seaver
“The universe is not only queerer than we suppose, it is queerer than we can suppose.”

J. B. S. Haldane
We are right and because we are right we are in a position of power. From that position, we can afford to have grace upon those that are ignorant. We do not need to attack the person or persons that hold erroneous beliefs, not their character, their intelligence, or anything else that is irrelevant to the point being advocated. Once we do that, we lose the high ground. Worse still, it has the effect of creating mental barriers in the eyes of those we are trying to win. Many times we succeed only in inoculating those we ridicule against the very position we want them to embrace.

Instead, listen for those attacks against you, and when you hear them celebrate. It means you won. They have run out of rational arguments, and now they turn to the lowest form of debate, the personal attack. Congratulations, you have undermined an erroneous position. It is time to wrap up. Take your victory and go home.

... but, but, but they didn't admit absolute crushing defeat...

And they are not going to. That happens much later between they, themselves, and God.

~Neo Patriarch
“The great enemy of the life of faith in God is not sin, but the good which is not good enough. The good is always the enemy of the best. Many of us do not go on spiritually because we prefer to choose what is right instead of relying on God to choose for us.”

Oswald Chambers
My Utmost for His Highest
All of us alike are God’s instruments. By no setting of our hearts on wickedness or doing evil with both our hands can we prevent God from using us. Our folly will serve Him, when our wisdom fails; our wrath will praise Him, though our wills rebel. Yet, as God’s instruments without intention and in our own despite, we generally serve God’s ends only as we defeat our own. To be God’s agent is quite another matter. This we are only as we learn God’s will, respond to His call, work faithfully together with Him, and find our highest ends in fulfilling His.

John Oman (1860-1939)
God’s Love Changes Lives
Thank God for the tough spots He put you in. That is where He is getting His love through you to the unlovely, and to people who harm you. That is how Christ lived on earth, expressing the love of God to those who criticized and hated Him; and that is how Christ now lives in us, expressing the same love through us. He has put us among difficult people, so that His supernatural love may be seen by them. So praise the Lord for every tough spot you are in. It is not God's will to deliver us from tough spots, but in them. There is no other way of getting at those who do not know Him except by those who do living among them.

Norman P. Grubb (1895-1993)
Knight of Faith, Vol. I
From some you will receive very bad treatment. They will abuse you and slander you, thinking that they are serving God. But remember that we are soldiers, and, as such, are called upon to endure evil. It is a great privilege to suffer for His sake. To be misunderstood, maligned, and mistreated while we are seeking to serve our Lord and His saints is the normal abnormal experience in this day of grace.

I, personally, have cheerfully swallowed the most unjust and cruel accusations … because I knew that the perpetrators were ignorant of what they were doing and thought they were serving their Lord. In such a case do not retaliate. He knows all about it. Our business is not to defend ourselves, but to help the very ones who hurt us. Perhaps, when they discover their error …

May God, by His grace, enable us to live up to our opportunity at this time! Much will depend, humanly speaking, on our graciousness, our forbearance, our endurance of evil. I have often said that I am timid when teaching the Lord's people, they are so apt to bite the hand that feeds them. But let us count that only an added privilege. Can we find a higher service? May our Lord get much delight out of this our effort to make known the glories of His grace!

A.E. Knoch (1874-1965)
Unsearchable Riches
Vol. 28, No. 2; March, 1937