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Great/inspirational quotes

The best way that I know of to get the true meaning of a word in Scripture is to trace it through the Book and notice in what sense the sacred writers used it. Collate all the passages where the word occurs; and then from these passages and the context, the meaning (or meanings, for some words are used in more than one sense) of the word may be very readily and surely gathered.

Arthur P. Adams (1848-1920)
The Spirit of the Word
Tony Smith:

"Today, more than ever, I am convinced “all things are of God” – our triumphs, our failures, the tragedies that touch our lives, the disappointments we suffer at the hands of others, and the wrongs we ourselves sometimes inflict on those around us.

"I trust in this so much I have sometimes been accused of being fatalistic, even by my brothers in Christ. Certainly to those who have not been gratuitously brought into the knowledge of the truth of God’s absolute sovereignty it must seem that I disavow all responsibility for my life. Well, they are right; I do.

"But knowing as I do God is “operating all things according to the counsel of His own will,” how may I claim for myself credit for anything in my life, good or bad? And how then may I blame any man for the evil he does? All is of God, or nothing is – there is no intermediate position.

"As for spreading the evangel, I find the Lord routinely sends my way souls with whom I am able to share a little bit of my knowledge of His grace. Indeed, it seems I am never without the opportunity to witness to someone about His goodness and mercy, whether by my words or by my deeds. I plant the seed as unobtrusively and inoffensively as I can, then trust that those seeds ordained to bring forth fruit shall not fail.

"When the seed does fail, as it so often does, I am not discouraged; far from it! Instead I am reminded that although many are called few are chosen, and that with God even one man would be sufficient to accomplish all His purposes. The failure of the seed is observed in the certain knowledge that with God the rocks themselves are as sufficient as men for spreading the evangel, and that brings great comfort."

Tony Smith
"But knowing as I do God is “operating all things according to the counsel of His own will,” how may I claim for myself credit for anything in my life, good or bad? And how then may I blame any man for the evil he does? All is of God, or nothing is – there is no intermediate position.
Then I guess that 19For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. is incorrect?
Then I guess that 19For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. is incorrect?
If God caused his disobedience, then it couldn’t have been disobedience.
I'd invite you or anyone else to apply that logic at their own peril to child parenting.

We reproduce knowing we'll be producing additional human beings who will disobey, but that doesn't stop their disobedience from being disobedience.

Romans 5:19 cannot be made incorrect, and its point has nothing to do with whether YHWH created evil (that He created everything resounds throughout His Word); the point of Romans 5:19 is that just as many will be saved by the obedience of Christ as were made sinners by the disobedience of Adam.

This is one of those places where the Authorized (KJ) Version (probably purposefully) gets the translation close enough to be craftily wrong: it's not 'many' but 'the many' in each instance in the sentence. Romans 5:18 (one of my scriptural tattoos) puts this in its greater context: "Consequently, then, as it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life's justifying." [CLNT] or "So then as through one beside-fall, the judgment came unto all human beings to down-judgment; even so through one act of justice, the free gift came unto all humans to justification of life." [ENT (Etymological New Testament: An Ultra Literal Translation that includes the exact meaning at the time of each Greek word)]

Whether YHWH is Sovereign, All-Powerful or His creatures are capable of behavior that thwarts His Will is an entirely separate issue.

[Now, back to our originally-scheduled program of Great Inspirational Quotes!]
I'd invite you or anyone else to apply that logic at their own peril to child parenting.

We reproduce knowing we'll be producing additional human beings who will disobey, but that doesn't stop their disobedience from being disobedience.

Romans 5:19 cannot be made incorrect, and its point has nothing to do with whether YHWH created evil (that He created everything resounds throughout His Word); the point of Romans 5:19 is that just as many will be saved by the obedience of Christ as were made sinners by the disobedience of Adam.

This is one of those places where the Authorized (KJ) Version (probably purposefully) gets the translation close enough to be craftily wrong: it's not 'many' but 'the many' in each instance in the sentence. Romans 5:18 (one of my scriptural tattoos) puts this in its greater context: "Consequently, then, as it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life's justifying." [CLNT] or "So then as through one beside-fall, the judgment came unto all human beings to down-judgment; even so through one act of justice, the free gift came unto all humans to justification of life." [ENT (Etymological New Testament: An Ultra Literal Translation that includes the exact meaning at the time of each Greek word)]

Whether YHWH is Sovereign, All-Powerful or His creatures are capable of behavior that thwarts His Will is an entirely separate issue.

[Now, back to our originally-scheduled program of Great Inspirational Quotes!]
I love you, my brother, and I’m not going to argue this.

As my ex-wife would say, have it your own wrong way.
You must had very special ex-wife.

Seems like source of good quotes. She would be interesting here.
Not really, she is a good person who listened to bad advice.
It speaks volumes about who you are that you would be so loving towards her.
You are too sweet, I was just being honest.
She is the mother of my children. 😊
So many of us, after having entered into some of the deeper realities of our Lord, seek to immediately pull or push others into this wonderful advancement; and then we wonder why they are so slow to learn and seemingly apathetic in their understanding and concern. We so easily forget the many years it took, and by what wandering wilderness ways our Lord had to traverse with us in order to bring us over Jordan and into Canaan.

Miles Stanford (1914-1999)
The Green Letters
Faithful is the saying and worthy of all welcome (for for this are we toiling and being reproached), that We rely on the Living God, Who is the Savior of all human beings, Especially of believers.” [I Timothy 4:9-10, Concordant Literal New Testament (2022 translation)]
The fact that man was created by a God of infinite love, wisdom, power, and justice, is a guarantee that such existence will not in any case prove an endless curse.

Infinite love would desire the final happiness of all.

Infinite wisdom would arrange a perfect plan, which, when carried through, would secure the end desired.

Infinite power would secure all that infinite love desired, or infinite wisdom devised.

Infinite justice could be satisfied with nothing less than what the other attributes of God claimed – the triumph of good.

John Crenshaw Burruss (1821-1912)
Voices of the Faith (1887)
Preston Gillham:

All my worries begin, “What if,” and then proceed to contemplate various future scenarios, none of which I have any control over, and all of which entice me to live tomorrow before I have finished trusting Christ for today. Worry assumes responsibility for something that is expressly in God’s job jar.

It is appropriate to recognize the issues of tomorrow, but if we lose sight of what we know today, we have begun to worry. Malcolm Smith says worry is fearing that God is not sufficient. Worry is built upon a false supposition that God is insufficient to handle your concerns.

Preston Gillham
Discipleship Journal (2006)
“Christ came, according to the Bible, to accomplish certain purposes, and the discovery I had made was simply that He might be depended on actually to accomplish these purposes. It goes without saying that, if this is the fact, then those who want these purposes accomplished, should hand them over to the One who has undertaken to do it, and to me this seemed, then, and has seemed ever since, not any especial religious attainment, but only good sound ordinary common sense.”

Hannah Whitall Smith, in The Unselfishness of God, 1903
Very few care to be thought peculiar… But this is the very reason why the mists of tradition have been allowed to take the place of independent research.

Tradition is like the leash which prevents an animal from getting a blade of grass beyond the length of that leash. We thankfully acknowledge that there are a few who have been delivered from that bondage, and have given us the results of their labors…

None are more cognizant of imperfection and failure than ourselves; and, after all we have done, there is still much left for others to do. We do not exhaust the Book; and may, after all, have only laid out a road on which others may follow with far greater success.

We claim only one thing: an earnest desire to believe God and to receive what He has said, regardless alike of the praise of man or the fear of man; and quite apart from all traditional beliefs or interpretations.

May the Lord own and use and bless our efforts for His Own Glory and the good of His people.

E.W. Bullinger (1837-1913)
Commentary on Revelation
In Scripture God has revealed to us the meaning of work. All work has meaning, whether it be scrubbing a floor or managing a corporation. It is unthinkable that God’s people should view ordinary work as second-best, as less significant than “gospel work.

Our daily work serves as one of God’s major tools for cultivating and nurturing the life of Christ within us. While we may be eager to have our work used in changing the lives of others, God is eager first to change our own lives through work. Our work can, if we allow it and recognize God’s hand in it, be used to grind us, smooth us, polish us, and fit us for service of the living God.

Larry Peabody
Secular Work is Full-time Service (1974)