Had a maternal great-grandfather who had 2 wives and children in 2 close but different states. He worked for a major newspaper and for over 20 years he worked it out. Died when I was very young. Have had no contact with any of them. Tried the DNA route, found a few but no response. Seems like most people are like that. Send it in, get the results and then do not follow thru. During my teenage years I hung out with the other rejects and had at times 2 girlfriends. We were together all the time. Never took it serious as race cars were my main focus. Fast forward to 6 years ago while in a hospital I had an experience of falling into a dark, black hole. All thru my life I had this same nightmare of falling into this hole. Usually I would wake right up. This time felt like 2 hours. It is the only thing that has ever really scared me. Driving at high speeds doesn`t even come close. This nightmare was so bad I started at 13 with alcohol to get sleep. After 26 years I woke up one day and quit. Was still unable to get real sleep but pressed on. When I was in the hospital and falling into what I knew was death, I landed on 2 outstretched arms. At that same instant I woke up. I was given 3 things to do. Sell off most of my vehicles, sell our house and find the woman who will be my next help mate. As soon as this happened I started following Jesus in the ways he has been guiding me. I have been trying to accomplish those 3 things but it seems like forces are working against me. My wife is at the point of where is she already? She is the only friend I have left. Once I started on this path all the so-called friends left. One other thing is that I realized that Jesus has been with me since birth and has saved me on countless rides of high speeds and overall just being reckless. I`m hoping to become one of the Elect and to use me to face off with the Anti-Christ. He has restored my mind and body. Never have felt this good!
Cool story!
For me I think it was watching episodes of "Big Love" with my wife.