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How does a man become one flesh with more than one woman?

I would venture to say that application of God's principals would dictate for men to follow through on their claim of a woman where intercourse happened provided that previous woman had not had intercourse with someone else already. If she did a man is not under obligation is such case since he reserves the right to divorce her and ownership was never followed through even though obligation to follow through was always there. By her having sex with someone else she is committing adultery against you
I need to rework this statement. I apologize for thinking out loud and sounding confusing. I am formulating my opinion by interacting with you.

I should have said: I would venture to say that application of God's principals would dictate for a man to follow through on their claim of a virgin woman if intercourse happened. If woman is not a virgin, it would be necessary for previous man to release her to be married/unite to a new man. For this reason previous sexual partner of a woman is obligated to follow through on his claim or release her. Perhaps this is the reason why Ruth attempted to seduce Boaz and laid at his feet when he was drunk to tie him to herself, she may wanted intercourse to happen there. But Boaz had enough self control and wanted that other patriarchs would not override/veto his union.
Based on the next passage I do not need to go to government to validate a union, or divorce, it is tool that can be used but not a requirement.

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
I listened to William Luck video and he states different things and I intend to listen to it again. It seems my views divirge from his. I find this subject very difficult and intend to continue to revisit. Subject on what one flesh union is.

My opinion on this is still malleable so please be patient with me if it is different from yours. Your previous input has been thought provoking and will continue to be revisited.
It appears that authority over a woman is transferred whenever intercourse happens with a new man, with a man there is no transfer of authority when he has intercourse with different woman, he always stays in authority.
Not being remotely the guy for the biblical quotes...well. other than being awfully fond of 1st Timothy telling you to get married and eat meat. That one is based as can be.
Anyway...my question for those of you who can drop the quotes and references on a dime...what about weak men? Men who can not lead. Men incapable of leading. Men who have no desire to lead. Men to whom the concept of headship is either a mystery or the sort of thing that is outdated toxic patriarchal blah blah wonk wonk. Are there scriptures that address these failures?
Certainly there will be passages talking about mentoring, teaching and guiding that one could apply. My interest however is whether or not there was a prevalent enough issue of emasculated men at the time for it to get a mention and hopefully a condemnation.
Are there scriptures that address these failures?
Not that I’m aware of, but in that culture a father would not typically hand his daughter to an inadequate male.

Also, I dare say that there were a whole lot few weak males in that day than we have today.

Please understand that I don’t accept the idea of emasculated men, they are emasculated males.
Please understand that I don’t accept the idea of emasculated men, they are emasculated males.
Put it down to a slip of the keyboard.
I am also not of the mind to see adult male and man as synonymous
Anyway...my question for those of you who can drop the quotes and references on a dime...what about weak men? Men who can not lead. Men incapable of leading. Men who have no desire to lead. Men to whom the concept of headship is either a mystery or the sort of thing that is outdated toxic patriarchal blah blah wonk wonk. Are there scriptures that address these failures?
Certainly there will be passages talking about mentoring, teaching and guiding that one could apply. My interest however is whether or not there was a prevalent enough issue of emasculated men at the time for it to get a mention and hopefully a condemnation.

Two thousand years ago it was hard times even on the best of days. Soft, weak men would not last long.

Most men of the time had at least some experience in their respective militaries, they were almost all handy with a sword for self-defense, and any man with a family had to be prepared to defend them. Heavy labor was the order of the day and physical strength was common.

Standing armies were uncommon and generally small in number. During times of war a kingdom would call the men of the kingdom to war and then they'd put on uniforms and take their places. Men who were too weak or otherwise incapable of doing their part could expect to pay a high social price for not doing their part.

Farming, which was a somewhat peaceful pursuit, was dreadfully labor intensive and even farmers were then typically very strong men.

Men would band together as friends and it was taken for granted that friends were mutually supporting.

Weak men then and weak men now make for poor friends.

This is where I turn to Scripture:

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
- John 15:31

What kind of man is willing to fight for or die for his friends? What kind of friends are willing to fight for or die for you?

Men are called to be such men. Jesus Himself has then defined what it is to be a friend and He has set a very high bar for this title.

A secular saying is that To have a Friend you must be a Friend.

I agree. And for a man to have true friends worthy of the title as defined by Jesus then a man must be a man.

Not all men these days are physically strong, but can they adopt the values of courage and sacrifice that Jesus set for them? Yes, they can.

Be one of these men.