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Humorous Poly Moments


I totally forgot to post this in my blog, but it's just as well, since many of you may have similar stories to recite. :cool:

A couple of weeks ago, Mr. Froggie, Marcus, and Jax and I all went into town for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. (Bear in mind, a week prior, Mr. Froggie had taken Ruth and Teen Daughter to this same restaurant for lunch.) At one point, as we were chatting with our server, she recognized Mr. Froggie and asked, "Didn't I serve you guys last week?" To which Mr. Froggie answered, "Not exactly. I was here with my next-door neighbor." :eek: Meanwhile, I was looking blank, as I had forgotten about that, and the server was looking a bit taken aback. Recovering, and at the same time worried she had just gotten Mr. Froggie in trouble, she laughed, looked at us, and sang, "Busted!" :lol: I put her mind at ease, assuring her, "No, I know about it; it's totally okay. Seriously, I'm cool with it." :cool:

After she walked away, Mr. Froggie and I just shared delicious, secretive grins, and he said quietly, "I almost told her, 'No, that was my other wife.'" To which Marcus and Jax just glared at him. At any rate, it was a good laugh. I remembered today and told Ruth about it. She thought it was pretty funny too. :lol:
I am failing to see the funny side of this sorry. He just called his wife, his neighbour. I would be mortified if I were Ruth, poor woman. :(
Well, if you have read Froggie's story, it depends on the day. But both wife and neighbor can be true. :D
My husband was questioning a man who was accompanied by two women and the man introduce them both as his wife.
It really confused those he was working with and they couldn't understand why he didn't seem bothered by the man's answer. :lol:
Isabella said:
I am failing to see the funny side of this sorry. He just called his wife, his neighbour. I would be mortified if I were Ruth, poor woman. :(

First of all, Ruth was not with us at the time. Second, Ruth does not want our family recognized by the general public, or acquaintances we might run into as being plural. Third, I related this same story to Ruth before posting it here, and she too thought it was hilarious. She was not at all offended at being called the "neighbor" while she was not there. She is worried about someone trying to take her kids away if they find out; that's why we can't just go and announce it from a mountain top through a bullhorn to the whole region.

Lighten up, Bels, and grow a sense of humor. :p
I read it properly Froggie, I know she wasn't there. I said 'I would be mortified'. I pity any second wife who is in the closet whether she wants it or not, it is not a dignified place to be. I can't find it funny, sorry, but I DO have a sense of humour (about funny things).

captainjonathan said:
Well, if you have read Froggie's story, it depends on the day. But both wife and neighbor can be true. :D

I read it. Lying by omission is still a lie, is it not?

small towns cause many of us to scratch our haids bald as we consider how to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (a biblical reference).
My own most recent ...

Not having a vehicle capable of making the trip, I haven't been to my usual church on Saturday in a couple of months. Yesterday, Sunday, I wanted so badly to worship with fellow believers, I walked down the street to a nearby Community Church. (Was disappointed in the service, but that's another story.)

NEW MEAT! I was greeted warmly, told about the history of the church, inquired about myself, all the stuff you'd expect from a friendly church. In fact, a rather attractive lady came over, and made my acquaintance. Turned out to be single. Age appropriate. Even had some family background in my own denomination.

The gentleman who first greeted me came up and the three of us began chatting. Obviously lots of affection between the two of them. I asked if they were related -- didn't know for sure yet that she was single. He said, "Not yet."

"Are there plans in the works?" She replied, "I'd marry his son in a heartbeat!"

"What's the problem?" "Well, 1) he hasn't asked me, and 2) he's 20 years younger than I." "Aaaah! Might be a bit too much for comfort." "Yup!"

"Well, maybe you should marry the dad here." "Oh, he's spoken for. His wife will be along here shortly."

"Hmmm. Maybe you oughta talk it over with her. He could have two. I hear that is growing in popularity among North American Christians." (Coulda worded that better, I guess. Not always fast on my feet.)

:eek: "I don't think so. Oh! I gotta go talk to ..." and she was GONE! :lol:

Worship service was a bust, too. Excellent band, good singers and sound system. But the worship leader reminded us that we were clean on the outside but filthy on the inside and so needed to beg God to cleanse us, then led the congregation in some song begging God to build a fire in us. Wanted to ask if they'd sung the same song the week before? If so, what happened? Did God refuse? Did they let the fire die out in one week? Why beg for what He is so eager to give us? As to being filthy inside, speak for himself! If so, put his guitar down, get on his knees, and lets get him saved! Then he could be washed clean and, in fact, be Divinely made into the very righteousness of God, a healthy, functioning member of the body of Christ.

Instead, I waited politely to the end of Divine Worship, which concluded with an invitation to come spend the afternoon watching the church softball team trounce that of a sister church a few miles away, and walked sadly home ... :cry:
you was jes itchin fer that left foot of fellership, wasn't chu?

then you could say: "i've been kicked out of better places than this!"

(if'n they woulda won, there might have been more praise of the Almighty at the softball game.)
Kicked out? I got invited BACK! Just don't think I'm too interested in going. ... Um ... Bless their hearts.
Maybe daddy LIKED my suggestion -- he's thew one who invited me back.
Lol! Both stories were quite humorous :) Thanks for sharing y'all! Might seem ridiculous, but I hope one day I can share a silly story in regards to my poly family (when/if I am blessed to be a part of one)!
elizabethjames406 said:
Lol! Both stories were quite humorous :) Thanks for sharing y'all! Might seem ridiculous, but I hope one day I can share a silly story in regards to my poly family (when/if I am blessed to be a part of one)!

No need to rush in, though as we have already been blacklisted in so many placed due to our beliefs we may as well go full on and actually get another wife. Still, we are not out looking. We just wait on the Lord's perfect timing, which is contrasted with what is usually noted afterward as my fleshly timing. I have a few humorous stories about talking to people about PM but I will refrain for the time being so as not to implicate the guilty parties :lol:
Elizabeth, I saw your ZIP code listed is around Ft. Worth area. We were there working with a church a few years ago in North Richland Hills. We stayed over off I820 on Lake Arlington. How old is your little one? We know some wonderful Christians in that area, unfortunately I am pretty sure they are not accepting of plural marriage :roll:
ChrisM said:
Elizabeth, I saw your ZIP code listed is around Ft. Worth area. We were there working with a church a few years ago in North Richland Hills. We stayed over off I820 on Lake Arlington. How old is your little one? We know some wonderful Christians in that area, unfortunately I am pretty sure they are not accepting of plural marriage :roll:

Very cool, ChrisM! I live right around that area! My little one almost 10 months old. I, too, know many great Christians here, but none that are accepting of plural marriage in the least bit. :(