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Issue with both wives


New Member
I want to install a tracking app on both my wives’ phones for their safety an my piece of mind. They both object to it and claim it’s not necessary and that I am a micromanager. How do I get them to realize that it’s for their own good and that it’s their biblical duty to install the app on their phones. I have the right to insist on it as it’s my duty to keep them safe and to oversee them.
Android or Apple? And honestly I would be more inclined to insist they give you the password before worrying about the tracking app...
First off I'd like to see if you could articulate why it's their biblical duty to do what you say here on this forum. Do you have any scripture to back that up?

That's a question for P777, fellas. I know y'all can just fine.

Secondly I've had a lot of bosses who tried to make up for the leadership they failed to inspire by demanding nitpicky tasks from their subordinates. Don't be that guy. If your wives are submissive in everything else but this.... well this wouldn't be a problem for them either. What's their deal, man? Why don't you trust them and why don't they trust you?
First off I'd like to see if you could articulate why it's their biblical duty to do what you say here on this forum. Do you have any scripture to back that up?

That's a question for P777, fellas. I know y'all can just fine.

Secondly I've had a lot of bosses who tried to make up for the leadership they failed to inspire by demanding nitpicky tasks from their subordinates. Don't be that guy. If your wives are submissive in everything else but this.... well this wouldn't be a problem for them either. What's their deal, man? Why don't you trust them and why don't they trust you?

Ephesians 5:22-24 NIV
First off I'd like to see if you could articulate why it's their biblical duty to do what you say here on this forum. Do you have any scripture to back that up?

That's a question for P777, fellas. I know y'all can just fine.

Secondly I've had a lot of bosses who tried to make up for the leadership they failed to inspire by demanding nitpicky tasks from their subordinates. Don't be that guy. If your wives are submissive in everything else but this.... well this wouldn't be a problem for them either. What's their deal, man? Why don't you trust them and why don't they trust you?

I do trust my wives. I just want them to be safe.
In the nicest possible way
Are you serious.?
So you think that if you track your wives they will be safe.
I don’t think so.
With that logic all manned rocket launching is safe because they have radio contact.(that’s silly)

Step back and ask yourself what this looks like.
If you Track a stranger in the same way it’s called stalking.
Generally it’s considered antisocial behaviour and not an indicator of healthy behaviour at all.
If they are your wives you are trying to tell me it’s not crazy controlling but biblical

Give it up it makes you look weak and insecure
Seriously man you can be better than that.

If my daughter was wanting to marry a man who insisted on this I would tell her to keep looking.
For the record, I think this is a ridiculous idea. But just because I'm curious, what possible 'safety' reason do you have for this that it would actually help with? I literally can't think of anything at all aside from you actually thinking your wives won't be where you think they should be and you want to catch them out on something. And let me tell you, if that's the case then 1. You've got bigger issues here, and 2. They'll just go behind your back anyway by 'accidentally' leaving their phone at home or doing a myriad of other things to get around it.
It doesn’t sound like your home has a good vibe to it. Somehow that needs to change, but I wouldn’t have a clue on what it would take. This issue is merely a symptom.
We don’t share passwords, they would give them to me if I wanted them, they wouldn’t ask for mine. A phone is personal, like a ladies purse, I stay out of theirs and they stay out of my wallet. It’s simple respect.
We don’t have an issue with tracking each other, why should our government be the only ones to have that privilege?
We all have iPhones. Built in is an app called Find My. It lets me see where my wife and daughters are, and has proven very useful when I need to come rescue them due to a dead battery, or pick them up in an unfamiliar part of town, or find them at the fair.


All of them know how to turn it off, because I made a point of making sure they knew how, and some of them have occasionally done so. I don't mind this, because our relationships are built on trust. And if I didn't trust one of them, especially my wife, fixing that would become Job One.

So drop the safety excuse, and just promote its utility. Start by showing them how to track you, without insisting they allow you to track them. Show them how to turn it off. Lead, don't just command or demand.

On the other hand, if the app you want to install pries into messages, or email, or other such things, you have way deeper trust issues to resolve, and fixing that should be your focus.
If you’re concerned about their safety, teach them self defense and situational awareness...an app tracking them won’t keep them safe. It seems you have more of a distrust of your wives then of offenders and you’re using it as an excuse to exercise authority or something else.
what possible 'safety' reason do you have for this that it would actually help with? I literally can't think of anything at all
I suppose if they're mugged and murdered the tracking app will let you find their bodies, if the criminal didn't steal their iPhones which he was probably mugging them to steal anyway...
Yeah, this isn't about safety.
I have tracking software and "parental controls" on all mobile devices in my household except for my own. Yes that includes my wife's devices. Honestly I don't use it very often at least not for my wife because she doesn't give me any reason to distrust her and she is good about communicating with me when she's out and about. But I have the ability at any time to review her internet browser history and search terms as well as set a time limit for the device and set a "bed time" which would completely disable the device overnight. Amongst other controls.

I have no problem with a man having that kind of app or apps for his families devices. It doesn't mean he will be abusive with it. If he sees a need for it to protect his family then I support him in that endeavor. Remember physical protection is not the only protection a man needs to provide. I also am very protective of what my family is exposed to with regard to Bible teaching. I am also very aware that there are online predators and I want to protect from that also...

It seems many here are quick to jump on @patriarch777 and condemn his desire for this app. Yes there are probably some underlying issues in his family that need to get resolved. The fact that this is being resisted by the women is evidence of that. But the fact is that he does (or should) have the authority in his household to demand this of his women.