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Issue with both wives

So you think that the services of washing the feet of others is just a suggestion for a voluntary act and not a commandment from God?

your taking my statement out of context. The point is the apostles had no right to demand it it was voluntary when Yeshua did it.

where is that command found?
I think that the discussion has become worthy of a different thread.
Why don’t you go ahead and start one, spelling out what you think patriarchy should look like?
My question is, does a wife have any authority at all over her husband?

She has authority over his body. She can, at the very least, rightfully demand a weinering that the husband may not refuse.

Do we the church have any authority over our Lord Christ?

Not even. As far as I can reckon it... the church isn't even married to the Lord. The wedding is still in the future which makes us betrothed. We don't even have a wife's rights.
My opinion for what it is worth is that if my husband said do it then it would be done. That should be the end of story. My Bible says something like "wives submit yourselves unto your own husband".

P.S. Personally I would appreciate that my husband loved me enough to care where I am and what I am doing. But thats just between me and the fence post. ;):rolleyes::):)
Please see note.

It seems to me that there is a blurred line between authority and love. Here is an example, a wife is in charge of a house, a home, she takes care of it. She needs the husband to pick up his things or run to the store to get something. Does she have to bow down and ask permission to ask him to do things or will he in love "submit" to her demands for the sake of the home? Is that wrong? Remember, washing the feet of others is an example of headship serving others.

Note: The word demand should have been request.
Why don’t you go ahead and start one, spelling out what you think patriarchy should look like?

On second thought, I have no desire to start a thread on what I think patriarchy is, but you are welcome to for you and I'll respond if my view is different.

What I was agreeing to was a new thread dealing with the subject of serventhood, but you brought up the possibility so I'll leave it to you.
P.S. Personally I would appreciate that my husband loved me enough to care where I am and what I am doing. But thats just between me and the fence post. ;):rolleyes::):)

I pretty much always know where my wife is and what she is doing. We do have location set to share with each other on our phones but it rarely comes to that. Mostly we just communicate and stay in touch with each other throughout the day. We are just involved with each others lives.

I may check the location if I am curious to know how soon she will be home or something like that.
“Will I be tested on this information?”

“No? Cool, carry on.”