I have no care as to whom won the election, its beyond my scope of things, I am here for other purposes but I will try and warn others from siding with the enemies of Gods people.
Based on your eschatology, you seem to be assuming that Trump, Musk, and crew are a part of the great Tribulation antichrist crew.
I think that eschatological view is probably mistaken.
The great tribulation described by Christ seems to have already occurred.
Christ explicitly told His listeners that
all these things would come upon "
that generation".
"That generation" really doesn't seem to be some future generation of Jews after Israel becomes a nation once again.
"That generation" seems to be the group people that Jesus was talking to.
The generation that rejected Christ, that blasphemed the Holy Spirit by continuing to reject the risen Christ in the book of Acts, the generation that put the apostles and other early Christians out of the synagogue, and even killed men like Stephen and James, were the Jews of the first century.
They were the wicked tenants in the parable who killed the Son and the servants of the vineyard Owner.
They were the wicked subjects in the other parable who said "we will not have this man rule over us".
The Owner of the vineyard came back, killed them, and gave the vineyard to other tenants.
The great tribulation then would be the judgement that Christ brought onto His enemies using the armies of Rome in 70 AD.
That was a tribulation unlike anything the world had seen before or since.
The wicked were taken away, and the believers remained.
The believers fled to the mountains when they saw the abomination of desolation. The unbelievers stayed in the city and died.
There are first century accounts of people reporting to see Christ Himself on the clouds of heaven as those events took place.
I think the high priest himself saw Christ on the clouds of heaven, just like Christ said he would.