Roe was overturned. Transgenderism has been pushed back. If Trump is evil then he is at least a far, far lesser evil.I have no care as to whom won the election, its beyond my scope of things, I am here for other purposes but I will try and warn others from siding with the enemies of Gods people.
Amen. People seem to forget the scripture that says that the adversary (and his followers) imitate themselves as angels of light. Their motto is "order out of chaos." They control both sides. They play the good cop - bad cop role. But both sides are puppets. The adversary wants both sides to accept his NWO.I think its pretty obvious if we look at whom and what nations he works with, his mentors, what he has said he's going to do and and what he has done. He's brought in to close the deal and likely make america great again, not just the USA but America. Dark MAGA is not a friend of Christians. But maybe he will fix things so good you won't have to vote again....
Yep, just the tip of the iceberg.Amen. People seem to forget the scripture that says that the adversary (and his followers) imitate themselves as angels of light. Their motto is "order out of chaos." They control both sides. They play the good cop - bad cop role. But both sides are puppets. The adversary wants both sides to accept his NWO.
If Biden was going to help usher in the NWO - would the right accept it? Of course not - just like they wouldn't had accepted the covid vaccine if Hillary was president; and she was the one pushing it. Therefore, it needs to come from someone they "trust." The conservatives trust Trump, because they make the foolish mistake that "if the left hates him so much, then he must be one of the good guys." But it's all orchestrated - like a Hollywood production. If they wanted Trump dead - he would be dead. If they wanted Trump silenced - he would be silenced. Why? Because the adversary controls both sides of the media:
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The adversary controls Fox News and CNN. Trump is controlled opposition. He is an asset to the adversary. Someone who is going to help bring in a massive amount of Christians into his NWO.
Trump is also aligned with Klaus' (You'll own nothing and be happy) World Economic Forum - whose logo features the 666:
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He's helping bring in their goal of AI governance - the 4th industrial revolution. Digitalized currency so they can track every transaction. Bank de-regulations. They'll eventually have the power and authority to track every transaction, and potentially lock you out of the system for what they deem as "bad behavior." Hypothetical example: "Quoted a Bible verse they hate? Locked out of your digital funds for 1 week! If it happens again - 1 month."
Hyper-inflation by pushing lower rates - which means your currency gets de-valued.
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I have two witnesses in economic background - both attest that lower rates means more inflation - and weaker currency. It also means higher stock prices, so the top 5% get richer and richer - while the middle class gets wiped out.
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From his favorite poem he likes to cite in his rallies:
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Inflation is not under control. It's getting worse. Anyone shopping for groceries is a witness. The recent rise in gold prices is another example.
Did you forget something important about Satan's ministers?Roe was overturned. Transgenderism has been pushed back. If Trump is evil then he is at least a far, far lesser evil.
You forgot that Satan can’t oppose himself, also per scripture. He can only take on the appearance of righteousness, but if actual righteousness is taking place (like the overturning of Roe) then that is not Satan.Did you forget something important about Satan's ministers?
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
King James Version
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
You do know there is a light and a dark side to evil. Good witches and bad witches, it's just as evil but maybe worse because it also is a deception to make you think it is good likely taking more with it than if it looked like it was bad.
I didn't say that trump can't be used to accomplish something righteous, what I am saying is he's not the righteous leader people think he is and is indeed very dangerous.You forgot that Satan can’t oppose himself, also per scripture. He can only take on the appearance of righteousness, but if actual righteousness is taking place (like the overturning of Roe) then that is not Satan.
Didn't think this would be revelant:The recent rise in gold prices is another example.
There’s no doubt that he does not agree with many of the moral statutes that I consider of paramount importance. But all of the things that I think are of paramount importance are far better served by a Trump presidency than a Harris presidency.I didn't say that trump can't be used to accomplish something righteous, what I am saying is he's not the righteous leader people think he is and is indeed very dangerous.
We don't need righteous leader. Rightneousness is between him and Lord.I didn't say that trump can't be used to accomplish something righteous, what I am saying is he's not the righteous leader people think he is and is indeed very dangerous.
And yes, as Croat I'm so happy for gutting of USAID. It was vehicle color revolutions and supporting commies all over the world. Hopefully, worst NGOs in my country are getting broke.
I don't think that's even close to correct. We can be both hopeful and joyful in doom and gloom. The valley of death is exactly that. This world is not my home, I am a workman for the harvest and we are told not to fear. There are things that must come to pass and they are not all sunshine and butterflies. I don't encourage giving up but I encourage perseverance even in great torment and persecution. Yes I pray we can live peacefully but I also don't want hide in a fake happy bubble where I need to have hope of worldly prosperity and pleasure to remain joyful.@OttoM and @David D, the level of pessimism both of you exhibit results in people giving up and failing to fight. Just retreating to the hills and watching the world fall to Satan. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy - if you honestly believe everything is bad and will only get worse, then it will.
The only way things ever improve is if people are optimistic, think something might actually work, and believe in it enough to do it. Optimism results in culture-changing action.
Now, often that optimism is wrong. People believe something will work, it doesn't, and they lose everything or die. They follow the wrong leader and everything falls apart. Obviously, to try anything is to take a risk, and part and parcel of risk-taking is that it often has a bad result.
But it is still the only way that you can get a good result.
We serve the King of the Universe, who has promised that He will have the ultimate victory. So we have much cause for optimism. Sure many evil things go on in the world - but some must be good, because otherwise He is a liar.
Stop preaching doom and gloom, you are not helping grow the Kingdom, you are rather encouraging people to give up and give Satan the victory. You are not being part of the solution, you are being part of the problem. If we're in a war, you're acting as those who listen to the enemy propagandists telling everyone "you're going to lose, give up" and spread their message for them.
I didn't say that trump can't be used to accomplish something righteous, what I am saying is he's not the righteous leader people think he is and is indeed very dangerous.
Thus we do disagreeable things, but we are defensive. That, I think, is still fair. We do disagreeable things so that ordinary people here and elsewhere can sleep safely in their beds at night.
- John Le Carré The Spy
The central banks are buying gold, and the dollar is losing its purchasing power due to inflation (the FED printing endless dollars).Didn't think this would be revelant:
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Info is 2/3 weeks old.
So basically, UK central bank, Bank of England is having some problems with paying gold. It's highly likely BoE is in way worse shape than what they tell public.
So general rise in uncertainty together with rising demand over supply (BoE is bottlencking supply) is driving prices up.
And don't forget. UK's current government would like to spend even more which means more money printing which means trashing of sterling which means gold in BoE isn't safe anymore which means people vdtting their gold out of BoE vault.
Plus they are stories COMEx isn't anymore safe place to trade gold which means people 2ill want to move gold toward safer places.
That's almost Trumps exact words when he hired his homosexual mobster lawyer mentor and friend Roy Cohn to defend him, according tho his book, The Art of The Deal.You may not like Donald Trump but the man fights.
We need fighters.
How about his pick for the Treasury position? A homosexual - which makes him the highest-ranking LGBTQ official:That's almost Trumps exact words when he hired his homosexual mobster lawyer mentor and friend Roy Cohn to defend him, according tho his book, The Art of The Deal.
He's not honest. He tickles the ears, and throws a bone or two every now and then.But is he honest?
The investigations were part of the adversary's deception. To deceive the conservatives into thinking "Trump is on our side." So they can vote for the candidate the adversary wanted them to vote for. All these investigations were huff and puff.2. After endless investigations, surveillance, and persecutions the only things the adversary can come up with against him are artifices that are based in straw arguments and outright lies.