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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

I've been trickling them out on a meme site (funnyjunk) for a couple months. I'm up to page 6 I think. I thought that maybe meme sites would be a good place to disseminate our propaganda :D

I think that is a great idea!

Another idea, to as you say “disseminate propaganda” is to collect email addresses from all the church websites in your area (or beyond) and judiciously email some of these memes that you think might encourage a re-think of the usual interpretation overlay imposed on supposed anti-poly scriptures. Do the same with even more email addresses of online ministries, Christian magazines, TV and radio ministries, mission organizations, etc. Yes, you will probably get some negative blow-back, but you don’t need to respond unless you want to. Some emails will end up being caught in spam trash bins. But some may actually cause at least a few people to re-think.

If you are not up to responding to all who reply, make up a generic response that directs inquirers to this website and advise them to do some reading for further info.

We all can do this emailing, and I really see some potential benefits to us not holding back but being bold distributors of the truth. I do believe we are called to that.

@Slumberfreeze – go man go! :D
I have removed this meme I posted earlier as it contained offensive elements. My apologies to anyone offended. Frank S.
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"Community Harem" sounds horrifying and wildly unBiblical.

Yes, I have to agree. It shows some people's perception of what poly is about. It is an indication of what kind of anti-Biblical poly is out there. It is part of the smear campaign the enemy would throw at those who seek to walk in the truth. My encounters with anti-poly arguments have indicated this that I posted is not far off what is a common view of poly. It is up to us to change that. @jacobhaivri I appreciate your reaction. I will delete that post if you think I should.
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I'm sort of a purist. i don't deal with temporary alliances very well.

This is off topic but then again it has to do with pictures. How do you upload a picture from your device I have a Samsung tablet Android
In the tool bar you will see a smiley face and a framed picture ^. Tap on the picture frame and it will open a box that says Image and will have an insert button. Use the full size instead of the thumbnail.
In the tool bar you will see a smiley face and a framed picture ^. Tap on the picture frame and it will open a box that says Image and will have an insert button. Use the full size instead of the thumbnail.

I tried it that way but it requires a URL. But have no fear my wife is here lol, she notice a upload a file button between the post reply and more options and it did exactly what I wanted to do which I'm assuming it does exactly what you are trying to get me to do just without a URL link.
And just like that polygamy went from challenging to terrifying....
If you could manage to struggle through with only 12, you could skip the four worse.