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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

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So I decided to post this meme on my Facebook wall last week, I figured it would stir up a little fuss but I did not expect 272 comments I'm still dealing with some of the comments on it, it has slowed down tremendously. I know @Verifyveritas76 put a few comments on there in defense of the subject and I am open to some constructive criticism I'm sure I might need it, but then again maybe I did alright I don't know.

It was truly amazing to see a long time friend from the West Coast really bring my wife into this and tell her that she needs to tell me to get my head on straight. She said it completely different but that's the nutshell version LOL.

It is truly amazing how people will twist the scriptures to prove someone wrong, even before we were Pro poly we knew it was biblically correct we just didn't recommend it because of some of the "headaches" that we thought it had.

I know if a friend of mine would have posted a meme like this it would have been no big deal, I might have questioned it back in the day and maybe I would have come to the truth of biblical polygyny back in the day.

So vv76 I would definitely appreciate like I mentioned above some constructive criticism anything to help me do better.

Late to the party, but had to get in on that action!!!
I didn't post a meme, but I did comment on something posted by my cousin. It was one of those "church sign" memes that said "a man can't have his Kate and Edith too." I simply replied with, "Well Biblically speaking, yes he can as long as neither are married to another man." So far, absolutely NO response lol. I hope that means they're doing research?? ;)

Oh I had to do that one!

Oh I had to do that one!

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Well it finally happened because of this meme I had a friend of mine and I quote.

"You are not in my church. Or I would be pursuing charges of sin against you.
I’m deleting you as a friend on here. It’s the closest thing I can do to what the scriptures require.
May God have mercy on you."

This is one of those topics where... it's my first, I pray it's my last, but because of the severity of the topic I doubt it will be my last.

May YaHWeH be praised!!
Well it finally happened because of this meme I had a friend of mine and I quote.

"You are not in my church. Or I would be pursuing charges of sin against you.
I’m deleting you as a friend on here. It’s the closest thing I can do to what the scriptures require.
May God have mercy on you."

This is one of those topics where... it's my first, I pray it's my last, but because of the severity of the topic I doubt it will be my last.

May YaHWeH be praised!!

I think I might respond by bringing up proverbs 17:15 He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord. Then tell them that you are unwilling to risk being an abomination without a black and white verse that condemns the man with two wives. Maybe then ask "Doesn't that concern you to call something a sin without scriptural references?"
I think I might respond by bringing up proverbs 17:15 He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord. Then tell them that you are unwilling to risk being an abomination without a black and white verse that condemns the man with two wives. Maybe then ask "Doesn't that concern you to call something a sin without scriptural references?"
Or, ask if Abraham, Jacob, Moses and David would be welcome in his church, because Hebrews 11 kinda likes them...
Well it finally happened because of this meme I had a friend of mine and I quote.

"You are not in my church. Or I would be pursuing charges of sin against you.
I’m deleting you as a friend on here. It’s the closest thing I can do to what the scriptures require.
May God have mercy on you."

This is one of those topics where... it's my first, I pray it's my last, but because of the severity of the topic I doubt it will be my last.

May YaHWeH be praised!!

Which sin is that?