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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

Re: wheelbase.. it may seem long, but it is significantly shorter than a bus which can go most places... the lift appears enough to overcome all but the roughest terrain.
Doesn't the Ford Excursion carry quite a few people comfortably? Our homeschooling friends with six kids love theirs. The said it was bigger than the Chevy Suburban they drove before. It's still going to be small for the polygynous family. The sixteen passenger van, and then shuttle bus would probably work well.s-onZxxDsqjdT.qjmQHiBW9.jpg


Doesn't the Ford Excursion carry quite a few people comfortably? Our homeschooling friends with six kids love theirs. The said it was bigger than the Chevy Suburban they drove before. It's still going to be small for the polygynous family. The sixteen passenger van, and then shuttle bus would probably work well.View attachment 2784
Sure looks a lot like the one sitting in my driveway.
That really hits hard at the main reason so many even monogamous marriages fail.
Someone should do one that shows a biblical looking man with one woman and also one with two women/wives that says something like "behind every successful patriarch is a proverbs 14.1 woman"

Post it at church and make the ladies look up the verse....

1 Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands.
Doesn't the Ford Excursion carry quite a few people comfortably? Our homeschooling friends with six kids love theirs. The said it was bigger than the Chevy Suburban they drove before. It's still going to be small for the polygynous family. The sixteen passenger van, and then shuttle bus would probably work well.View attachment 2784

Ideal circumstance to my mind would be the passenger van for everyone going out and about but dad still needs a work truck to drag the kids round in for chores and learning the skills that might be helpful for their future and how to help the family.

Really ideal would be family trips with the pickup pulling a travel trailer with half the family in there and the other in a van.
That many of us would be amazing.
Doesn't the Ford Excursion carry quite a few people comfortably? Our homeschooling friends with six kids love theirs. The said it was bigger than the Chevy Suburban they drove before. It's still going to be small for the polygynous family. The sixteen passenger van, and then shuttle bus would probably work well.View attachment 2784
I loved the one I used to have.
There ya go, true humility. 😊
My bad! I thought we were cracking jokes and self deprecating humor was funny.

I’ll make sure to post serious memes from now on. 😆
I prefer a feminine attitude that is a bit less controlled.
My wives have only one master, they are not to be in submission to every penis on the planet.

Feminine on the inside is not proven by downcast eyes, that can simply be an outward show. I want the spirit, not an portrayal that can be put on like makeup. And then washed off when the show is over.
Women in general are supposed to be shamefaced, meek, and quiet- especially with their own husbands. However, what does that look like if your women are fighting and brawling with other men in the streets, speaking loudly and boldly in the church, but then come home and act shamefaced with only you? If women acted as commanded; as an entire way of being, and not just in the shadows at home, society might be a slightly better place where men lead. All of the women who control and dominate the workplace, churches, and public sphere in general could potentially be meek and quiet at home. However, imagine a world where all women were this way at all times.

Ecclesiasticus 26:25 KJV: A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced will fear the Lord.
Shameless synonyms: Lack of shame, audacious, bold, brash, brazen, immoral, improper, outrageous, rude, brassy, cheeky, depraved,
Shamefaced: Modest or bashful, remorseful, showing shame.
I’m having trouble with the reply function, gonna try again.
Well, this seems to be the only way that I can reply presently.

I don’t disagree with you, my point is that my wives are not in submission to all men. Only me. Proper law enforcement, which I am also in submission to would be an exception.
The point is that no man can require them to give anybody a ride, or require them to carry his groceries, etc. Those would be my rights.
Women in general are supposed to be shamefaced, meek, and quiet- especially with their own husbands. However, what does that look like if your women are fighting and brawling with other men in the streets, speaking loudly and boldly in the church, but then come home and act shamefaced with only you? If women acted as commanded; as an entire way of being, and not just in the shadows at home, society might be a slightly better place where men lead. All of the women who control and dominate the workplace, churches, and public sphere in general could potentially be meek and quiet at home. However, imagine a world where all women were this way at all times.

Ecclesiasticus 26:25 KJV: A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced will fear the Lord.
Shameless synonyms: Lack of shame, audacious, bold, brash, brazen, immoral, improper, outrageous, rude, brassy, cheeky, depraved,
Shamefaced: Modest or bashful, remorseful, showing shame.
I'm chuckling at the mental image of Steve's wives brawling with men in the streets. I don't even know them.👍
Well, this seems to be the only way that I can reply presently.

I don’t disagree with you, my point is that my wives are not in submission to all men. Only me. Proper law enforcement, which I am also in submission to would be an exception.
The point is that no man can require them to give anybody a ride, or require them to carry his groceries, etc. Those would be my rights.
Correct. They are to submit only to you. However, in general conduct women are commanded to be shamefaced, meek, and quiet- (all traits of a submissive woman) which is of great value to the Most High. He calls it an ornamnent of a meek and quiet spirit and women are to dress themselves with this character trait more than the outward adorning of pretty hair, clothing, and jewelry. This shows that meek and quiet is not just at home, but something to wear at all times.

1 Peter 3:3-5
[3]Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
[4]But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
[5]For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:
Women in general are supposed to be shamefaced, meek, and quiet- especially with their own husbands. However, what does that look like if your women are fighting and brawling with other men in the streets, speaking loudly and boldly in the church, but then come home and act shamefaced with only you? If women acted as commanded; as an entire way of being, and not just in the shadows at home, society might be a slightly better place where men lead. All of the women who control and dominate the workplace, churches, and public sphere in general could potentially be meek and quiet at home. However, imagine a world where all women were this way at all times.

Imagine a world where men were all Godly leaders of their families who inspired the respect of their wives and children without needing to ask for it.

Seriously, there's a reason that the Bible was written by and focused on the hearts of men. It's all on you guys to set the tone for your families.

It's our place to follow where you lead. And if you don't lead then it falls to us to do so.

Again, it's all on you.