This is the same guy who married the girls mom after he married the girl. I can't imagine what that mom was thinking! Following Mormon culture, I can see nothing indicating he approached these girls. THEY approached him! However, I do believe an honest, decent man would have held up his hand and said, Wait a minute, you're beautiful, and I'd love to have another sex partner/baby maker, but at the moment I can't even provide for the 2, or 3 that I already have. Let me get things in order and take a rain check on this!" Seems like his philosophy followed the theme of "The more-the merrier". Never mind the long haul ramifications called babies and mouths to feed, clothing and shelter to provide, emotional and physical needs to be met. He was infatuated with his own self-important image.
I've often thought it would be nice to see a poly docu with something that wasn't Mormon or Muslim or polyamory.