You are welcome
@frederick. The numbers in that article are astounding, but that was a while ago; we in our day also have some pretty sobering numbers in evangelical churches - here are a couple of links that go into that a bit...
What are the excess numbers of women supposed to do? Just add their name to some guy's list who is going through a series of monogamous marriages? Present-day evangelical churches really have no
practical solutions to offer for their larger number of women than men. They just talk silliness trying to persuade the women who can't find a husband that they have "the gift of singleness" or, maybe they are more suited to serving the Lord without a husband. Such talk does not at all help women who with normal desires cry themselves to sleep as they hug their pillow knowing it will never hug them back. In defense of the needy, we who know the Biblical truth must not shrink from telling it, even if it costs us.
Edit: Note - I do not endorse all the ideas or conclusions you may find at those links just posted.
Second edit: By what I said above I'm not meaning to disparage women who
choose to remain single to serve the Lord - not meaning that at all.