You know what it tastes like? Beer.Idk, it just sounds like beer for people that don’t like beer.
I was referring to the Bud Light Seltzer, sorry that I wasn’t specific.You know what it tastes like? Beer.
Not even that wine snob kind of thing like it has hints of strawberry and aroma of banana. Just beer.
I've been thinking about how odd it is that the mainstream media is suddenly so upset with Joe Biden about this Afghanistan debacle, and I think I've figured it out: they're aligning the women and children of Afghanistan with the global progressivist cause, and they're mistakenly assuming an equivalence between Republicans and the TalleyBonBons. The Left isn't upset about the potential for 25,000 American hostages or the beatings the TalleyBonBons are handing out to American sympathizers; their primary sympathy is for the fact that Afghanistan women aren't going to continue to be able to pretend that they're men, and they're really angry that it's going to become impossible once again for Afghani women to easily obtain abortions.
First of all, see my correction (above); I think I fell asleep in the middle of writing that sentence in response to your message, but you don't need to apologize anyway. I knew you were talking about the Bud Light Seltzer, @steve, but I thought your sentiment applied to this dumb strawberry-banana milkshake beer as well!I was referring to the Bud Light Seltzer, sorry that I wasn’t specific.
I'm actually thinking the same thing. I've been thinking from the first day of it that the masterminds of this SNAFU are using a purposeful chaos as just another piece in the puzzle of collapsing our system, perhaps as a way of justifying a net increase in troops over there and elsewhere, purposefully giving away equipment so that they'll just have to ramp up the military-industrial complex further with the production of more materials of war.I personally think, on the media’s part, it may be more of an attempt to never let a good crisis go to waste and they are using this to try to regain enough credibility to continue their disinformation campaign.
This debacle in Afghanistan is so complete that it makes me wonder if it’s not a mistake at all, but rather by design. Hear me out here. The “deadly pandemic“ narrative is starting to fall apart. Protests are breaking out all over the world against lockdowns. What would be better for the elites right now than a resurgence of the fear of islamic terrorism? By embarrassing the US so thoroughly it will embolden islamic terrorism the world over. Not to mention that we just armed the hell out of them. We now have muslims marching in the streets of European cities saying Europe is next. Add to that the fact that we are spending millions of dollars a day to keep our border open and unsecured. I’ve heard that there have been terroristic threats against anti-lockdown protest gatherings...
If the sheep stop believing in your “we need to fear covid” narrative, and they’re not really buying the “white supremacism is the greatest threat” narrative then why not just give the islamic terrorism threat some steroids? See what I’m getting at?
Ahhh.... the imagery that comes to mind. So picturesque.perhaps akin to a fart in the middle of a vomit bath.
And perhaps too graphic, but at the same time I don't know if one can use too vile of terms to describe the evil nature of what is purposefully being done to destroy our country.Ahhh.... the imagery that comes to mind. So picturesque.![]()
My other suspicion is that whoever is pulling Biden's strings is preparing him for an holistic backstabbing. He could have been directed to make these incomprehensible pull-out decisions, and we may soon be witnessing seeing Biden buried in an entire set of scandals. His puppetmasters may be bundling Afghanistan SNAFU with hyperinflation and China sellout and Hunter coverup and border madness and all the rest, all of which fit the puppetmasters' agendas but which are ultimately unpopular with the average citizen. They may be directing Biden to do the unpopular stuff so they can ride in and do the less unpopular stuff and claim to be new-and-improved statists who will save us from Bad Senile Pasty Man.
Herd stupidity. I love that. Did you make that up, @MeganC?Seems like Australia and New Zealand have reached herd stupidity when people are being fined and arrested for being alone without a mask kilometres away from anyone else.![]()
“Herd stupidity”! Yes, I’m using that one... with or without permission! LolSeems like Australia and New Zealand have reached herd stupidity when people are being fined and arrested for being alone without a mask kilometres away from anyone else.![]()
Herd stupidity. I love that. Did you make that up, @MeganC?
Well, good choice of words, in any case!I must have heard it somewhere.