More random:
My uncle is as stupid as paste.
My uncle is as stupid as paste.
Home Covid Test:
1. Open a can of beer and try to smell it.
2. If you can smell the beer, drink it to see if you can taste it.
3. If you can smell it and taste it, this confirms that you don't have the Covid.
Last night, I did the test 19 times and all were negative. Tonight, I am going to do the test again because this morning I woke up with a headache and I feel like I'm coming down with something.
I am so nervous.
"Not my story but it sounds like good medical advice."
Quinn's first wife was the actress Katherine DeMille, the adopted daughter of Cecil B. DeMille; they wed in 1937. The couple had five children: Christopher (1938–1941), Christina (born December 1, 1941), Catalina (born November 21, 1942), Duncan (born August 4, 1945), and Valentina (born December 26, 1952).[30] Their first child, Christopher, aged two, drowned in the lily pond of next-door neighbor W. C. Fields.[30]
In 1965, Quinn and DeMille divorced because of his affair with Italian costume designer Jolanda Addolori, whom he married in 1966. They had three children: Francesco Quinn(March 22, 1963 – August 5, 2011), Danny Quinn (born April 16, 1964), and Lorenzo Quinn(born May 7, 1966).[4]
In the 1970s, during his marriage to Addolori, Quinn also had two children with Friedel Dunbar, an event producer in Los Angeles: Sean Quinn (born February 7, 1973) and Alexander Anthony Quinn (born December 30, 1976).
By the 1990s, Quinn then had two children with his secretary, Katherine Benvin; daughter Antonia Patricia Rose Quinn (born July 23, 1993) and son Ryan Nicholas Quinn (born July 5, 1996).[19][31] His marriage with Addolori finally ended in divorce in August 1997. He then married Benvin in December 1997 and remained married until his death, in June 2001.
Yep! Always married and keeping a honey (probably more) on the sideAnthony Quinn was a serial polygamist.
That movie was really funny.He also made a great cameo in John Candy's "Only the Lonely" alongside another great
Further about the virgin thing I want to say that there are no unicorns who come to poly! Just my own observation but when a woman comes to poly from outside of the life she's got problems she's trying to get away from or she's trying to fill a need that isn't being filled for her in the world. I'm guilty on both counts and in very big ways and have long cringed when people want to think I was some wholesome virgin from a nice family when I sought out this life. I appreciate the compliment but the truth is I was a hot mess. The same can be said for every woman I've seen come to this life from outside. Hot messes every last one of us!
Not that there aren't virgins who choose the life. But 100% of those that I've seen all grew up in this and most all of them want to be a first wife and not a 2nd or 3rd. One exception I've seen is when bff's marry the same guy and that always looks like an amazing blessing for that family.
There's a saying that says If she's hot and single she's crazy! and there's solid wisdom in that and I know because I resemble that statement!![]()
This is true.Cause the testimonies I've seen here aren't encouraging on that count.
Winner winner!!This is true.
But, in my limited experience, those who are successful are busy being successful and not using their excess time on forums.
This is true.
But, in my limited experience, those who are successful are busy being successful and not using their excess time on forums.
We received a great meat sauce for Christmas. It says on the bottle "Tried and tested on cooked animals".I can pet animals by the mouthful.
So you have more exposure to polygamous families than most here. What has been the success rate of polygamous families in your circles?
Cause the testimonies I've seen here aren't encouraging on that count.
Just my unscientific opinion but the families that do the best are led by a husband who grew up in the life. The men from outside have the hardest time with it. Even then it's a challenge and between social workers (Grrrrr!), legal issues, money issues, and then addictions it's not easy. And if there's no faith in God to tie the family together it gets even harder and I'll be fair to say that about church families. The families that have a real faith do the best.
I'd say a bit more than half of poly families I've seen make a success of it.
Is that also due to declining marriage rates as well?Since then it has been declining and now stands at about 33%, or 1 in 3 marriages will likely end in divorce.