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Rent a wife in Thailand.

Maybe. It's cultural thing.
I just reject the notion of sex for money under almost all circumstances.

short story time... maybe I have told it before, who knows. Not long enough for popcorn

dated a woman twice locally who responded to me with respect to plural marriage.
second date she wanted me to hang out at her place. Saw that she intended to try to hook me with nookie pretty quick and tried to minimize the fact that she had two young children. 4 and 5 years old more or less.
I am not looking for new sex partners. That is not part of my reason for plural marriage, so when she left me alone for a while to change and apparently take a shower...even my big dumb ass can figure out what that is signaling...I looked around in the kitchen. Yesh. I am nosey but the place was a craphole and I felt bad for the kids.
There was no food. Not just no food by the standards of the guy who thought Bert Gummer was a wuss of a prepper but literally almost nothing for the children to eat.

So, I made my excuses soon there after and left when I could. Made sure I got that she would be around the next morning and then shopped for her and her kids the next day.. some at Sam's, some at Aldi and some at restaurant depot. It was a few hundred dollars and several boxes worth.
like I said,, prepper...so I know how to shop in bulk for food. They were set for a while.

no fake virtue signal thing or oooh look at my good deed. Hell no.
The idea that she was willing with a stranger in hopes of providing better for her kids just freaked me out.
So I did what I could for the kids and talked to her a bit about polygamy. Confirmed that she was just looking for a home with anyone who would have her and tried to give her what advice I could and wished her well.
Told her to call me if there was a food emergency etc but she never did
Maybe Thai girls are more open and commercial.
Probably so
I am fine with aspects of marriage being a simple arrangement and know how that was tue most common case in much of history. I suppose I was just lucky. I have loved each of my wives and was willing to love the other which nearly became a wife.
soppy romantic or what have you... transactional is fine as far as it goes but maybe I am greedy
How much Western girls are interested in what lifestyle her man can provide to her? This is same transaction. Her body for his money.
Don't I know it.
Just wouldn't be playing a part in thst game even with big bucks to swing around
This is one of reason I put emphasis on attraction and sexuality. It moves deal toward sex for sex instead of commerciality.

This will sound weird but what else is news.

I really don't think about the shenanigans issue that much in the context of a new marriage.
Maybe I am being a bit extreme in my compartmentalizing but since I don't know if I will meet this woman or who she is or what she is like, it just isn't on my mental radar.

Like the idea naturally but just think it fits better in the context of the individuals and tough for me to use broad strokes
I forget what they were called, but there was a similar practice in South Korea that many US servicemen availed themselves of. They would rent a house, and a temporary wife came with it who took care of all the man's needs, including the mundane boot shine and such. It was his house and the agreement (kept or not) was she would have no other men.
I would think everyone on this forum would agree that one of the men here taking in one of these girls (no matter how young) is preferable to the girl becoming a prostitute.

The issue really comes down to legality. Since these girls surely start in the sex trade before they are "of age" legally (usually at the natural age for sex, but sadly sometimes when pre-pubescent) and either their parent/guardian is okay with it or they have already been kidnapped (kidnapping from a kidnapper still makes you a kidnapper, unless you turn the girl over to the authorities) what this would basically end up becoming is kidnapping.
Exactly. I'm assuming this is similar to the situation in the Phillipines, which I am more familiar with as we support a charity there that works with at-risk children. The women in such a service have likely been in the sex trade for some time, and they tend to start as children. It's an extremely difficult issue to correct. When a family is very poor, if the parents are bad they may directly pimp their children for money, while if the parents are good but in a difficult financial situation the child may be enticed away by others offering food and money. Either way, it's really early.

You cannot counter this by marrying them instead, because they are too young for marriage. The strategy that works is to support them to be children - get them into school (children that are in school are far less likely to be kidnapped than children roaming the streets), and help the family have enough food and other necessities so they are not forced into this.

There is definitely a place to rescue these young women out of prostitution through marriage once they are old enough. But not before.
An answer would honestly be to just amass our own wealth and power bases to basically be able to support groups of people. Have property for them to rent, jobs to give them to let them pay their rent and form a community out of it (I realize this could just describe serfdom).
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Since I first came across the reference to renting a wife on YouTube, I've now seen more of them. It's interesting that Thai women treat it as normal and acceptable for relationships. I would think many of those women who are temporary rent-wives end up with high body-counts and all the associated health problems. Why is there such a strong disconnect with women not wanting to be a permanent wife even in a plural-wife family? Even from just a purely logical foundation it's got to be better than being a short term rent-wife.
Why is there such a strong disconnect with women not wanting to be a permanent wife even in a plural-wife family?
Is there evidence that they don’t want a permanent relationship?
I would assume that they “hope against hope” that this man will keep them. Either that, or they are just hopeless and this is the best temporarily.
That they don’t accept polygyny easily is just a cultural thing, is my assumption.

Either which way, this is a form of concubineage. 😱
And that's what is weird because some seem to practice what they don't accept culturally.

Wait. Are you telling me there are weirdos out there practicing polygamy now today...even though the culture says they shouldn't!?!

What naughty scamps
Didn't even thought about that.

I just noticed you have all assumed these women just be unmarriable. Rest is creativity.
This is my Ministry! Unpopular, Misunderstood yet every brick washed can be made clear to build His Kingdom!
We are King's and Priest in His Kingdom and our Children will GLORIFY Hashem!
I would think everyone on this forum would agree that one of the men here taking in one of these girls (no matter how young) is preferable to the girl becoming a prostitute.

The issue really comes down to legality. Since these girls surely start in the sex trade before they are "of age" legally (usually at the natural age for sex, but sadly sometimes when pre-pubescent) and either their parent/guardian is okay with it or they have already been kidnapped (kidnapping from a kidnapper still makes you a kidnapper, unless you turn the girl over to the authorities) what this would basically end up becoming is kidnapping.
You could keep the possible young in another house till age of legal age the country you live in and in America it's 18 on average, but it would keep your clear of any legal actions that might try to bring you down. But my advice is 18+ so you don't have any worries. You could always adopt any girl to young for marriage as a daughter.
Is there evidence that they don’t want a permanent relationship?
I would assume that they “hope against hope” that this man will keep them. Either that, or they are just hopeless and this is the best temporarily.
That they don’t accept polygyny easily is just a cultural thing, is my assumption.

Either which way, this is a form of concubineage. 😱
Okay, so who is going in on buy a compound in Thailand?
I think If we did a G-dly Ministry and as a part of it offered a service that matched people as a secondary service would be okay. Many G-dly Families in America would love and appreciate women from around the world to join their families.
I would think many of those women who are temporary rent-wives end up with high body-counts and all the associated health problems.
I don’t want women that have high body counts and have ****ed every dude in sight. Y’all can have them. No thanks.
A very interesting approach to recreational soul winning?
Read yesterday life story of girl from parish with 500 year old Catholic families.

Issue was with girl's fathers. They all wanted rich suitors in fishing community. Since best available was small business bunch of girls finished as spinster. Even parish priest couldn't do anything.

End result was guy creating convicts just to get wifey. It was only source of parish population growth.

Best was priest in marriage ceremony. Loud, Oooooooo, we have a convert here😃 followed by stern look toward spinsters. 😉

There is also Twitter account promoting Christian polygyny. He claims he was drug kingpin and had harem. Now he is Christian and still has multiple women. He claims Christian ladies are his unfavourite category. Too much false uncorrectable stuff in head.

He likes most gnostic girls. They already search truth which makes them easy to teach.

Maybe we need more to open our eyes.

It would be great to steal all polygyny interested potential wives from Muslims.