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Rent a wife in Thailand.

Is a woman sleeping around not as acceptable there?
It depends where they are living. In the big cities I think they are getting quite influenced by western culture and ungodly standards, so much the same as anywhere else. However, the small towns and rural areas are different, and it is regarded as shameful for a woman to be known for sleeping around. Actually, there are single women in those areas known and spoken of who have never "known a man" (to use biblical phraseology). If polygyny was understood and accepted, many of those women would be married and probably make excellent wives.
there are single women in those areas known and spoken of who have never "known a man"
Unlikely to happen here. A biblical man in search of a pure woman is very limited in his options. All have “known men”.
Unlikely to happen here. A biblical man in search of a pure woman is very limited in his options. All have “known men”.
There are more options, but I can see it is changing even here. As access to social media increases, so goes the reduction in moral values. Yet no one is beyond the reach of our Holy God who sanctifyies all He saves. And that includes men as well as women.
Well, since it's hard to find polygyny accepting wife from regular church ladies, then it's bloody obvious: we need new strategy.

Maybe Ukraine ladies have become more willing?
Ukraine virgins and war rape victims wanted for US Christian polygamy. I guess a group of ex-military might go take back some territory from Russia establishing a new state. (--just lampooning here--) So no government agency should get too excited.
Maybe some surplus cobras and Blackhawks are available somewhere? Ollie, where are you when I need you?
Well, since it's hard to find polygyny accepting wife from regular church ladies, then it's bloody obvious: we need new strategy.

Maybe Ukraine ladies have become more willing?
That sounds like a big project.

I can imagine a fist full of scenarios of how that could potentially work and none of them would be a casual proposition
Well, since it's hard to find polygyny accepting wife from regular church ladies, then it's bloody obvious: we need new strategy.
New strategy for you then: Find a monogamy accepting wife and enjoy monogamy. There are plenty of them among the church ladies.
New strategy for you then: Find a monogamy accepting wife and enjoy monogamy. There are plenty of them among the church ladies.
For those of us that know and walk in His Word, a 'wife' who "accepts monogamy" is unequally yoked, and thus not an etzer kenegdo, "suitable helpmeet."

If she won't hear my counsel, much less read His Word as Written, why should I not see what that means for submission to headship?
New strategy for you then: Find a monogamy accepting wife and enjoy monogamy. There are plenty of them among the church ladies.
No, thanks NO.

Church ladies and I are on mutually dislike terms. Main reason is different approach to sexuality.

Let's just say I hate purity culture. I hate this with passion. It this was building, I would nuke it, raise monument instead and establish state holiday.

Why can't you be cooperative and open to new ideas like @paterfamilias?

That sounds like a big project.

I can imagine a fist full of scenarios of how that could potentially work and none of them would be a casual proposition
I like your thinking.

Among worst sins of Western thinking is desire for realistic. It's code for let's cut ambition, instead of let's leverage creativity to keep ambition and overcome resource gap.
No, thanks NO.

Church ladies and I are on mutually dislike terms. Main reason is different approach to sexuality.

Let's just say I hate purity culture. I hate this with passion. It this was building, I would nuke it, raise monument instead and establish state holiday.

Why can't you be cooperative and open to new ideas like @paterfamilias?

I am mildly surprised.
In a choir full of stiff necks singing stiff necked hymns, I am the pope coming I to look on in stiff necked moralistic judgement.
I thought I was the stick in the cultural mud. Seriously.
On my one other semi social media outlet, I brag about being a cultural luddite.
Glad to see a positive representation out in the wild though so cheers for that.
I like your thinking.

Among worst sins of Western thinking is desire for realistic. It's code for let's cut ambition, instead of let's leverage creativity to keep ambition and overcome resource gap.

Walk me through a more expansive picture of what you have in mind.
Perhaps it is my brain that is the stick in the mud at the moment but it is failing to set in the mold that you have cast at this time
No, thanks NO.

Church ladies and I are on mutually dislike terms. Main reason is different approach to sexuality.

Let's just say I hate purity culture. I hate this with passion. It this was building, I would nuke it, raise monument instead and establish state holiday.

Why can't you be cooperative and open to new ideas like @paterfamilias?
Because I care about you and would like to see you actually manage to find one wife, which is why I'm actually the one encouraging you to be open to new ideas!

A hyper-focus on finding a polygamy-minded woman is liable to leave you single - you're searching for a unicorn. Most of us married monogamy-minded women, some of whom have grown in their faith to accept polygamy. I don't care if you find her in a church or a bar or at work. I don't care if you are all traditional about how you go about marrying her ("purity culture" as you put it), or if you just decide the two of you are committed and take her to bed. And I honestly don't care if you end up with one wife or five. I'm just sure that God has someone out there for you, and since your present attitude and actions aren't working to find her, I'm encouraging you to think outside the box. It's possible that she might be just outside your current field of vision, or it's possible that it's you who aren't ready for her and God wants you to change in some way before he reveals her.

So don't just listen to people who you think agree with you - it's enjoyable, but you don't learn much that way. Pay closer attention to those who disagree with you, as that's where you're likely to get new ideas.
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It somehow seems appropriate.

With the curious way the that youtube works, the algorithm spit out at me a few months ago some videos about dating and marriage over there. My guess is watching some killer panange curry recipes and plenty of searches on plural marriage. Probably good enough to try to convince me to marry a Thai girl.

It was weird.
The differences in culture, expectations and social signals etc.
I think I would be far more comfortable with a European or diaspora wife if I were going outside the US. Just easier to mesh would be my guess.
Maybe I would think differently if I had spent any time in Thailand but I doubt it. Maybe that is the fair amount of travel in Europe I have done prejudicing me but I don't remember having a particularly difficult time in any part of Europe as a scroungey backpacker staying in hostels or later as an older tourist driving back roads etc. Besides language, much is similar enough to not be particularly alien.

I can't imagine that it would be as pleasant for a Thai wife either being in an alien country and feeling out of step for years as she acclimated either.

And for the record, regardless of our meme man's notions about my being apparently more libertine than the group as a whole...I am not, the idea of taking over full time or part time possession of a rent a wife would be 100% off the table for me.
Not only against my own moral code but it seems entirely too risky on so many levels
I am mildly surprised.
In a choir full of stiff necks singing stiff necked hymns, I am the pope coming I to look on in stiff necked moralistic judgement.
I thought I was the stick in the cultural mud. Seriously.
On my one other semi social media outlet, I brag about being a cultural luddite.
Glad to see a positive representation out in the wild though so cheers for that.

Walk me through a more expansive picture of what you have in mind.
Perhaps it is my brain that is the stick in the mud at the moment but it is failing to set in the mold that you have cast at this time
I currently don't have anything specific. It's your good altitude.