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Segregation between the sexes

There is a serious problem here with girls pregnant to immediate family; i.e. incest. One of the local Baptist pastors told me of his concerns with the numbers in the congregation.

There are bad men and women everywhere, however our responsibility is to preach the gospel to them that they might be saved.

Exactly. 👍
Well, if people can't have children or it's too hard to have children with people from outside family, then incest is on.

Something tells me this small society is way more screwed up that it seems.

Incest is the strongest taboo.
Hate to say but some men think that just because you communicated with him once or twice that you're interested and the next thing you know he's picked out a house, names for the kids, suggestions for vacations with the grandkids, and etc.

I tend to be somewhat unfiltered in my conversations and men will sometimes misread this for intimacy. The result is anymore I tend to avoid in-person conversations with men until I get to know them better and they get to know me better.
I understand.

But it's not just I have given you phone number. It's also lack of him when to give up.

But I wonder do sometimes women don't want to offend man and end being too polite in rejection of man's advances which, if he is very direct type, he won't pick the clue. 🙄

Human communication is hardly simple. There can be problem with sender, receiver, medium of massage. To make fun better, they can all have party at same time.
What do you mean by "this small society"? @frederick is discussing the local culture he lives in in the Philippines, which isn't exactly small. Did you misunderstand what he was talking about?
I thought it was just smaller town since we mentioned speaking with pastor.

Highly unlikely do be issue in cities (too much choice and freedom) and since it was local issue, it would naturally be smaller place.
@Ruth Elizabeth Excellent points, some I didn't even consider. I have to remember that I'm looking at this from more of a westernized view and that its intent within some cultures could be for entirely different purposes.

What piqued my interest in the entire thing is that I love watching UFC fights, and some of the best fighters are Muslim men from Dagestan, Russia. People from the US are always trash-talking their culture, so I began looking more into it. Most people would most likely consider their culture oppressive to women, but they actually appear to be respectful towards women. They just think men and women have different roles, and that shouldn't change.

One young girl asked one of the best fighters in the world, Khabib, a question; she asked, "What advice would you give any young girl wanting to get into fighting/the UFC?" Khabib responded, "Save all the fighting for the house with your husband." Also, in their culture the men won't shake hands with or touch women other than their wives or relatives. Westernized women get offended by this, but Khabib holds his hand over his heart and kindly explains to the women that it's out of respect for them. He doesn't think men should touch women they aren't married to, especially if these women "belong to another man." Another example: one of the interviews was trying to bait him into speaking badly about the ring girls because people assume that men in his culture look down on the ring girls, but he didn't take the bait. Instead he responded,, "they're nice women, but they're not mine. Let's not talk about other men's women and what they permit them to do." And, Khabib's father often joked about how Khabib is the best fighter in the world, but within his marriage, his wife is actually the boss 😆
@Ruth Elizabeth Excellent points, some I didn't even consider. I have to remember that I'm looking at this from more of a westernized view and that its intent within some cultures could be for entirely different purposes.

What piqued my interest in the entire thing is that I love watching UFC fights, and some of the best fighters are Muslim men from Dagestan, Russia. People from the US are always trash-talking their culture, so I began looking more into it. Most people would most likely consider their culture oppressive to women, but they actually appear to be respectful towards women. They just think men and women have different roles, and that shouldn't change.

One young girl asked one of the best fighters in the world, Khabib, a question; she asked, "What advice would you give any young girl wanting to get into fighting/the UFC?" Khabib responded, "Save all the fighting for the house with your husband." Also, in their culture the men won't shake hands with or touch women other than their wives or relatives. Westernized women get offended by this, but Khabib holds his hand over his heart and kindly explains to the women that it's out of respect for them. He doesn't think men should touch women they aren't married to, especially if these women "belong to another man." Another example: one of the interviews was trying to bait him into speaking badly about the ring girls because people assume that men in his culture look down on the ring girls, but he didn't take the bait. Instead he responded,, "they're nice women, but they're not mine. Let's not talk about other men's women and what they permit them to do." And, Khabib's father often joked about how Khabib is the best fighter in the world, but within his marriage, his wife is actually the boss 😆
Khabib looked as example till last sentence.
Lol, he really is. I don't think it's that bad, I think his father was just trying to embarrass him a little. Khabib just loves his wife and family a lot and his father is a little more strict.
I am not sure what you meant by this statement. It sounds like equating strictness with less love or said another way, more love equals less adherence to traditional biblical roles within a family.
Is that tracking or do you believe that lots of love can also be in a marriage where there is tight adherence to traditional biblical roles within a marriage?
I am not sure what you meant by this statement. It sounds like equating strictness with less love or said another way, more love equals less adherence to traditional biblical roles within a family.
Is that tracking or do you believe that lots of love can also be in a marriage where there is tight adherence to traditional biblical roles within a marriage?
I wasn't really stating my personal opinion. I was attempting to explain the difference in Khabib's household and his father's but did a poor job of it. Khabib shows his love by not being as strict, and everyone seems more comfortable in his household, but his father shows his love by being the old-school hardass that is sometimes also needed. I think their families benefit from both. Khabib certainly did.
What piqued my interest in the entire thing is that I love watching UFC fights, and some of the best fighters are Muslim men from Dagestan, Russia. People from the US are always trash-talking their culture, so I began looking more into it. Most people would most likely consider their culture oppressive to women, but they actually appear to be respectful towards women. They just think men and women have different roles, and that shouldn't change.
True. It is a very bad thing to trash-talk a group of people without any definite proof. And especially since cultures are different.
I had a good muslim friend in the US. They were from NY and were very muslim. Her dad didn't want her to learn how to drive because it wasn't a woman's place. I didn't find that offensive at all. It's very different, and a bit extreme but it's not something that is going to damage her or anyone else so I didn't care.

I actually have had a lot of muslim friends. So what I have said about them comes from experience rather than just hearsay. I used to not comment on them until I actually met a lot of them and lived in areas where they were pre-dominant 😅
The westernised muslims are pretty normal. From outwards appearance they tend to treat women well. I mean they treated me, my friends, and any other girls I saw around them well. It was more especially that way in countries that had been taken over like Albania, and the people who weren't straight muslim descendants, though the religion was forced.
In my experience the more they tout how well they treat women the more I feel wary of them. Because the ones that just treat women like women don't need to explain away everything they do.

I feel like there are two-sides of the muslim group, just as how there are in polygamy. There are the good ones who are trying to live their religion and love their families, and then there are the extremely perverse ones who are very extreme in their laws and the executions of them and don't view women as anything but a means to an end.
One young girl asked one of the best fighters in the world, Khabib, a question; she asked, "What advice would you give any young girl wanting to get into fighting/the UFC?" Khabib responded, "Save all the fighting for the house with your husband." Also, in their culture the men won't shake hands with or touch women other than their wives or relatives. Westernized women get offended by this, but Khabib holds his hand over his heart and kindly explains to the women that it's out of respect for them. He doesn't think men should touch women they aren't married to, especially if these women "belong to another man."
He sounds like a nice guy, more especially because of his comment towards the ring girls :)
The city population is around 400k. Is that big or small for you?
Rather big. My hometown is 4X smaller.

Was thinking what exactly that pastor means by incest? Because definition depends on culture. Between parents and children it is practically always forbidden.

First cousins are tricky. Sometime cultures/laws do allow them, sometimes not.
Rather big. My hometown is 4X smaller.

Was thinking what exactly that pastor means by incest? Because definition depends on culture. Between parents and children it is practically always forbidden.

First cousins are tricky. Sometime cultures/laws do allow them, sometimes not.
Parent child, siblings, and other close family is common because extended family often live in close quarters.
Many, many evil men have taken advantage of this type of situation to violate women in the worst way. There are many wicked men who would take any opportunity to overpower an unsuspecting woman and she is left with the scars forever. Even if it is only 1 in 1,000 men that might do this, why take the chance. I'm not in charge of your family, but I would not recommend this.

It is my job to protect my women at any cost from harm. I personally would not put them in a position where there is a chance harm can come to them, even if it is a small chance. If that means they interact with a few less men, then so be it. It has nothing to do with trust. I trust my women completely. I don't trust random guys I don't know. By the way, I'm not alone with married women either.
And even more men haven't.
A woman can take care of herself. However, it is better if she is under the headship of godly husband who is taking even better care of her. For example, when I was single I could take care of certain aspects by myself. However, there were times when I struggled to get by. Under the headship of a godly husband I do not struggle in those aspects. Also, when a woman is under proper headship she experiences growth in every aspect of her being.
A woman can take care of herself. However, it is better if she is under the headship of godly husband who is taking even better care of her. For example, when I was single I could take care of certain aspects by myself. However, there were times when I struggled to get by. Under the headship of a godly husband I do not struggle in those aspects. Also, when a woman is under proper headship she experiences growth in every aspect of her being.

1. Yes, a properly trained and practiced woman can take care of herself and defend herself. Emphasis on training and practice.
2. Yes, we do better with a Godly husband who encourages and does not hinder our growth.