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Meat Sexual Duties & Children

Me: You know my wife has a sweet tooth, but I got her on medication to take care of that.
Steve: Are you trying to kill your wife?
Isaac: Chirp, Chirp, Chirp.
Me: How Dare you insinuate that I am trying to kill my wife of 18 years!
Isaac: I think you are overreacting a bit.

Double standard much?
Sorry to be so cryptic, but I just don’t have the time.
You know, it really doesn't take that much time to apologize. It takes some humility, but I think you have it in you.
Oh! I get it! It was a joke! HaHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wait! a joke about killing my wife! I just don't get it! I missed the punch line. I mean, you may think it's funny, but I think it is sick and twisted.
So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet, "I will open my mouth in memes, I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world"
Dude! That attempt at humor borders on blasphemy!
Ummm! Do you think blasphemy is a laughing matter?
Matt 13:35
So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: “I will open My mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden since the foundation of the world.”
a prophecy about the Messiah, directly identifying Christ as the fulfillment of that prophecy. I would shutter to have someone replace him with a reference to myself. I was raised to have quite a bit more reverence than to accept that!
Having read through your post, all that I can say is WOW, you have no intention of learning from anyone else’s mistakes.

To anyone else, I ate the standard American diet and I had my come to Jesus moment at deaths door as a mere lad of 47. I wasn’t able to do a day’s work for about 2.5 years. I got serious and changed my life.
I will be 67 next month and haven’t had a sick day in over 10 years. I work one of the tougher jobs in trucking, and regulations require that we not work over 70 hours in an 8 day period. I got my knowledge the hard way.
Ignore me, but time will tell the story and for many the awakening comes too late.
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Well do you or don't you think that blasphemy is a laughing matter? That is a simple yes or no question, and by your responses, it appears that you do, SMHS!
Having read through your post, all that I can say is WOW, you have no intention of learning from anyone else’s mistakes.

To anyone else, I ate the standard American diet and I had my come to Jesus moment at deaths door as a mere lad of 47. I wasn’t able to do a day’s work for about 2.5 years. I got serious and changed my life.
I will be 67 next month and haven’t had a sick day in over 10 years. I work one if the tougher jobs in trucking, and regulations require that we not work over 70 hours in an 8 day period. I got my knowledge the hard way.
Ignore me, but time will tell the story and for many the awakening comes too late.
I understand learning from other people's mistakes, but I take personal affront when someone insinuates that I would try to kill my wife. That seems to be difficult for some people around here to understand! Oh, and I do appreciate you referring to people my age, as mere lads! :)
I understand learning from other people's mistakes, but I take personal affront when someone insinuates that I would try to kill my wife. That seems to be difficult for some people around here to understand! Oh, and I do appreciate you referring to people my age, as mere lads! :)
I just got a chance to get on here for a minute and find that I’ve gotta play referee yet again.

@Daniel DeLuca, I’m fairly certain that @steve was asking that as a rhetorical question. Granted, it was a bit over the top and it would be great if he’d clarify if he meant it that way. (Hint, hint). But, Daniel, you’ve gone a bit overboard with the outrage IMO. It would save a lot of trouble if guys would do the whole “this is what it sounds like you’re saying, did you really mean to say that?” Thing before getting bent outa shape. Too much of that going on lately.

Where o where are the forum police when you need them. :)

Oh wait....
Some of us do productive things with our day.
I just got a chance to get on here for a minute and find that I’ve gotta play referee yet again.

@Daniel DeLuca, I’m fairly certain that @steve was asking that as a rhetorical question. Granted, it was a bit over the top and it would be great if he’d clarify if he meant it that way. (Hint, hint). But, Daniel, you’ve gone a bit overboard with the outrage IMO. It would save a lot of trouble if guys would do the whole “this is what it sounds like you’re saying, did you really mean to say that?” Thing before getting bent outa shape. Too much of that going on lately.

Some of us do productive things with our day.
Thanks! So @steve , Did you really mean to insinuate that I am trying to kill my wife, or not?
I had hiccups for three days straight, and pain in my esophagus, while I was working on my graduate degree. I did a little research on WebMD and found an article about GERD. I cut down on my caffeine intake, even though I was working full-time while taking 6 hours a week. I ended up sleeping through some classes, but managed to pull a decent GPA and earn my Master's in Computer Science. I still like to drink tea, but I don't drink as much as I used to, partially because I know how much I need to stay awake at work. I didn't miss work or stay home from classes during that time period, but it sure didn't feel good!
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