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Should husbands be friends with their wives?

I am referring to the infamous honeymoon period; which is followed by the 3/7 year itch that takes down many marriages. Sexual desire doesn't go away, but that romantic love (i.e. eros, lust) for the particular partner fades after a time.

I'll repeat my question . . .

I know I'm only 67, but when is the lust going to begin to fade?

Of course, we've only been married 34 years, and we only started dating 34 years and 1 month ago, but when is that eros going to die down?

It's more likely to affect women than men

Hence the often heard saying, "I love you but I'm not in love with you." as she heads out the door.

Uh oh! That's what I was afraid the answer might be!

Is Eros where we get the word error from?

Asking for a friend.
Also, Moses was a friend to God. The Father called certain people friends. You have to understand your position when it's time to adhere to authority.
Yes, and Jesus called His disciples friends. He used various forms of the word φίλος in John 15 to convey that to them and they understood His authority over them.